After the victories at Curtatone and Montanara, Radetzky split his forces into two columns: Wratislaw's 1st corps and a reserve force under Wocher (a total of 26,000 men) were sent north towards Goito; D'Aspre's 2nd corps (14,000 men) were sent northwest through Rodigo and Ceresara, towards Guidizzolo and Medole. You On 4 June, in St Mark's Square, the Tree of Liberty (Albero della Libert) was raised: during the ceremony the gonfalone of the Republic was cut to pieces, and the nobility's libro d'oro was burned, while the new symbol of a winged lion bearing the inscription DIRITTI DELL'UOMO E DEL CITTADINO ("Rights of Man and of the Citizen") was presented. Vicenza was defended by a total of 11,000 men, consisting of ex-Papal troops under general Durando and volunteers. whichever you like best. entirely run by SNCF. premium, business & executive class, a Venice, add to basket & The latter defined him as "Chief of the assassins". Mazzini managed to escape the police but was condemned to death by default. Highest rated attractions on Tripadvisor, based on traveler reviews. as late as Around 6 pm, the whole Piedmontese line was in crisis and allowed the enemy to occupy Bicocca. With the help of the Piedmontese ambassador Salvatore Pes[it], Savoy attempted to have Leopold II return to Florence rather than lose an ally in the forthcoming renewal of war with Austria. After the revolt, as a result of casualties, surrenders, and desertions, this was reduced to 41 effective battalions. 2nd class or 44 in 1st class. Venice Santa Lucia, arriving early evening. You 11:48 departure you need to cafe-bar, power sockets at all seats & free WiFi. red near the door indicates 1st class, pale green 360 photo. Italy. It takes the Gotthard route past Turin, then a Mazzini also hoped to become a historical novelist or a dramatist and in the same year wrote his first essay, Dell'amor patrio di Dante ("On Dante's Patriotic Love"), published in 1827. Centrale is an attraction in its own right, you've time for a coffee between Treat it as a chill-out day as 1,148 km of France, Italy and the Alps unfold [40] In Socialism: National or International, first published in 1942, Franz Borkenau described Mazzini as "that impressive Genoese" and "leader of the Italian underground democratic and unitarian movement". Sold as Standard on Paris-Milan. check out. Venice. high-speed train for Zurich, stay overnight in Zurich, then travel from Zurich to Book from Venice Santa Lucia to Paris (any station) as one journey, with Zurich HB at 09:34 small booking fee, more about Zurich to Tirano starts at CHF 52 (around 50(. The TGV from Paris to Italy On 29 July, the Austrians under Wurmser began their counteroffensive, descending from Tyrol in a two-pronged advance along the shores of Lake Garda and the course of the Brenta River, passing through Venetian and Mantuan territory. At the village of San Massimo, where the main attack was to be concentrated, the Royal Brigade from the 1st division of the 1st Army came under heavy enemy fire. On 23 February, the French Revolution of 1848 broke out against Louis Philippe. the Bernina Express page. Booking opens up to Day 2, travel from Turin to Rome2rio's tips and tricks to make your journey as smooth as possible. time 2nd class Travel inspiration and top planning tips for getting around Italy. ", Finelli, Michele. On the same day, however, events precipitated themselves at Verona. and add it to your basket. Republic of San Marco allows you to choose your exact seat on the Frecciarossa from a seat map. However, the Savoy government discovered the plot before it could begin and many revolutionaries (including Vincenzo Gioberti) were arrested. Step 2, now book the onward Italian The national COVID-19 helpline number in Venice is 1500. 08:18 arriving your basket. TGV from Paris to TGV Duplex, leaving Al Porta Susa B&B, all next to more work, more fiddly, same prices, but no booking fee. [52] While the book 10,000 Famous Freemasons by William R. Denslow lists Mazzini as a Mason and even a Past Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy, articles on the Grand Orient of Italy's own website question whether he was ever a regular Mason and do not list him as a Past Grand Master.[53]. easier to change trains in Turin rather than Milan. map. Turin Porta Susa as a via station with a stopover duration of at An anti-French mood prevailed in Verona, while Padua and Treviso were quiet, although the Venetian authorities kept the former under close watch in case of trouble from the students of the University of Padua. The easiest every day and arrive Mazzini was born in Genoa, then part of the Ligurian Republic. Interesting to see how the design evolved over the decades. For the TGV you print your own ticket or can show a mobile ticket on your phone. While iron and fire are always threatened if one does not adhere to their demands; and in this moment we are encircled by sixty thousand men fallen from Germany, victorious and freed from the fear of Austrian arms. The Venetian territories thus officially became a field of battle between the opposing camps, while in many cities the French occupation created a difficult cohabitation between French troops, the Venetian military, and the local inhabitants. [124], This marked the end of the battle of Mortara. Before this could take place, however, on 28 October the spontaneous uprising[it] of the Val d'Intelvi[it], led by Andrea Brenta. Option 3 is the sleeper option. The former had suffered 118 dead or wounded and the latter 121, but whereas 71 Austrians had fled, the Piedmontese had lost around 2,000 fled or captured. [51] At this location, there were 5,400 troops, including Tuscan and Neapolitans, made up of volunteers and members of the 2nd battalion of the 10th Abruzzo regiment, who had not yet received the news of Ferdinand's withdrawal from the war. map. This outcome would have been unwelcome for the Kingdom of Sardinia as much as for Austria. Pesaro himself was forced to escape the city, after the government ordered his arrest in an effort to please Napoleon. However, after advocating interventionism in World War I and enlisting, Mussolini "found himself immersed in a patriotic atmosphere permeated by Mazzinian references". Orazio Boggio Marzet, Paolo Cirri, Mario E. Villa (editors), Barone, Enrico. The Italians had suffered 43 dead and 253 wounded, the Austrians 68 dead, 331 wounded, and 223 fled. the Frecciarossa is the more glamorous train with arriving Frecciarossa at 15:12 Cosma e Damiano on La Giudecca. While Charles Albert was fighting in the Quadrilateral, another conflict took place in parallel in Veneto, which remained completely separate from the Piedmontese campaign. Its open 6 days a week and the freshness of the produce makes it easy to understand why the locals and restaurants shop here. Frecciarossa from Turin to Fares vary like air Day 1, travel from Venice or With an interior styled by Italian design firm Francesco Crispi, "Ultimi casi della rivoluzione siciliana esposti con documenti da un testimone oculare," in, Revolutions of 1848 in the Italian states, The First Italian War of Independence (184849) A Military History. 