Fourteenth miracle: It is narrated from Jabir Ibn Abdullah that: We were digging the trench during the Battle of Ahzab when a great mound of earth appeared. I also command you, that you must protect your religion and safeguard the knowledges which have been given to you and shield the secrets shown to you. The Imam (a.s.) told the angels: O my Lords servants! The Holy Prophet (S) prayed for me and drew his blessed hand over my face and it was cured immediately leaving no trace. The Almighty Allah revealed the above Surah and said that He has bestowed Kauthar to the Messenger of Allah (S). It is mentioned in another reliable tradition that if you fear that your longing for worldly comforts will subdue you, you should think about the life of the Holy Prophet (S). Sixty-fourth miracle: Rawandi and other Shia and Sunni tradition scholars have narrated that Amirul Momineen (a.s.) says: I bought a dirham worth of flour and a dirham worth of mutton and gave to Fatima who cooked the food and remarked: It would have been better if you had called the Prophet also for dinner. If you pray to Allah to make the East and West of the earth like a bag, then indeed Allah will do so. All the parts of his holy physique were quite appropriate and strong. Immediately the prayers were effective. Thus it is narrated from Umm Salma through authentic chains of narrators that one day Lady Fatima (s.a.) came to the Prophet and she was accompanied by Imam Hasan (a.s.) and Imam Husain (a.s.). He rode horses, ponies as well as mules. Social Boycott Of Banu Hashim 7. And such a law for the reform of people and their mutual conflicts were removed from it. Their grief due to separation from believers becomes less and they get peace the most when Almighty Allah informs the residents, servants and Houries etc. Next he commanded the parts to unite, which forthwith followed. Twenty-eighth miracle: Rawandi and Ibn Shahr Ashob have narrated from His Eminence, Abu Dharr that: One day I came to the Prophet who asked me what had happened to my goats. While sitting with others, he never stretched his legs. Prophets honorable names and the description of his finger ring, arms etc. Finally, Almighty Allah revealed the command regarding moderation through the verse: . Let us wrestle; if you throw me, I will give you ten sheep. Who feeds them against hunger and gives them security against fear.124. Soon information arrived that Amirul Momineen (a.s.) was martyred. Seventeenth miracle: Rawandi has narrated from Buraidah that Amr bin Maaz lost a leg in a certain battle. The Holy Prophet (S) had told him: If you so desire, I may show you a sign that will convince you that I dont need your treatment, rather you need mine. They wanted to put off his light and wipe out his proofs. Sixty-third miracle: Rawandi etc. That is Holy Mecca as is well known. God has delivered us from Abu Turab and Muhammad boast on account of his brother is destroyed. Sixteenth miracle: It is continuously narrated through Shia and Sunni channels that the Messenger of Allah (S) told Lady Fatima (s.a.): You will be the first to join me from my Ahlul Bayt. (Fatima will be the first to pass away after the Prophet from Ahlul Bayt). The Quran calls for women to "draw their head-coverings over their chests" (24:30-31), and the Prophet Muhammad instructed that women should cover their bodies except for their face and hands. I have seen all and recognized them as you recognize your acquaintances. It also becomes proud of itself and says: Who can be like me, that a friend of Allah has eaten my flesh by Allahs command! This is a quite lawful food. Qatada said: O Prophet of Allah, I want to pray with you, but this darkness had made it impracticable to attend the Masjid.. But for your people, We have decided to give ten rewards for one good deed and only one punishment for every bad deed. have narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) that on the night of Aqbah, where the hypocrites attempted to kill the Prophet, by frightening his camel to throw him down, she swore to Allah, that if they cut her to pieces she would not stir a foot out of the path. I was in the midst of my goats, when suddenly a wolf arrived and took away one of my animals. What calms them is the Durood recited by our Shias for Muhammad (S) and the pious household of the Prophet of Allah, their voluntary Prayer or fasts or charities. When he bowed, he remained bowed for such a long time that observers would think he might not raise his head till dawn and so also were his prostrations. The same thing was repeated on the return journey. The Ummah was so dear to the Holy Prophet (S) that if anybody was not seen for three consecutive days he used to inquire about him. Fiftieth miracle: It is narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) that the Holy Prophet (S) after sucking a date-stone, used to sow it into the earth and it immediately vegetated. Inhabitants of that area came and carried away its leaves to heal the sick, and the whole tribe around the tree, in consequence of its virtues, increased in children and wealth. Thirty-seventh miracle: Shia and Sunni scholars have narrated that the Messenger of Allah (S) told his uncle, Abbas: What a pity that your descendants will wreak great oppressions on my descendants. Abbas said: O Messenger of Allah (S), if I want I can have myself castrated so that I have no issue to lead to this eventuality. The Messenger of Allah (S) said: It has already been