The trial court still has the authority to act in certain matters, such as setting an appeal bond, enforcing the final order if theres no such bond, and deciding motions to stay. (Ive never heard of anyone getting that.) Presumably, a motion based on the fact that a given lawyer is a neo-Luddite may succeed, but probably not for much longer; the court expects todays practitioners to keep up with technological changes. I sense that the court wants to reserve to itself the control of which amicus briefs may be filed; under the previous rule, the court could be forced to entertain an amicus brief based solely on the consent of the parties. WebAn appeal from an order of protection issued pursuant to 16.1-279.1 shall be given precedence on the docket of the court over other civil appeals taken to the circuit court from the district courts and shall be assigned a case number within two business days of receipt of such appeal. That goes for appendices, too, with a sharper drop-off; instead of filing ten and serving two, now the appellant files three and serves none. About. En banc briefing in Fourth Circuit WebRules of practice, procedure, and internal processes; promulgation by Supreme Court; amendments; summary disposition of appeals. The court publicized a draft policy last year, and yesterdays order is the final version. The court also: That, you will appreciate, is quite a haul. One last point: lawyers who file page-limits briefs are often practicing a form of defensive lawyering. Original jurisdiction in matters The court may, in any case, after reasonable notice to counsel in the appellate court, award a writ of certiorari to the clerk of the trial court and have brought before it, when part of a record is omitted, the whole or any part of such record. In other interlocutory appeals, such as certified questions, the trial court can press on with the case unless one court or the other issues a stay. Ill add one word of caution: Like any other amendment, you must get leave of court to do this. Mostly it just sets out what the law of finality has long held. The current rule lays down the 21-day rule: All final judgments, orders, and decrees, irrespective of terms of court, shall remain under the control of the trial court and subject to be modified, vacated, or suspended for twenty-one days after the date of entry, and no longer. Theres an exception listed for criminal appeals. The changes will take effect on August 1. The Supreme Court has always had a procedure for immediate review of injunctions, in Rule 5:17A, based on Code 8.01-626. WebSupreme Court of Virginia to conduct the formal appeal in an impartial manner pursuant to Va. Code 9-6.14:12 and 32.1-325.1 and these regulations. Rule 5A:6 - Notice of Appeal. Now, the court may direct additional briefing when it grants en banc rehearing of a panel decision. but its excellent advice. The change, effective April See Wellmore Coal Corp. v. Harman Mining Corp., 264 Va. 279 (2002) for a harsh example. Changes in briefs and appendices(order 4) Petition-stage reply briefs. Either court may reject the filing if it unfairly expand[s] the scope of the arguments on brief. In addition, if you should have previously briefed it, the courts might disregard the new material. The process is purloined from FRAP 28(j), and provides for very limited discussion of the new authority. The Supreme Court has announced changes to three rules affecting the Court of Appeals of Virginia. This also carries out a Boyd Graves recommendation. There may well be a companion rule change for the CAV soon; Ill be on the lookout for that. Last Thursday, without any fuss, the court quietly amended Rule 5:6, Forms of Briefs and Other Papers, to remove the requirement that Supreme Court briefs must be printed in Arial, Courier, or Verdana. Those rules permit amicus briefs at any stage of the case, including rehearing, but contain an unchanging page limit of 50 pages even if the amicus brief supports a ten-page petition for rehearing. If a notice of appeal from the circuit court is filed with only the signature of an attorney or other purported representative who is not then authorized to practice law in the Commonwealth, a later notice of appeal in the same proceeding on behalf of the same party or parties and relating to the same judgment or order-if properly executed by an attorney qualified to practice law in Virginia, and filed within 90 days after the original-shall relate back to the date of filing of the original notice of appeal. What if the lower courts ruling comports perfectly with existing law, but youre arguing for a reversal of that law? Sess. Importantly, the trial court retains the authority to modify, suspend, or vacate a final order for a full 21 days, even if an aggrieved party notes an appeal on Day 12. A storyin todays New York Times describes efforts by nothing less than the president of the American Academy of Appellate Lawyers to stop the reduction. ), One last point: This change only applies in the Supreme Court of Virginia. Effective January 2, 2015, the Fourth Circuitamendedits Local Rule 35. 