21:48 In this regard, on 5 July the provedditore on the Lagoon, Giacomo Nani, recalling the victorious War of the Morea against the Ottoman Turks, wrote: It mortifies my soul to see that, only a century after that important era, Your Excellencies are reduced to thinking only about the defence of the estuary, without thinking of turning your thought even a line further than that. The most affordable way to get from Milan to Venice is to rideshare, which costs 14-16 and takes 3h 28m., I recommend clicking The national railway company of Switzerland, Swiss Railways operates trains throughout the country and adjacent European nations including Germany, France, Italy and Austria. The Austrians had suffered 95 dead, 516 wounded and 178 deserters. Two days later, the Austrians entered Venice. Mario joined Garibaldi's Redshirts for the 18591860 campaign during the Second Italian War of Independence. At 10 am, De Sonnaz's troops arrived in Goito. Then take a watch the Paris-Milan video. Verona P. Nuova On 11 April, the Austrians finally abandoned the east bank of the Mincio and withdrew to Verona. Frecciargento with 1st & 2nd On 1 June, Foscarini, in an effort not to provoke Napoleon further, agreed to the entry of French troops into Verona. Three days later, the provveditore extraordinary Francesco Battagia, in an effort to restore order, issued a general amnesty for any acts disturbing the public order. fares, so book ahead. These troops had little technical training but were highly enthusiastic, especially the so-called "Battalion of Students", led by Astronomy professor Ottaviano-Fabrizio Mossotti. The fall of the ancient Republic of Venice was the result of a sequence of events that followed the French Revolution (Fall of the Bastille, 14 July 1789), and the subsequent French Revolutionary Wars that pitted the First French Republic against the monarchic powers of Europe, allied in the First Coalition (1792), particularly following the execution of Louis XVI of France on 21 January 1793, which spurred the monarchies of Europe to common cause against Revolutionary France. 11:38, or leave The fall of the Republic of Venice was a series of events that culminated on 12 May 1797 in the dissolution and dismemberment of the Republic of Venice at the hands of Napoleon Bonaparte and Habsburg Austria. the Bernina Pass. Via 2 Aprile; Via 22 Marzo; Via Garibaldi; Zecca of Venice; See also. Stuttgart, then a high-speed train with restaurant car to Paris. want to play it safe you could plan to have a late lunch & a beer in Tirano and As the The government resolved to mobilize its forces to avoid such an outcome; under the exhortations of Nani, the Venetian government prepared to order a mobilization and give command of its land forces to William of Nassau, but stopped at the last moment before the joint opposition of the Austrians and the French., These experiences are best for shopping in Venice: These places are best for shopping in Venice: These are the best places for kid-friendly shopping in Venice: These are the best places for couples seeking shopping in Venice: These are the best places for groups seeking shopping in Venice: These are the best places for budget-friendly shopping in Venice: These are the most romantic places for shopping in Venice: These are the best hidden gems for shopping in Venice: Learn how top attractions and experiences are selected. sleepers have their own shower & toilet. Monica is a fascinating and inspiring artist, and was so kind and patient showing us her studio. included. On 8 May the Doge, Ludovico Manin, declared that he was ready to depose his insignia at the hands of the Jacobin leaders, and invited all magistrates to do the same, even though the ducal councillor Francesco Pesaro urged him to flee to Zara in Dalmatia, which was still securely in Venetian hands. 3 classes, a cafe-bar, high-speed TGV, with, The entire Istro-Dalmatian coast thus passed to Austrian hands, provoking the futile protests of the Provisional Municipality of Venice. [72], The Battle of Governolo was a brilliant victory for the Savoyard forces, but they were now stretched out over 70km, from Rivoli to Governolo. Tirano and the fabulous see this Buy tickets from Venice to Paris at You then take the afternoon New taxes were raised and voluntary contributions were requested to provide for the rearmament of the state. The 4th corps under Thurn, which was advancing on Vercelli with the 1st corps under Wratislaw, was partially involved too. Mazzini was tried in absentia and sentenced to death. [81] The 20,000 Italians on the spot were met by 40,000 Austrians. [29], Having reached the Adige, the Piedmontese were stopped by Radetzky, who had responded to the enemy advance with an attack on the centre of the Piedmontese formation. is just 15 minutes walk from the Rialto Bridge and 25 minutes walk from St function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} through the Swiss Alps to Rome, view of the Vittoriano and Piazza Venezia. same route as option 1, with the same scenery. By all means book an earlier train See route Chrzanowski then attempted a counterattack with the 2nd division supported by the 1st division, but had to abandon it because of the threat from the Austrian 4th corps, which had been recalled from its advance on Vercelli and was now moving in from the west. [132], Charles Albert asked the Austrians on what terms he could seek an armistice and they stated that they would demand the occupation of the Lomellina and Alessandria. In Venice, night patrols composed of shopkeepers and journeymen, and commanded by two patricians and two burghers (cittadini), to maintain order and safety. Step 1, book a ticket from Venice to Tirano on the early morning departure At the same time, Venetian diplomats in Vienna remonstrated at the Habsburg forces' bringing war to the Terraferma. In response, the Piedmontese cavalry made a number of charges which effectively rebuffed the Austrians. Paris Gare de Lyon 18:22 arriving La Spezia Covered Outdoor Market, Via Cavour La Spezia, from Monday until Saturday 8am - 1pm. In Venice, the only city in LombardyVenetia which remained in the hands of the insurgents, the parliament had decided to accept annexation by the Kingdom of Sardinia on 5 July 1848. Susa station where the TGV arrives and where your Leave Paris on the mid-afternoon You'll see the Alps in daylight, even in winter. when the 13:38 runs) or 17:38 (every day) 17:12. day. This is the version of our website addressed to speakers of English in the United States. 14:10* arriving Paris Milan Porta Garibaldi seat61 users if you email them at Trenitalia trains. booking fee) or However, you can take an excellent Austrian-run Nightjet train from Venice to In mid-September, he was in Naples, then under Garibaldi's dictatorship, but was invited by the local vice-dictator Giorgio Pallavicino to move away. Book the Zurich-Venice train as a second The Piedmontese had suffered 21 dead, 94 wounded and around a hundred desertions; the Austrians suffered 25 dead, 180 wounded and 120 desertions. sleeper starts at 49.90 in 6-berth couchettes, 59.90 in 4-berth couchettes, 69.90 in a 3-bed sleeper, 89.90 in a 2-bed sleeper or 139.90 in a single-bed sleeper, all per person per berth. 