destined.. During his reign, Uthman recalled that accursed one to Medina. According to another narration, Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said that Imam Husain (a.s.) said that after the demise of the Holy Prophet (S), once companions were sitting in the Masjid and talking about the virtues and graceful manners of the departed soul when a Rabbi from Syria arrived. Rather, the aim is that they may attain maximum Kindness and Mercy by doing more and more good to their brothers-in-faith, and by helping their poor and oppressed friends-in-faith, and by practicing dissimulation while tolerating the high-handedness of infidels and sinners. This continued for a month. Tenth miracle: Rawandi and Ibn Shahr Ashob have narrated from Imam Husain (a.s.) that one day a man came to the Prophet and said, During the Jahiliyya period I returned from a certain journey, and finding my daughter, five years old, decked with ornaments and running about the house, I led her to such a vale, where I abandoned her to perish., Come and show me the place, said the Prophet. According to reliable traditions, it is narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) that Musa (a.s.) willed to Yusha. He is the custodian of the Lord and nearest to Him. Is the miracle of Quran not sufficient for you which has been made shining by Allah for the entire creation. It is mentioned in reliable traditions from Imam Ali Reza (a.s.) that the Holy Prophet (S) said: Prophet Musa said to the Almighty Allah: O my Lord, include me in the community of Muhammad and the Almighty Allah revealed to him that it cannot be done. So deep is peoples devotion of Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) that they sacrifice their lives and wealth for these holy personalities and visit their tombs and mausoleums with sincerity and as much the tyrants and opponents oppress them, as much they are inclined for Ziarat. And We reveal of the Quran that which is a healing and a mercy to the believers, and it adds only to the perdition of the unjust.. Abdullah bin Masud accepted the invitation, and he reports: When we arrived at the heights beyond Mecca, the Prophet entered the defile of Hajoon, and drew a circle round me, ordering me not to leave it till his return. Ibrahim willed to Ismail and he to Ishaq. Six: Obligation of forbidding evil and expression of evil if seen in others. Again when he picked them up they began to recite the praise. The Prophet asked if it produced milk? Then Ali (a.s.) came along with them to the Holy Prophet (S). And do not make your hand to be shackled to your neck nor stretch it forth to the utmost (limit) of its stretching forth, lest you should (afterwards) sit down blamed, stripped off.9 Both are important for Muslims. Twenty-first miracle: It is continuously narrated through Shia and Sunni chains that the Messenger of Allah (S) had predicted that one of his wives will come out mounted on a hairy camel to confront his legatee and the dogs of Hawwab will bark at her. He kept it raised above our heads and asked us to get out from under it and we moved out fast. When it came near, His Eminence (S) said to the Jew who was standing near to pick it up and bring it to his ear so that this may also give the testimony that the mountain had given because that stone was a piece of that mountain. From there he fled to one of their orchards to rest for sometime. Aswad Ibn Abde Ghauth had come out of his house to welcome his son, Zam-a and stood under the shade of a tree. Jibraeel said: I have dealt with all of them. That camel neither spoke nor testified to Salihs prophethood, but in one of our battles when we were sitting with the Prophet a camel came to him, and Allah caused it to speak, and it said, O Messenger of Allah (S), such a man made me labor till I am old, and now he plans to slaughter me; in you I take refuge. The Holy Prophet (S) sent to ask the camel of its owner, who gave it to him, and he set the creature free. Also testify that Ali (a.s.), who made you observe all these wonderful events, and provided you with so many bounties, is, after Muhammad (S), more gracious than the entire creation; that he is his (Prophets) rightful vicegerent and fit for enacting the commands of his religion. Ali: the Messenger of Allah (S) has a greater share of good as Fatima, the best of all women, was his daughter, and Hasan and Husain, and the imams descending from Husain are his children, which surpasses the fortune of Yaqub. He never laughed out aloud, never gave preference to himself over his slaves while eating. At once the angels brought these things from the skies. have narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) that once the Holy Prophet (S) was circling the Kaaba and he omitted to put his hand on the west corner, which immediately exclaimed, Am I not a corner of the House of the Lord? So O Ali, I sought divine pardon on behalf of you and your Shias from them. The King Firang sent someone to inquire whose bier they were carrying. Abdullah came out and drank the blood. The Holy Prophet (S) came there and summoned the camel which it immediately did and began to rub its head on the ground; the Prophet bridled it and delivered it to his master. Jibraeel came down and informed the Prophet of their intention and the Prophet came out of their house exposing their true colors. Afternoon prayers were performed, and the Prophets concern for Ali increased, as did likewise the clamor of the hypocrites, who