21-0517 Long ago, it took a petition for appeal to divest the trial court of jurisdiction. Ill list the URL for the website here, although as I type this, the site isnt live yet: Amendment to Rule 4:5, Proposed The new rules are the courts response to the public-access problem identified in The Daily Press v. OES (2017). WebIts time for a look around the Virginia appellate world. Those are final even if the court doesnt go on to grant judgment for a given party. I kept my opinion to myself that day, but here it is for you to see: You guys are nuts. You may have to defer your victory celebration, however, in the event that tenacious adversary elects to file a motion for permission to appeal to the Court of Appeals to seek one last bite at the apple. The good news, if you prevailed in the Appellate Division, is that the Court of Appeals rarely grants motions for permission to appeal. The complexity of this process might very well be designed to dissuade foreign attorneys from using the PHV procedures; as well, local clerks of court might view the whole thing as an unfunded mandate whereby they have to undertake a lot of effort in recordkeeping and administration, but they get no part of the $250 fee. Commitment Proceedings, Proposed Appeals to the Court of Appeals, Division of Legislative Automated Systems (DLAS). Starting in May, you cant propound more than thirty requests, unless you get a court order. Relax; if youre a technophobe, you can use your secretarys email account. I believe that the justices could have prevented any ambiguity by placing the rule in Part 3 instead, where it seems to belong. The second order reduces the number of paper copies of merits briefs that must be filed in the Supreme Court, from ten copies to three, and in the Court of Appeals, from four copies to three. B. Upon the granting of a motion to dismiss under Rule 27, the case shall be dismissed from the docket of the Intermediate Court or the Supreme Court. 5, 1990), affd en banc Lee v. One order reduces the number of paper copies of the appendix that must be filed in the Court of Appeals, from four copies to three. (Posted August 31, 2018) Lawyers facing tricky finality issues have in the past had to comb through the annals of Virginia Reports to figure out whether a given order is final and appealable or not. 1984, c. 703; 1987, c. 710; 2003, c. 109; 2021, Sp. The only way to proceed safely is to seek leave to amend during the pendency of your existing lawsuit. Yesterday, the Supreme Court made our job a bit easier, promulgating significant changes to Rule 1:1. Those folks often wind up with a 2,000 page appendix, of which perhaps 175 pages are truly relevant. No matter how prominently the order states that its final no matter how much bolding and underlining there is if it doesnt meet this definition, then it isnt final. Amendment to Rule 5:21, Proposed If a trial court vacates a final order after a notice of appeal hits the clerks office, that moots the appeal. When, prior to the commencement of trial, the circuit court has entered in any pending civil action an order granting or denying a plea of sovereign, absolute, or qualified immunity that, if granted, would immunize the movant from compulsory participation in the proceeding, the order is eligible for immediate appellate review. I also recall discussion of this as a proposed rule at last years ABA Appellate Summit, when some lawyers fumed about the potential loss of pages, while the rest of us kept our mouths shut. Draft Rules Governing Unlicensed Attorney Filings, Revised The court has the right to decide for itself how much weight to assign to unpublished opinions. Jun. Arial is denser, in that you can get more words onto a given page, so it was the default choice for lawyers with logorrhea, those for whom a 35-page limit is a formidable and painful constraint. The anticipated effective date of the changes is December 1, 2016, so I suspect you should still have an opportunity for some input at one stage or another. Amends the uniform pretrial scheduling order to change from 15 to 30 days before trial the deadline to designate portions of depositions to be used at trial in lieu of live testimony. Rule 3A:11 related to Criminal Discovery. Discovery limitations Here is a hyperlink to the new rule. Out of State Lawyers: When Allowed to There, the appellate court gets full control over the part of the case thus appealed, but the trial court still can act in any unappealed portion, absent a formal stay. Appeals to the Court of Appeals. The Supreme Court of Virginia wholly rewrites Rule 1A:4, effective February 1, 2007, in an order issued on Tuesday, November 28. Im told that then-Justice Agee suggested this after noting that federal briefing rules require 14-point. Youre probably also engaging in defensive lawyering, throwing in any potentially winning argument for fear of leaving a case-winner on the table. General rule WebRule 20 argument. WebAt any time after an appeal is docketed, a party to the appeal may file a motion to dismiss for failure to comply with the Rules of Appellate Procedure or for other just cause. These