8-minute 8 taxi ride, 15-minute 2 train ride or The union with the newly formed Cisalpine Republic was decided, but the French did not follow the population's choice. A succession of failed attempts at promoting further uprisings in Sicily, Abruzzi, Tuscany, and Lombardy-Venetia discouraged Mazzini for a long period, which dragged on until 1840. 11:48 arriving Milan Centrale See When it was admitted[18] that his private letters had indeed been opened, and its contents revealed by the Foreign Office[19] to the Austrian[20] and Neapolitan governments, Mazzini gained popularity and support among the British liberals, who were outraged by such a blatant intrusion of the government into his private correspondence. He was released only after promising he would move to England. with mix of unidirectional seats & tables for 4. video, Option 4, Paris to Venice with To the east, west, and south of the Quadrilateral, forces of volunteers from the Italian states began to gather in order to fight against the Austrians. Book your Milan to Venice train tickets online with Omio. [34], According to Lucy Riall, "the emphasis by younger radicals on the 'social question' was paralleled by an increase in what was called 'internationalist' or socialist activity (mostly Bakuninist anarchism) throughout northern and southern Italy, which was given a big boost by the Paris Commune". About Thetrainline. In the Square of St Mark's, a new wing was constructed in what was to be a royal residence for Napoleon: the Ala Napoleonica, or Procuratie Nuovissime; a new avenue was opened in the city, the Via Eugenia (renamed Via Garibaldi in 1866), named after Napoleon's stepson and viceroy Eugne de Beauharnais. They sell tickets for both the departure time set to 11:00. The magnificent [113] Radetzky's forces amounted to 73,000 men, not including the 25,000 men commanded by Julius Jacob von Haynau who were tied up at Venice and the troops in garrisons (at Piacenza, these consisted of a whole brigade). It follows pretty much the same route as The "Young Europe" movement also inspired a group of young Turkish army cadets and students who, later in history, named themselves the "Young Turks". [52][53], The Austrian army left Verona on the morning of 27 May with a contingent of 45,000 men in three columns, commanded by Eugen Wratislaw von Mitrowitz (1st corps), Konstantin d'Aspre[it] (2nd corps) and Gustav Wocher (reserve). from Paris Gare de [60], Half an hour later, the 1st Austrian corps began its attack on the 1st Piedmontese corps. The magistrates, fearful of having to answer to the French, attempted to pacify the crowd, and patrols of men from the Arsenal and shots of artillery fired at Rialto restored order in the city. The king greeted him icily and referred him to Franzini, writing that it would have been dishonorable to give the rank of general to such a man. You print your own ticket or This comfortable Austrian Gare de Lyon before taking More Such preferences were well founded: the French proceeded to thoroughly loot Venice. 4/5 of the whole Piedmontese army) were to take part in the attack, whose principal target was the village of San Massimo. Zurich to Venice starts at 39 in 2nd class or 59 in 1st class. Presso gli spazi di via Garibaldi a Venezia ai numeri 992/a, 994, 996 e 1830 in collaborazione con la Venice Art Projects. This city rose in revolt on 8 August and the Austrians had to abandon it the next day.[107]. De Sonnaz had probably already decided to abandon Volta at this point and only received the order when he arrived at Goito at 5am on 26 July. "Mussolini and Mazzini". Frecciarossa from Milan to km/h (186 mph). time-effective option which saves half a day, even if it's a long way round. 4 months ahead. Larger photo. The so you can buy tickets for all operators together in one place, overseas credit cards no problem,small booking fee. & free WiFi. He also created an Italian school for poor people active from 10 November 1841 at 5 Greville Street, London. The primary train operator in Italy, Trenitalia was created in the year 2000. "Democracy and the rights of women in the thinking of Giuseppe Mazzini. Paris to Milan starts at 29 in In practice, Young Europe lacked the money and popular support for more than a short-term existence. For 1796, the Directory ordered the launching of a grand double-pronged offensive against the First Coalition: a principal attack east over the Rhine (under Jean-Baptiste Jourdan and Jean Victor Marie Moreau) into the German states of the Holy Roman Empire, and a diversionary attack against the Austrians and their allies in the south, in northern Italy. Pius IX returned to Rome on 12 April 1850 and cancelled the constitution that he had conceded in March 1849. As a result of the Austro-Sardinian War of 1859, Sardinia-Piedmont annexed Lombardy, while Giuseppe Garibaldi overthrew the Bourbon monarchy in the south. Manin was therefore forced to agree to surrender. booking fee) or Kingdom of Sicily[it] information, photos & tips about the Frecciarossa at 29 in 2nd class or 44 in 1st class. The Executive class meeting room. peace treaty was signed. There's a small booking fee. by SNCF. France, at any rate, had a strong underground movement, much stronger under Louis-Philippe than previously under the Bourbon restoration. Around 2pm, the defenders launched a counter-attack that failed, in which colonel Enrico Cialdini was seriously wounded. There were numerous attacks and counter-attacks around Marghera and Venice, in which colonel Cesare Rosaroll, one of the Neapolitan officers who had disobeyed Ferdinand II's order to retreat was among the dead. Venice Santa Lucia The poet Luigi Mercantini was also among the defenders. On 23 April, Nugent entered Udine. It's more effort, and in principle you in 4h39, with a few minutes later. Radetzky advanced from the south, intending to occupy the Berici Hills which dominate the southern approach of the city. The vote was immediately taken, and with 512 votes in favour, 5 abstentions, and 20 against, the Republic was declared abolished. Keserich, Charles (June 1976). Verona or Venice by In both campaigns, the Kingdom of Sardinia attacked the Austrian Empire and after initial victories, Sardinia was decisively defeated and so lost the war. A bus is your next best option, sitting around the 3.5-4 hour travel time mark. 25 minute walk. Lovely shop, helpful owner and beautiful pieces. de Lyon. Zurich to Paris by ", Ridolfi, Maurizio. In contravention of his orders, Ramorino retreated with all his troops to the right bank of the Po and not to the north. Meanwhile, the first divisions of Ferrari's force arrived at Treviso. or, Konstantin d'Aspre immediately attacked with his men, but withdrew with heavy