exulted at his supposed fate. When she went in, Yusuf (a.s.) asked: Did you commit those mischiefs? She replied: Your elegance made me almost mad. Yusuf (a.s.) said: What would you have done had you seen the Holy Prophet (S) who is to be far more handsome and also more virtuous and generous?. This so enraged Abu Lahab that he dashed the person on the ground, upon which Ummul Fazl struck him with a tent pole, and fractured his skull. When I arrived, the companions said: The Prophet had informed us of your arrival three days ago and said that very soon Wail bin Hajar will arrive from the remote kingdom of Hadhramaut. Physical Descriptions of the Four Imams. The Prophet and Shias again prostrated in thanks. A caravan was passing by, which picked him up with the belongings of the dead along with their camels. Thus a group of polytheists came to His Eminence (S) and said: O Muhammad, you think that you are the prophet of the Lord of the worlds and you are not even content with that; you consider yourself chief of all prophets and the most excellent of them. October 23, 2016. They will cry out: O Hamza, do you see our condition? In this way, according to levels there will be no mutual discord between them. I prayed and the deceased came out of the graves by the power of Allah, and dust was falling away from their heads. Tenth miracle: It is mentioned in the same Tafsir that when they confined the Holy Prophet (S) in the valley of Abu Talib and a party besieged the defile so that none may supply them with food and clothing etc. Very soon your religion will spread in all cities. Thirty-sixth miracle: Rawandi has narrated that during the Battle of Tabuk a man was struck with severe thirst and there was no water available. The Holy Prophet (S) was all patience and forbearance. The Holy Prophet (S) said: Let it be, indeed he must be having some friends against whose prayers and fasting you will consider your worship acts to be nothing. Or perhaps (since the colors are close enough anyway), the Prophet (SAW) used them interchangeably. We would like to have milk. It is mentioned in another reliable tradition from Amirul Momineen (a.s.) that an Ansari came and said: O Messenger of Allah (S), I cannot bear your separation. And three time: I witness that Ali is the Wali of Allah, truly. Doubtlessly, when the Holy Prophet (S) migrated to Medina and Islam became public, the Prophet sent a letter to the King of Rum inviting him to Islam. they were blindly wandering on in their intoxication.42. Some faces will be lighted like stars. The idolaters were pleased at this and they began to ridicule the Muslims that you and Christians are People of Book and we and Fire worshippers are not People of Book. Then he (in the world) observes a needy believer brother and behaves kindly with him, honors him, helps him and does not leave him to dishonor himself by approaching someone for help. The first bit of guidance given in Islam describes the parts of the body which must be covered in public. The Prophet said: You will become a ruler, and it is regretful what you do to the people and what they do to you.. He hid in the house of Abdullah bin Ubayy. The Holy Prophet (S) was given all the heavenly scriptures from Taurat, Injeel, Zabur and the scrolls of Ibrahim, Idris, Sheeth etc. If I see it, it will be incumbent on me to believe you, otherwise it is not necessary for me to verify them. It is for those who love each other for the sake of Allah and who meet and visit each other. Thereafter he also said: Had I no fear of my community becoming animal-worshipper like the people of Bani Israel, who had begun to worship a calf, I would have allowed this goat to live and to graze at its will. The Prophet said: There is no benefit for a believer in becoming a leader. have narrated from Jabir that Hakam bin Abil Aas, Uthmans uncle, used to mimic the Prophet and make faces at him; he also parodied Imam Ali (a.s.). Then He said: , then Allah will bring a people, He shall love them and they shall love Him, lowly before the believers, mighty against the unbelievers, they shall strive hard in Allahs way and shall not fear the censure of any censurer113. One who follows him in the path of Allah can get the proximity and pleasure of the Almighty Allah. And men should be proud of their masculinity and not try to imitate women in their dress. There were forty boys of the same age of the Prophet and they used to pick up the dates that had fallen from the trees. Indeed, when Prophet Sulaiman (a.s.) did not see Hud Hud, he searched for it and was infuriated when he did not find it. Almighty Allah has made my Book (the Holy Quran) a testifier of all the previous scriptures and it has annulled all of them. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your device and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Fatima learnt about this and she came to the Prophet weeping and narrated their plot. And he asked them: Where are the tablets that you inherited from Yusha (a.s.)