changes didnt come without stern opposition from a surprising source: appellate lawyers themselves. The new provision expressly permits you to do that. Within thirty days of entry of the judgment being appealed, the party appealing shall file the notice of appeal, including attachments required in the notice of appeal form contained in Appendix A of these Rules. The Court of Appeals of Virginia provides appellate review of circuit court decisions in civil, criminal, and administrative agency Military Spouse Provisional Admission, Proposal to Replace Shall in the Rules of Court (September 4, 2020), Proposed amendments to the Alternative Pretrial Order for Eminent Domain Cases, Form 3-A, Proposal on Live Testimony from Remote Locations Using Video Technology, The Advisory Committee on Rules of Court in Virginia Seeks Public Comment on Two Pending Proposed Rule Amendments Relating to Depositions in Discovery, The Supreme Court of Virginia Requests Public Comment on a Proposed Comment to a Rule of Professional Conduct, Proposal to Replace Shall in the Rules of Court (April 12, 2019 through July 12, 2019), The Supreme Court of Virginia to Consider New Rule Related to Digital Exhibits and Pleadings, The Supreme Court of Virginia to Consider New Rules Related to Access to Judicial Records, Supreme Court of Virginia to Consider New Rules Related to Jurisdictional Transfer During Appeal of Final Judgment and Amendments to Rules Related to the Filing of a Notice of Appeal, Revised Proposal for Limited Scope Representation Rule (April 17, 2018 through August 1, 2018), Limited-Scope Representation (December 1, 2017 to March 1, 2018). of Virginia, Order declining to adopt the proposal of the Special Committee on Criminal Discovery Rules to revise Rules 3A:11, 3A:12, 7C:5, 8:15 and adopt Rule 3A:12.1, Amendments Arranged The third order brings the rules into compliance with some legislative changes that passed this year. Procedure for Filing an Appeal from the Trial Court, Rule 5A:8 - Record on Appeal: Transcript or Written Statement. Provisional Bar admission By far the safer practice is to regard the earlier date as the trigger, though this rule doesnt expressly address the question.). Economy, both of litigation costs and of judicial time, requires that we enforce Rule 5A:18 in all cases. Lee v. Lee, 394 S.E.2d 490, 491 (Va. Ct. App. November session. and the practice and procedures used in the courts of the Commonwealth. Rule 20 argument. The time for public comment has passed, but if the Judicial Conferences advisory committees decide that they like these suggestions, theyll forward the matter to the Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure. in the Courtroom Policy, Supreme Court of Virginia Informational Pamphlet, Amendments to Rules of the Supreme Court of Virginia, Amendments Arranged by Rule, with Amendments Tracked, Proposed Amendments to Rules of the Supreme Court of Virginia, Call for Comment on Draft Revisions to Rules of Court, Prior Requests for Comments on Draft Revisions to Rules of Court, Judges of the Court of Appeals of Virginia, Court of Appeals of Virginia Informational Pamphlet, Virginia Judiciary E-Filing System (VJEFS), Court-Appointed Counsel Procedures & Guidelines Manual, Alphabetical Listing of Commissioners of Accounts, Guardians and Conservators of Incapacitated Adults, Records Management and Retention, Library of Virginia, Unclaimed Property Division, Virginia Department of the Treasury, Individual General District Court Homepages, General District Court Civil Filing Fee Calculation, Virginia Date of Birth Confirmation (VDBC), Payments Online (General District Courts Only), General District Courts Informational Pamphlet, Licensed Property and Surety Bail Bondsmen, Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court, Individual Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court Homepages, Pay Criminal and Other Cases in a Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court, Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court Manual, Assistance with Protective Orders (I-CAN! There are no tree-huggers on the court or at least not enough to make a majority. To make it final in the former case, there must be a judgment of dismissal. 98 Va. at 277. Limit of Requests for Admissions; Rule 4:11(e), Proposed the Rules of the Supreme Court of Virginia. Well, get ready for bad news: by pending rule change, the federal page limits are getting shorter, as of December 1. In most appeals, I can inflict more damage in ten pages than I can in twenty. The Court decided against paring back reply briefs, leaving that limit at 6,000 words. Therell be a new Rule 5:13A (and a companion new Rule 5A:10A in the CAV) that recognizes the emerging use of case imaging systems in trial courts that have arranged for e-filing of pleadings and other documents. Do you believe you can be twice as persuasive in forty pages as you can in twenty? In this context, the new rule doesnt apply at all in the lower courts, so aggrieved litigants have to get it right the first time. There, the court incorporates into its rules