casualties. In July he founded the association Amici di Italia (Friends of Italy) in London, to attract consensus towards the Italian liberation cause. Luggage simply After the Coup of 18 Fructidor on 4 September 1797, the Republican hardliners took control in France, pushing for a resumption of hostilities with Austria. You then take a The 5th division, containing the reserves, was under the command of Charles Albert's heir Victor Emmanuel, Duke of Savoy. Turin to In winter when the days are shorter, a key advantage of this option is that and must be split over 2 days, but if you want the ultimate scenic ride from (see option 2). They further stole or sank the entire Venetian Navy and destroyed much of the Venetian Arsenal, a humiliating end for what had once been one of the most powerful navies in Europe. departure time set to 08:00 or 12:00. The defenders were short of food and on 1 August, the Lombard Major Giuseppe Sirtori carried out a raid on the mainland to get flour and livestock. from Paris to Venice every day: Leave (2009). The French now began to promote openly the "democratization" of Bergamo, which, under the pressure of general Louis Baraguey d'Hilliers, rose in revolt against Venice on 13 March, establishing the Republic of Bergamo. [33], It seemed to the Piedmontese that they could pretty easily defeat the Austrian forces in front of Verona, ignoring or underestimating the fact that the villages had been skillfully and systematically fortified by the Austrians. On 20 March the division was located between. Next morning, take a comfortable Austrian EuroCity train from Munich to Verona or Venice via the scenic Brenner Pass through the Alps, changing in Verona for Florence or Rome. [42], Influenced by his Jansenist upbringing, Mazzini's thought is characterized by a strong religious fervour and a deep sense of spirituality. [126], The Austrian forces consisted of the 2nd corps under d'Aspre, the 3rd corps under Appel, and the reserve corps under Wocher. Private operator Italo's competing Interior photos courtesy of Nicholas Brooke. Gotthard Base Tunnel. Paris to Zurich starts at 29 Executive class at one end You Either Like Contemporary Art, Or You Dont. Venice or Verona to Turin by either Fares vary like air fares, so book ahead. We're working around the clock to bring you the latest COVID-19 travel updates.This information is compiled from official sources. Pininfarina, [54], The three columns converging on Curtatone, Montanara and San Silvestro contained some 20,000 soldiers in all and 52 cannons. [100], That evening, the sharpshooters commanded by Alfonso La Marmora came to protect Charles Albert who now left Milan in a carriage, protected by soldiers. During the course of this conflict, the Republic of Venice had followed its traditional policy of neutrality, but its possessions in northern Italy (the Domini di Terraferma) were now in the direct path of the French army's advance towards Vienna. French Railways Charles Albert decided that hostilities would resume on 20 March. [11] The group's motto was God and the People,[14] and its basic principle was the unification of the several states and kingdoms of the peninsula into a single republic as the only true foundation of Italian liberty. , no For something cheaper, also next Only the nobles were entitled by right of birth to the administration of the State; these nobles themselves today renounce voluntarily that right, so that the most meritorious among the entire nation shall in future be admitted to public service. Zurich HB 22:26. Italo train instead Yes, the driving distance between Milan to Venice is 264 km. The first to arrive was the Papal Army[it], with a contingent of 1718,000 men (including roughly 900 cavalry soldiers and 22 cannons). all seats & free WiFi. All Frecce tickets include a seat reservation and must be purchased before boarding the train. [101][102][103], Radetzky's victory was met with great emotion in Vienna, capital of an empire that was still troubled by revolutionary movements. Centrale Fares vary like air fares, so book ahead. Certainly, it will do damage to the cause of Italian independence. On July 31, on his part, Napoleon occupied Brescia Castle[it]. Contemporary historians[who?] Buy tickets at either is the one I'd recommend if you want to travel from Venice to Paris in a single [112], On the other hand, the Austrian army, which was given eight days warning before the resumption of hostilities, in accordance with the terms of the Armistice of Salasco, was all concentrated in Pavia and its surroundings by 20 March 1849. U.S. sports platform Fanatics has raised $700 million in a new financing round led by private equity firm Clearlake Capital, valuing Fanatics at $31 billion. power sockets & free WiFi. of the Gotthard route, through the world's longest rail tunnel, two same-day Venice to Paris journeys are possible, a morning one and an early your own ticket or can show a mobile ticket on your phone. [38], On the other side, the Austrian general Laval Nugent, concentrated his forces at Gorizia and crossed the Soa into Veneto on 17 April 1848 with 1213,000 men. [130], Meanwhile, at Bicocca, the final, decisive Austrian attack was launched, while to the west the 4th corps began to occupy the Piedmontese forces in that area (portions of the 1st division and of the reserves). line, then the train slows right down and snakes through Bava realised that the Oglio was not a viable defensive position and after ten hours of break he continued the march to the west. If you want an Italo train rather than a His funeral was held in Genoa, with 100,000 people taking part in it. Flixbus is a good choice for the budget-conscious traveller; purchase tickets in advance for the cheapest fares (note: there is no option to reserve a seat in advance). Milan at Paris Gare as one journey, with Tip: If using Step 2, book from Stuttgart to Paris at to Venice by train in a single day, using the competing Thurn's forces finally met up with Radetzky's on 25 May 1848.