the long-standing definition of a final order: if it disposes of the entire matter before the court, including all claim(s) and all cause(s) of action against all parties, gives all the relief contemplated, and leaves nothing to be done by the court except the ministerial execution of the courts judgment, order or decree.. If your browser doesnt open PDFs with Acrobat Reader, download (save) the form and then open it using Acrobat Reader, rather than opening it within your browser. WebCOURT OF APPEALS OF VIRGINIA Rules of Court: Code of Virginia, Volume 11- Part Five A Jurisdiction of Court of Appeals: 17.1-405 & 17.1-406 To appeal a civil case to Code 8.01-3 also addresses the rulemaking authority of Well know for sure when the court deletes the fax number entirely from the signature block. Thats calendar days, not business days; and you dont get an extension for service by mailing. Theres a notable change in Rule 5:26(b) that eliminates another anomaly in the current rules. Make your practice more effective and efficient with Casetexts legal research suite. Wholesale change to petitions for review(order 1) The Constitution of Virginia gives the Supreme Court of Virginia original jurisdiction: in cases of habeas corpus, mandamus, and prohibition; to consider claims of actual innocence presented by convicted felons in such cases and in such manner as may be provided by the General Assembly; in matters of judicial censure, retirement, and WebAbout the Court of Appeals of Virginia. Any process that allows an appeal to be decided on the merits instead of by procedural default is good by me. Second, this rule change only affects practice in the Supreme Court. The changes are effective September 1. The new version of Rule 5:17A also comports with the courts established practice of review by a three-justice panel, instead of a single justice as the existing rule provides. Currently, parties may appeal the interlocutory grant or denial of temporary injunctions, but not permanent ones that appear in final-judgment orders. Theres a wholly new Rule 5A:38 for comparable review of injunctions in the Court of Appeals. The term "other incidents of the case" in this subsection includes motions, proffers, objections, and rulings of the trial court regarding any issue that a party intends to assign as error or otherwise address on appeal. You may also contact the [emailprotected]. WebProcedure for Filing an Appeal from the Trial Court ( 5A:6 5A:10A) Procedure for Filing an Appeal from the Workers' Compensation Commission ( 5A:11) Procedure on Petition Listen and View Court of Appeals Oral Arguments Live. 10:00 a.m. Mark Musick, Assessor of Monongalia County and Matthew R. Irby, State Tax Commissioner v. Beta Theta Pi Fraternity of W.V.U., Inc. Nos. Petitions for rehearing. The first two orders are up on the courts website, and you can see them by clicking on the links above. Order Certifying Question; Petitioner's Brief; Make your practice more effective and efficient with Casetexts legal research suite. Now we have clear guidance. Again, the new language just reaffirms previousVirginiacaselaw. Creating a Report: Check the sections you'd like to appear in the report, then use the "Create Report" button at the bottom of the page to generate your report. And subsection (e) expressly addresses the problem in Wellmore Coal, allowing a corrected notice of appeal to be filed within 90 days, with the amendment also relating back. Many years ago, the Supreme Court of Virginia shortened the briefs it had to consume. It did so, not by changing the page limits, but by increasing the required type size from 12-point to 14-point. If you have something to file in your local trial court a notice of appeal, appeal bond, transcript, etc. In an era where an appalling percentage of appeals die premature deaths, its nice to have a procedural mechanism to reduce that toll somewhat. Instead, the court has published on its website a List of Acceptable Fonts with a whopping twelve font names. (Posted March 29, 2017) Last week I mentioned the impending change to Rule 5:17(a) on the deadline for filing petitions for appeal. WebThe Supreme Court of Virginia has amended the Rules of Court to add a new provision relating to the award of attorneys fees at the appellate level. made on these Rules. The notice of appeal, including attachments, shall be filed in the Office of the Clerk as required by Rule 38. Beginning January 1, the procedure for filing amicus briefs will change. Please note that, just like the addresses on my mailing lists, I will never disclose your address to anyone and will not reveal who has asked for these notifications. by Rule, with Amendments Tracked, Amendments to Rules 5:17A, 5A:3, 5A:6, 5A:12, 5A:12A, 5A:13, and 5A:32. And when a trial court sustains a demurrer but grants leave to amend, that creates finality if the plaintiff doesnt amend by the stated deadline. The ends-of-justice standard already exists in Rule 5:25, the contemporaneous-objection rule, so the new provision already has an existing body of interpretive caselaw. I know that many folks still use fax machines, but I suspect this technology will be going the way of the telegram before long. If youre in GDC or JDR and hope to get the benefit of this tolling provision, please note that you wont get it. The Court of Appeals. Changes to Rules 5A:5, 5A:20, and 5A:21 take effect Aug. 15. Theres a minor change again, in both courts that reflects changes in technology over the past 25 years. Heres a follow-up, addressing two more that may affect your practice. At the annual meeting of the Council of Appellate Lawyers, an ABA appellate body, lawyer after lawyer railed against the proposed reduction. Papers, Proposed You are no longer constrained to use one of only three distasteful options when it comes to fonts for your appellate pleadings. Civil Remedies and Procedure Chapter 26.1. Starting onJuly 1, it eliminates a glaring difference between civil and criminal appeals. WebIf a judge of the Court of Appeals is absent or unable through sickness, disability, or any other reason to perform or discharge any official duty or function authorized or required ), American Bar Association (ABA) Center on Children and the Law, Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Courts Informational Pamphlet, National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, Map Showing Virginias Magisterial Regions, Chapter 3 of Title 19.2 of the Code of Virginia, Training Standards and Appointment Guidelines, General Contact Information for All Courts, Assistant Executive Secretary and Counsel, Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court Services, Map Showing Virginias Magisterial Regions, Court-Specific Information for Filing Protective Order Petitions, Virginia Appellate Courts Electronic System (VACES), Circuit Court Civil Filing Fee Calculation, For Incapacitated Adults Listed by District, Justices, Judges, Clerks and Chief Magistrates, Searchable Mediator Directory (by qualifications), Judicial Conference of Virginia for District Courts, National Judicial Administration Organizations, Bail Bondsmen (Licensed Property and Surety), Listing of Qualified Guardians Ad Litem for Children by District (Map), Listing of Qualified Guardians Ad Litem for Adults by District (Map), Alternative Dispute Resolution Organizations, Mediation An anomaly in the current rules requires an appellant to sign the petition for appeal, but doesnt require the appellee to sign the brief in opposition. You may submit your thoughts on the idea until June 30; instructions are on page 2 of the press release. The current Rule 5:17(a)(1) states that the deadline is three months after entry of the judgment order; the new rule converts that to 90 days. But still, this order makes a number of sensible changes to streamline procedures. in the Courtroom Policy, Supreme Court of Virginia Informational Pamphlet, Amendments to Rules of the Supreme Court of Virginia, Amendments Arranged by Rule, with Amendments Tracked, Proposed Amendments to Rules of the Supreme Court of Virginia, Call for Comment on Draft Revisions to Rules of Court, Prior Requests for Comments on Draft Revisions to Rules of Court, Judges of the Court of Appeals of Virginia, Court of Appeals of Virginia Informational Pamphlet, Virginia Judiciary E-Filing System (VJEFS), Court-Appointed Counsel Procedures & Guidelines Manual, Alphabetical Listing of Commissioners of Accounts, Guardians and Conservators of Incapacitated Adults, Records Management and Retention, Library of Virginia, Unclaimed Property Division, Virginia Department of the Treasury, Individual General District Court Homepages, General District Court Civil Filing Fee Calculation, Virginia Date of Birth Confirmation (VDBC), Payments Online (General District Courts Only), General District Courts Informational Pamphlet, Licensed Property and Surety Bail Bondsmen, Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court, Individual Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court Homepages, Pay Criminal and Other Cases in a Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court, Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court Manual, Assistance with Protective Orders (I-CAN! Information Regarding Petitions for Appeal Docketed for a Writ Panel Hearing, Information Regarding Pending Appeals that Have Been Granted, Justices of the Supreme Court of Virginia, Instructions for Qualification as Corporate Counsel Before this Court, Instructions for Attorneys Arguing Granted Cases Before the Court, Procedures for Obtaining a Certificate of Good Standing from the Clerk of the Supreme Court, Supreme Court of Virginia Computers The judges arent getting any younger, and lamentable things happen to the eyesight of a person whos hit the big five-oh. There, an attorney admitted pro hac vice signed and filed a notice of appeal. the Supreme Court of Virginia. I have previously posted a summary of the rules related to citation of unpublished opinions in the three appellate courts that sit in Virginia. Circuit Court Order 21-0521. This is a form of cowardice, and it costs your client in the metric that matters most: the ability of your brief to actually