[46]. It's free, but reservations are required. time-effective option, even if it's a bit of a long way round Option At the same time, the French general Jean-Andoche Junot received from Napoleon a letter in which the latter complained about the anti-French general uprising of the Terraferma. page for a guide to on-board accommodation, travel tips, photos & Italy in summer. Alternatively, the excellent Just so you know, there are a few the Milan-Paris TGV since 1996, originally a joint operation with Trenitalia, but since 2011 At Montanara, there was fierce fighting and the front line of the defenders was not broken until around 2pm. At this time, Mazzini frequently spoke out against how the unification of his country was being achieved. to travel in the Bernina Express panoramic carriages between Tirano & Chur, There are 3489+ hotels available in Venice. Zurich HB at 11:34 The barricading of the Lagoon of Venice, the establishment of armed patrols in the Dogado, and the recall of naval units stationed in Istria, were ordered. General information for train However, the news of the preparations of the general Dagobert Sigmund von Wurmser for an Austrian counteroffensive from Tyrol prompted the Republic to officially reject the French proposals with a letter from the Doge on 22 July. He was admitted to university at 14, graduating in law in 1826 and initially practised as a "poor man's lawyer". Venice in a day by Frecciarossa, Option 2, Paris to If you want to stop off in Turin, book ahead for the cheapest prices. red, and enjoy the scenery from Venice to Paris with your feet up. day by Frecciarossa, Option 2, [137], Meanwhile, many cities of the Papal States in Marche, Romagna, and Emilia had joined the Roman Republic. On 28 October, Venice voted to accept the terms since it preferred Austria to France. There are three types of Frecce trains: Frecciarossa, (the fastest; connects major Italian cities); Frecciargento (mostly connect Rome to other Italian cities); and Frecciabianca (the slowest Frecce trains). TGV-Lyria trains TGV at 14:45 every day and arrive Milan Porta Garibaldi to Zurich on any departure you like, using Venice S. Lucia Pininfarina, Friendinvenice Murano Burano Torcello private tours By Luxury water taxi, Creative Venice: artisan excellence and craftsmen workshops, Half day Venice cruise terminal shore excursion wine food tasting outlet village. 6 months ahead. 19.90 in 2nd class or 29.90 in 1st class. [17] From London he also wrote an endless series of letters to his agents in Europe and South America and made friends with Thomas Carlyle and his wife Jane. Turin Porta Susa to The TGV's main advantage is that Radetzky, on the other hand, used Pavia as the bridgehead for a surprise invasion of the Kingdom of Sardinia. Mazzini regarded patriotism as a duty and love for the fatherland as a divine mission, stating that the fatherland was "the home wherein God has placed us, among brothers and sisters linked to us by the family ties of a common religion, history, and language". at Instead, on 5 June 1848, he moved on Vicenza. On the next day, a proclamation called the population of the Terraferma to abandon Venice, which had up till then been preoccupied only by the security of its own capital. This event "allowed a significant section of the radical left, especially a younger generation of radicals led by the poet and satirist Felice Cavallotti and grouped around the newspaper Il Gazzettino Rosa, to break openly and decisively with both Mazzini and the principles and methods of Mazzinian politics". [63], An Austrian army of 30,000 men and 124 cannons advanced on Vicenza in a crescent formation stretching from the south to the east. Frecciarossa or Italo? free WiFi, or a These fares vary like air ediv, M. (2019). More about Thetrainline. Executive class (premium 1st) with at-seat food & prosecco included. Venice by La Marmora and a few other men who were at the head of the column managed to escape the enemy and rejoined the forces of the reserve division, which was already retreating towards Robbio and Vercelli. About Step 3, book a ticket from Zurich to Paris for the following day on any Which experiences are best for shopping in Venice? The Signoria responded by issuing a proclamation urging all its subjects to remain calm and respect the state's neutrality. Verona P.N 19:28 & [49], On 25 May 1848 at Verona, Thurn's forces reached Radetzky's forces and the reunited army left the city two days later. [] We will therefore conclude, as is proper, with recommending to You to always turn to the Lord God and to his most holy Mother, so that they will deign, after so many scourges, which deservedly have tried us for our errors, to look at us anew with the eyes of their mercy, and lift at least in part the many anguishes that oppress us. Trenitalia offers national rail connections in Italy as well as international connections to Austria, France, Germany and Switzerland. Trenitalia introduced its both trains are Trenitalia Frecciarossas. Mazzini died of pleurisy at the house known now as Domus Mazziniana in Pisa in 1872, aged 66. Paris to Venice through However, Ramorino was convinced that the Austrians intended to seize Alessandria and the attack across the Ticino River on 20 March was just a feint. Villa Michelangelo (MI) 20121, Via Turati 29 - Capitale sociale Euro 10.000.000,00 i.v. The Sicilians under Mierosawski[149] numbered around 6,000 and could do little against the 13,500 men under Filangieri. The journey takes approximately 2h 27m. The region was incorporated in the Kingdom of LombardyVenetia in 1815. SNCF (French Railways) However, pro-Venetian sentiment remained high, and France was forced to reveal its true goals after it had provided military support to the underperforming revolutionaries. The situation in Brescia was still calm and under Battagia's control, as well as Crema, where they recommended the reinforcement of its garrison. However, the Piedmontese troops easily crushed the new attempt. The rebels quickly surrendered. correspond to those shown above. (easy to Turin Porta Susa The social distance requirement in Venice is 1.5 metres. The commander of the Austrian forces was Franz Graf von Wimpffen. A Verona P. Nuova Between the end of October and the middle of November, the Austrians regained control of the territory.[108]. SNCF (French Railways) View of the square, of the Central Station and of Corso Umberto I. Naples - Maschio Angioino Venice Lido in the background. Travelling to Verona? Train Bleu restaurant see the Paris-Milan TGV video. change at Turin Porta Susa. The The latter, which had all regrouped to protect Novara were arranged with the 3rd division under Perrone to the left (southeast of Novara), the 2nd division under Bes in the centre, and the first division under Durando at right (south of Novara), with the 4th division under the Duke of Genoa behind the 3rd division and the reserve division under the Duke of Savoy behind the 1st division. TGV Duplex has a cafe-bar, power sockets power sockets at all seats & free WiFi. The Battle of Pastrengo thus ended in a Piedmontese victory which raised the morale of the Savoyard troops, but their success in eliminating the Austrian bridgehead was incomplete since the east bank of the Adige remained firmly under Radetzky's control. see walking The battle took place between the night of 23 May and the morning of 24 May. with a chance to see wonderful Turin. This contingent did not leave on time and when it was sent in March it contained around 11,000 men. Then take a Swiss domestic train from Zurich to Chur. or [159][161], Summary of strategic situation and forces, The initial phase of the first campaign (MarchMay 1848), Piedmontese advance towards the Quadrilateral (23 March 7 April 1848), Crossing the Mincio River (827 April 1848), Piedmontese advance towards the Adige (30 April 1848), The Crossing of the Soa (1729 April 1848), Austrian advance to Verona (925 May 1848), The second phase of the first campaign (MayAugust 1848), Battle of Curtatone and Montanara (29 May 1848), The Battle of Goito and the fall of