persuade the reader. Orders of the Supreme Court of Virginia amending Today marks the institution of modifications to two federal rules relating to appellate courts. A minor amendment to Rule 5:19(b) addresses what Ive always felt was an unfair provision in the current rules. (This leaves one pregnant question: If the plaintiff has, say, 14 days to amend, but doesnt do so, do appellate deadlines start ticking on the date of the order, or on day 15? (The Supreme Court has the authority and the responsibility to make rules for the Court of Appeals.) The court retitles Rule 1:11 to Motion to Strike the Evidence. The previous title was Striking the Evidence. And the court amends a single clause in Rule 3:20, dealing with summary judgment. But starting in February, foreign attorneys must file a verified application, including his or her disciplinary status in all jurisdictions of regular bar admission, and pay a $250 per case fee. Contact and Operational Information. Effective July 1, 2010, new rules took effect for the Supreme Court of Virginia. Until now, when I had only those three choices, I used Verdana. First, it eliminates the practice of parties agreeing to execute and file a global consent for any and all amicus briefs. The Fourth is still in the process of implementing and debugging its CM/ECF system (thats Case Management/Electronic Case Filing, for the Luddite crowd), and probably wont have that finished until some time in the spring of 2007; actual e-filing probably wont even be authorized, much less mandated, for several months after that. You have been warned. When his team discovered the problem, they filed an amended notice, signed by local counsel. WebCourt of Appeals of Virginia . WebSupreme Court Proceedings. That seems odd to me, and Im not sure why the court made this change. The rule contains a procedure for very prompt review of injunctions by a Supreme Court justice. The power of appellate jurisdiction is the power of a court to review decisions and change outcomes of decisions of lower courts. Most appellate jurisdiction is legislatively created, and may consist of appeals by leave of the appellate court or by right. New Supreme Court Rule on Awards of Appellate Attorneys Fees, The Supreme Court of Virginia has amended the Rules of Court to add a new provision relating to the award of attorneys fees at the appellate level. The second FRAP change will not have much of an immediate impact, but when it finally does kick in in full force, it will dramatically change at least one aspect of federal appellate practice. In his wonderful book, The Winning Brief, Bryan Garner urges that you strive to halve your page limits. That may seem unthinkable only 7,000 words for a merits brief? Right now, an amicus curiae can only file a brief in the course of an appeal. The new statutory change eliminates that criminal-appeals-only limitation, so starting in July, if the justices find a good enough reason to do so, theyll be able to extend the deadline in civil appeals, too. Oral-argument notices. Both courts get a new provision that states that if the Clerk directs you to correct an erroneous filing, but you dont do that in time, your appeal can be dismissed. This change is welcome in my eyes; it eliminates the possibility of an ambiguity. Casetext, Inc. and Casetext are not a law firm and do not provide legal advice. The third one isnt up yet, because it just came down today. Note that this change only applies in the Supreme Court; Court of Appeals brief requirements have not changed (at least for now). If so, then according to Garrison Keillor, theres a support group for you; its called On-and-On-Anon. The new provision empowers the court to grant the motion, reflecting that summary judgment sometimes is appropriate for less than the full claim. That may not sound like a big deal, but it is. But the Supreme Court moved the PFJ rule to Part 1, containing General Rules Applicable to All Proceedings, instead of Part 3, Practice and Procedure in Civil Actions.. The order that carries this out also contains a few minor alterations, such as replacing the wordpaperswithdocumentsin appropriate contexts. Why are you lobbying for the right to file long briefs? The court has made most of those changes, though it alas! This will drag some circuits, kicking and screaming, into a new era of more liberal citation rules. uke, JrLm, fSuMmn, qZR, ROhPQ, mJuQV, zlhuP, jMf, JHVidp, sXyz, kGh, mxAvO, UyQ, BKkzOt, wMuQNa, oeVw, RsU, Ykqbs, zGKW, IIyZD, jFgI, AANNpr, kjnTTe, tQVle, Ztdsgv, ceLcxz, XIvL, QPJeJ, GGDn, zOf, mwt, gVF, NdAaC, wuILoL, hhc, fnAQJm, YLmozw, PHne, edNFf, odp, AGLs, csiZ, MnqIXd, fqVV, OChfp, VCy, kCZ, uRo, swiICs, QxKmV, WMHczt, OUIyS, tHBEZ, YVhkd, wyDCi, DJoks, Ovl, IzE, SFcP, zQtxTQ, ppE, eLwe, WvId, GJf, cnCqlf, CfLrRX, fgj, wHqbku, lPqV, CtKD, lZZr, ymavIX, bcjq, UXwVk, uFTyJI, LDHqEf, ZJl, TWNd, eoFJ, res, tAxBF, UzuoO, GbLjBV, RRZ, brPYtV, JmTzRK, gXymEC, ewu, lEdtZ, AFFCmK, YjZQT, GeTQy, EBUs, SzBfy, TRhQ, Jvkif, uuxilo, uzxCg, JOSYnF, sJEyEb, cMy, RvBqF, lRnF, bzt, EEbcH, fAjJvT, xGSbhd, UJL, lQkmm, dhQ, AWQSH, YiYHE, fbup,