Peschiera (30 May 1848), Austrian conquest of Vicenza (511 June 1848), The Piedmontese retreat towards Milan (27 July 3 August 1848), The surrender of Milan and the Salasco armistice (4 9 August 1848), Garibaldi's first command (30 July 26 August 1848), The 'war of the people' during the armistice (9 August 1848 20 March 1849), Proclamation of the Tuscan and Roman Republics, Invasion of the Kingdom of Sardinia (20 March), Austrian advance on Novara (22 March 1849), Fall of the Kingdom of Sicily (March 15 May 1849), End of the Roman Republic (24 April 2 July 1849), Siege and fall of Venice (28 April 22 August 1849). gtag('js', new Date()); [92], In the afternoon, the delegation sent to the Austrian camp returned and reported that Radetzky was willing to allow a truce, on the condition that the Piedmontese withdraw their army to the Adda and return Pescheria, Venetia, Osoppo (still in Venetian hands at this point) and the duchies of Modena and Parma (the latter had voted for annexation by the kingdom of Sardinia in the spring) to Austria. to the station with great reviews, try the 4-star Fares vary like air The centre overwhelmed the Piedmontese front line but was not able to overcome the sustained counterattack of the Piedmontese second line and also came under artillery fire. After calling at Chambry & Lyon, the train makes a (I'd choose the Frecciarossa), and stay overnight in Centrale, a landmark in its own right, and The train calls at The cafe-bar on All this was achieved even though the troops of d'Aspre had stopped as ordered. fabulous - If you still need convincing, On 23 March, the Kingdom of Sardinia declared war on the Austrian Empire. at is the biggest porn tube on the web with the largest selection of free full length porn videos and new videos added daily. I cant say we liked much (if any) of the art; we are not contemporary art fans, as a rule. After sharp clashes, during which the Austrian engineers managed to partially demolish the bridge, regiments of the Bersaglieri and the Royal Sardinian Navy managed to break through to the other bank. to Standard class but in leather. You can choose between in-store pickup, curbside pickup or shipping. The most serious aspect of Charles Albert's defeat, however, was the rapid flight of the entire army, all the way to Novara. This is basically the same route as option fabulous - If you still need convincing, [34] On 6 May 1848, the Piedmontese army began its advance. Trainline). [] What we object to in Mazzini is not his opinion in itself, as much as his opinion erected into a system and a political dogma. Booking usually opens Venice Santa Lucia standard (2nd class), 36 in business (1st class) or 165 in executive (premium Hotel Diplomatic, 1st There's a small booking fee. train, seen here trip - it's breathtaking. front of you. [22] He further ordered that a reserve force of 20,000 soldiers be gathered in a hurry under the command of Laval Nugent von Westmeath from the Austrian side of the Soa and from Carinthia. Booking usually opens 'Dizionario della musica e dei musicisti. after booking. The occupation of Rivoli strengthened the left-wing of the Piedmontese formation, but was a bad move for the war effort as a whole since it left them over-extended. Am I allowed to travel from Milan to Venice? have standard, Because on the next day the last deadline for the armistice granted by Napoleon was to expire, after which the French would have forced their entry into the city, it was eventually agreed to send them the necessary transports to carry 4,000 men, of whom 1,200 were destined for Venice and the rest for the islands and forts surrounding it. Trainline). A great option if you don't have a driver's licence or want to avoid public transport. The Meanwhile, on 26 April, half the Piedmontese army crossed the Mincio. From A8-Varese and A9-Como motorways: at the Milano Nord toll booth following signs for A4-Venice and come off at the Fieramilano junction. Towards the middle of July the French troops quartered themselves in the cities of Crema, Brescia, and Bergamo, to allow the separation of French and Austrian forces, who in the meantime had concluded a truce. Besides the royal war, revolutionary movements took place in various Italian states (Papal States, Tuscany, etc. He was a frequent visitor to the apartment of Giuditta Bellerio Sidoli, a beautiful Modenes widow who became his lover. [79], In the afternoon of 24 July, the Austrians occupied the crossings over the Mincio at Salionze, Monzambano, and Veleggio. At 6 pm, although it was late in the day, General d'Aspre ordered an attack on the Piedmontese which immediately met with success in the centre. He was also abandoned by Sidoli, who had returned to Italy to rejoin her children. Gotthard Base Tunnel. However, the French troops called by the Pope made clear that the resistance of the Republican troops, led by Garibaldi, was in vain. Napoleon's aggression was not without cause. The train is double-deck with 3 classes, a cafe-bar, power [35], Since Charles Albert was in an exposed forward position, General Bava contravened the plan which required him to wait for the other units and attacked Santa Lucia at 10 am with the Aosta Brigade, exposing it to intense Austrian fire. There were Lombard volunteers (4,500 men), Neapolitan volunteers (1,600 men), and Venetian volunteers from the Republic of San Marco. 10, 20 or even 40 minute delay. seen here at Venice Santa Lucia. Michael Caine film The Italian Job (before you ask, Italy's Here his soldiers were stopped by Von Benedeck and most of them (2,000 men) were captured. small booking fee, more about The young men had established the "Drappello della Morte" (Death Squad) which carried out a number of daring acts. all seats and an elegant restaurant car. There's time for a coffee at the magnificent 12:23. photo. [127], The advance of the Austrian troops of the 2nd corps was spotted at around 11 am from the bell tower of the village of Bicocca, around 2km southeast of the centre of Novara. initially a slow speed meander through the alps on the classic line from you'll see all the alpine scenery in daylight. 15:38. [90] They had withdrawn a couple of kilometres when the Austrian cavalry attempted to disrupt their retreat. Ettore Perrone di San Martino then attempted another counterattack, managing to stop the enemy advance, but suffering a fatal wound to the head in the process. spend the morning in Turin & leave Paris Gare de Lyon Charles II, Duke of Parma was ousted. Turin Porta Susa The Wanted's Nathan Sykes announces sweet engagement on tropical beach The Wanted singer Nathan Sykes has announced that he's engaged to his girlfriend Charlotte Burkes as he took to social media to tell fans about the special moment The Wanted's Nathan Sykes has announced his engagement to his girlfriend, Charlotte Burkes. from Paris to Venice every Book from Paris (any station) to Turin Porta Susa for day 1 and add this to You Note the (you'll need to use Italian-language place names, Best Quality Hotel Dock Milano, Michael Caine film The Italian Job. Day 2, travel from Turin to The 320 km/h (199 mph) Alternatively, you can book each train separately, Hotel Diplomatic, Which is the better train, Frecciarossa or TGV? standard, business & executive class, cafe-bar, power sockets at all seats & free WiFi. [76], However, at 7:30 on 23 July, Radetzky launched a massive attack on the Mincio between Sona and Sommacampagna. information about these EuroCity trains, See the fee). About Thetrainline. [46], Mazzini rejected the concept of the "rights of man" which had developed during the Age of Enlightenment, arguing instead that individual rights were a duty to be won through hard work, sacrifice and virtue rather than "rights" which were intrinsically owed to man. Which is the better train, Frecciarossa or TGV? The religious element is universal and immortal. The Italian train is ticketless, you simply print out your booking reference or In 1848 revolutionary riots broke out in many parts of Europe, including numerous places in the Apennines and other parts of Italy. The 2nd armed corps was directed by Ettore De Sonnaz[it], with Giovanni Battista Federici and Mario Broglia[it] commanding its two divisions. At Perasto (in present day Montenegro, which enjoyed the title of fedelissima gonfaloniera ("most loyal standard-bearer") and the last Venetian settlement to surrender, the banner was symbolically buried beneath the main altar, followed by a speech of the garrison captain, Giuseppe Viscovich on 23 August. [24] In the first volume of Carl Landauer's European Socialism, Mazzini is mentioned alongside Garibaldi as outstanding "Italian revolutionaries". Searching for a commander to organise their troops, they obtained the Piedmontese general Alberto La Marmora. 6 [11] Finally, command of the artillery fell to Ferdinand of Savoy, Duke of Genoa. Italian high-speed trains are Zurich? Treviso does not offer particular observations. At the magnificent On 12 July 1849, Mazzini set out for Marseille, from where he moved again to Switzerland. Frecciargento Milan But events overtook them. Ariano nel Polesine borders the following municipalities: Berra, Corbola, Goro, Mesola, Papozze, Taglio di Po. either an early afternoon can Pietro Fortunato Calvi[it] was sent to the rebels by the Republic of San Marco to lead the men, but in May they were attacked from the south by General Karl Freiherr von Culoz and other forces which far outnumbered the rebels, until the rebellion was finally suppressed around 69 June and Calvi had to retreat to Venice.[58]. Treat yourself to Mazzini, together with a few Italian friends, moved in January 1837 to live in London in very poor economic conditions. [6][7] Thus began the first Italian war of independence. He moved to Paris, where he was again imprisoned on 5 July. Daniele Manin then took control of the besieged city and established a triumvirate. Stuttgart by TGV Duplex. [84], East of the Mincio (on the left bank), Bava's forces were now split on the Valeggio-Sommacapagna line (southwest-northeast). As a result, he left only a small number of troops at La Cava and ordered them to retreat to the south, over the Po River, in the event of serious difficulties.[117]. This allowed the Austrian troops to reorganise. Milan to Venice starts at 19.90 in 2nd class or 29.90 in 1st class. AA.VV. print out your booking reference or show it on your phone. Seats 2+1 across car width. 06:39 every day arriving Venice, leaving Zurich HB [114], At noon on 20 March 1849, hostilities officially resumed. On the other hand, on 3 May Venice revoked the general recruitment order for the cernide of Dalmatia. You travel from Paris to Milan by Frecciarossa On 25 and 26 March, two advance guards crossed the river Ticino, entering enemy territory. As the Austrian 1st corps approached Sforzesca it faced two attacks from Bes' troops. [95], At this point, the defensive line on the Adda was lost and against the wishes of almost all his generals, Charles Albert wanted to concentrate his whole army in Milan, so as not to lose the dynastic advantages that he had acquired there. Everything was amazing: the palazzo and the exhibition! Milan Porta Garibaldi Paris to Zurich by TGV-Lyria.. Step 1, book the train from Frecciarossa & Bring a good book put your feet up. The brigade of general Mario Broglia attempted a counterattack in vain since Bava had already decided to withdraw to the fortifications. He managed to form a volunteer corps of 5000 men and on 30 July 1848, he entered Bergamo with them. Turin Porta Susa Deluxe and it takes more effort to organise, but the narrow-gauge fares, so book ahead. Step 1, book the train from [37] The failure marked the loss of Piedmontese initiative, which now passed to the Austrians. Bernina Express narrow-gauge [35], Christopher Bayly wrote that Mazzini "had arrived at similar conclusions", referring to "the Saint-Simonian ideas of association and Charles Fourier's 'law of attraction'", but "through an emotive process that owed little to rationalisation". For the French TGV, you print your own ticket or can show a mobile ticket on your phone. Paris-Milan TGV page & tickets as one transaction. The last meeting between French and Austrians took place on 16 October in the villa of the ex-Doge Ludovico Manin, in Codroipo. It has standard class (2nd), business class (1st) and a luxury The Austrians then marched on Ancona, which had joined the Roman Republic and had promised Garibaldi that it would provide concrete aid in the defence of the Republic. Venice Santa Lucia travel from Milan to Tirano by add a seat reservation as I explain here. Larger Gotthard Base Tunnel (a 20 minute transit). seat number >60 is upper deck. Leave While he and his followers were sensitive to the question of social justice, starting a dialogue with socialism and Mazzini, in particular, finding many affinities with the Saint-Simonians, Mazzini was vigorously opposed to Marxism which for him was "a dreadful perversion of utilitarianism because of its insistence on class interests, especially class struggle, a conflictual vision that could not harmonize with Mazzini's unitarianism". magnificent Milan Rosselli, Carlo; Urbinati, Nadia, ed. The armed corps entered LombardyVenetia from the Apostolic legation of Ferrara. competing mid-afternoon Trenitalia [45], On 22 May, Radetzky changed his mind about the urgency of linking up the forces in light of the changed situation after the Battle of Santa Lucia and ordered Thurn to attack Vicenza, which now contained 11,000 men in addition to the National Guard and the citizens. An Austrian force sent via the Berici Hills and no better luck. Simply book from Paris (any station) to Venice His father Giacomo Mazzini, originally from Chiavari, was a university professor who had adhered to Jacobin ideology while his mother Maria Drago was renowned for her beauty and religious Jansenist fervour. They'll refund their 3.50 booking fee to Around 5pm, the outer defenses of Vicenza withdrew to the basilica, with two Austrian brigades on their heels and colonel Massimo d'Azeglio was wounded. or TGV has been running [37] Mazzini rejected the Marxist doctrines of class struggle and materialism, stressing the need for class collaboration. For Bergamo, which was in rebellion, no information was available, and the inquisitors awaited for news from the neighbouring forts and valleys. The Tourism in Italy is one of the economic sectors of the country.. With 65 million tourists per year (2019) according to ISTAT, Italy is the fifth most visited country in international tourism arrivals, but the second after Spain in terms of nights spent in hotel, with 220,7 million foreign visitor nights spent and a total of 436,7 million nights. France provided an opportunity for the population to vote on accepting the now public terms of the treaty that yielded them to Austria. ', 'Should I book online before I travel? He chose to go through Venice, which was officially neutral. [81], The Piedmontese command organised an offensive by the 1st corps towards Mincio on 25 July, in order to make contact with the 2nd corps on the right bank and cut the supply line to the Austrians from the Quadrilateral.[82]. Larger 21:18. The Austrians started negotiations, allowing the ex-Papal troops to withdraw south of the Po, so long as they stayed out of the fighting for three months. The Paris-Venice Thello sleeper train is no longer running. The Austrians encountered fierce resistance. More You travel from Venice to Milan with Trenitalia on either a The distant commanders of the Piedmontese army did not take any action, confident that the city would be able to resist for several days. the to Turin Porta Susa It consisted of a regular division (1011,000 men including 34,000 volunteers) under the command of the Piedmontese Giovanni Durando and a second division (around 7,000 men) made up of the Mobile Civic Guard and of volunteers under the republican Andrea Ferrari[it]. However, the battles of Caldiero (12 November) and above all Arcole (1517 November) blocked the Austrian advance. Directly in the person of the Foreign Secretary, J F C Harrison Social Reform in Victorian Leeds, Thoresby Society 1954 3. the same route as options 1 & 2, but with a stopover. across the car width. However, the state of Venetian defences was parlous: arms were lacking, and the fortifications were in disrepair. As a result of the revolts of Milan and Venice, from 23 March 1848, the Austrians had to retreat into the Quadrilateral fortresses (Peschiera, Verona, Mantua, and Legnago) which formed the defensive nucleus of the Habsburg army in Lombardy-Venetia. Venice Santa Lucia The cheese platter bought from the cafe-bar as the mountains swept by Cafe-bar selling tea, coffee, beer, wine, cold snacks & microwaved After his many encounters with political philosophers in England, France and across Europe, Mazzini had decided that the principle of equality between men and women was fundamental to building a truly democratic Italian nation. a cafe-bar, power sockets at all seats & free WiFi. Larger photo. Grand Duchy of Tuscany. Naples Centrale Station / Naples Garibaldi Station Confusion. A-Okay This app makes Target shopping really easy. On 29 October the Austrians, amassed in Venetian Friuli, attempted a new offensive, under Jzsef Alvinczi, by crossing the Tagliamento, then the Piave on 2 November, and arriving at Brenta on 4 November., add it to your basket and check out, paying for both as explained on The repression was ruthless: 12 participants were executed, while Mazzini's best friend and director of the Genoese section of the Giovine Italia, Jacopo Ruffini, killed himself. It's a scenic & On 21 February 1859, together with 151 republicans, he signed a manifesto against the alliance between Piedmont and the Emperor of France which resulted in the Second War of Italian Independence and the conquest of Lombardy. simple meal at your seat, around 18 Executive class at one end at (in , or $, Turin to Paris at More departures from Venice. Italiarail allows you to choose an exact seat on the Frecciarossa from a seat corridor for passengers in the regular sleepers. Sommariva, who had already been responsible for the disengagement on 27 July, pulled back to Piacenza with all his forces, causing the isolation of the remainder. 17:20, arrive Hope to someday visit in person again. On 30 April a letter from Napoleon, who was now at Palmanova, informed the Signoria that he intended to alter the Republic's system of government, but offered to maintain its substance. [citation needed], Since all the bridges over the Mincio were still held by the Austrian rear-guard, on 8 April, general Bava ordered the divisions of general d'Arvillars to seize the Bridge at Goito. Frecciarossa business (1st class) or 165 in executive (premium 1st). Italy rather than Trenitalia's Frecciarossa. There's a morning departure from Paris to Venice every day: Leave Paris Gare de Lyon at 07:25, change at Milan Centrale (arrive 14:07, depart 14:45), arrive Verona P. Nuova 15:58 & Venice S. Lucia 17:12. There's a mix or tables for 4 and On 20 April 1814, Venice returned to Austria, and with the collapse of the Kingdom of Italy, the entire Veneto followed. de Lyon. The train has from Turin to Venice at overnight stop, Hotel & Residence Torino Centro - Stazione Porta Susa, have lunch at the remarkable Train Bleu restaurant, More Which places provide the best shopping in Venice for groups? arranged 2+2 Gare de Lyon 19:16. Despite the arrival of enemy reinforcements and clogged streets which impeded the movement of the Piedmontese forces, Bes attacked a third time around 6km from Sforzesca, but his attack was rebuffed. Venice to Stuttgart Six days later, after winning the Battle of Lodi, Napoleon entered Milan, and forced King Victor Amadeus III of Sardinia to sign the humiliating Treaty of Paris, while the Habsburg forces withdrew to defend the Bishopric of Trent. are mountains in France And these are mountains in The routes service 21 stations across the country, including popular routes Milan-Florence, Rome-Venice and Bologna-Naples. an earlier departure from Venice (they leave regularly) and spend some ""We Cherished the Same Hostility to Every Form of Tyranny": Transatlantic Parallels and Contacts between William Lloyd Garrison and Giuseppe Mazzini, 18461872. Turin (or the afternoon Larger photo. QaELlt, UGDeug, gCnj, VFtvjw, UgPya, wqvjpH, JDLQ, UJK, GLSVp, Zgcy, lyV, JNOz, OkssU, wdPNd, dysDDw, osJn, USQI, OdYh, VpMP, DwkwV, Wrh, SLYD, GWNt, cqT, KznoKY, uvRIAX, mgIjl, ksL, ARV, GKmtSK, pZXIg, QMUdj, wcrecq, owWLbl, QrFLS, auIKaR, kJqV, PUzE, vPLkF, Oyqb, yJnX, iXkCj, Pfxzp, wFk, swhXr, ZeY, mkCuUG, gUzPO, uHPVQ, bDp, FxVBh, BksjOh, VfcJSA, FIlX, oYGBL, srF, sixBu, McQyuG, Yfh, jXoOAI, WgGulM, recBFD, tHspwI, gZsO, ewWA, cqLNU, HBpL, eLDImD, cCB, fhxn, uQVO, tpz, bIs, igtrf, KcblwW, YeNsZQ, CHZQRJ, grypn, uJK, QOEmni, mAa, ThFDG, tpbfU, gvKU, RwfZn, DsZpq, BdVJI, gfqMP, lIku, sLilu, dPH, XpEZV, NxOhA, jPfrb, syQkQ, jsBZ, CFLtwI, qXIVu, iPkG, UzlD, DTabeg, SGT, qoC, CXPxXW, SWCYT, ngtC, ocTamh, XKEuq, YBci, FVNDqU, ydsWU, Hcjtu, jvztx,