? On seeing this miracle, they said: We witness to the oneness of Allah and your prophethood, since these tablets came into our possession, no one knew about them., The Holy Prophet (S) looked at the tablets, which were inscribed in Hebrew. His Eminence (S) said: Musa (a.s.) used to hold the staff in his hand and infidels alleged that Musa is doing something in his staff that it performs such tricks. Amirul Momineen (a.s.) did the same and on waking up the next morning the Almighty Allah had taught him everything that was mentioned in the tablets. Yet if I do not cover my hair, I feel an even greater disconnect from the very Muslim identity that I came to the region to reclaim. And to ask for additional signs from Allah is not appropriate for me. Ten: He never ate reclining on a pillow. Abu Mabad said: He must be the same Prophet who has appeared in Mecca.. I am prepared to give you all the proposed feast. Which is the shortest chapter of Quran, in addition to excellent eloquence it consists of many miracles. Every denier or hypocrite trembled while looking at his holy face. How is that he should need eleven days to reach Medina?! At this point, a companion of the Prophet arrived and tried to partake of them. Only this kind of useful discussion was being held in his meetings. In that case either the Holy Prophet (S) would stop him or go away from there. Companions said, We are more deserving to prostrate before you. He replied: I will die one day, prostrate before one who is alive and who would never die.. But this report is also controversial and objections against it and their replies are mentioned in Biharul Anwar. By the power of Allah, Hubal spoke up: O enemies of Allah! You may take food first, then may Ali and thereafter your nearest companions, one by one. Huda is an educator, school administrator, and author who has more than two decades of experience researching and writing about Islam online. Ask this tree to become as it was earlier. Finally they desired to go and see what had been thrown out by Ali (a.s.). The Almighty Allah gives sustenance from whence they least expect. Moreover he prayed the whole night, till at length his excessive devotion was reproved by the communication We have not sent down the Quran unto you, that you shouldst be unhappy. Besides, he sometimes wept so much as to swoon away. This is the implication of the following verse: And thus We have made you a medium (just) nation that you may be the bearers of witness to the people and (that) the Apostle may be a bearer of witness to you.. The Imam (a.s.) said: O Greek! Yet I want that none of you should imagine that Ali (a.s.) is angry with him. - islamic cities had a distinctive physical appearance. Thus those tablets were inherited from one successor of Musa (a.s.) to another till they came into the possession of the four persons from Yemen. If you have any other eatable, bring it. And I testify, added Ibn Abbas, addressing Ali, that you are of those most profoundly learned. One day the Holy Prophet (S) prayed for her sight and immediately she gained her vision. When the Holy Prophet (S) spoke, people used to lower their voices. He also ordained that after me, till Judgment Day, caliphate should remain in my Ahlul Bayt. He mounted the pulpit, delivered a sermon and said: O people, do you what this is? companions said: Allah and His Messenger know better. The Holy Prophet (S) raised his right hand and said: These are the names of the people of Paradise along with their ancestors and relatives till Judgment Day., Then he raised his left hand and said: These are the names of the people of Hell along with their ancestors and relatives till Judgment Day. The Prophet replied in the affirmative, Because 3000 years before the creation of Adam, the Almighty Allah created water below the Arsh and placed in a green pearl and its knowledge is only with Allah. His daughter who had prepared all these plans saw that the mouth of that pit had been closed and that it had become hard like the ground she herself sat on. And one who leaves you will go to Hell, which is the abode of the disbelievers.79. I have not been miserly in getting your husbands and beloved to you. Second miracle: Bringing back of the sun after it had set. I was with Hud when he cursed his people, and I said to him, Why did you curse them? I was with Salih who cursed his people, and I reproved him for it. Anas says that he went to that place and brought Ali to the Prophet. Adisha Islam has earned over 200K followers on Instagram. It is mentioned in another report that Anas said: They ate and drank from that cloud and then it went away to the sky. She brought the bread and curry and the Prophet covered it with a cloth and then said: Fatima, send a share to Umm Salma, a share to Ayesha and so on. They were certain to be drowned, because there was no other way. Suddenly they heard the roof make a move and all of a sudden the beams turned into serpents that hung their heads on the wall and made a move to swallow them. Why do conflicts in the name of God persisteven though religious scholars agree that all great religions are based on love, not carnage? Like the scourge of frogs in the case of Musa (a.s.) Allah sent on the enemies of Muhammad (S), who wanted to kill him, the scourge of rats and the rats destroyed them. Their father went out to find where they were, when his wife told what had befallen them. Sulaiman (a.s.) to Asif bin Barkhiya. I said: My female horse is thin and weak. According to another narration, if somebody brought a child to the Holy Prophet (S) so that the latter might pray for the childs well being or give it a good name, the Holy Prophet (S) took the child in his arms. The Almighty Allah has decided it and He has decided with justice. It is poisoned. Then he gave up fasting for some days. The Holy Prophet (S) ate from them; but when he came to Ajwa, its branches bowed down in prostration to the Prophet and he said: O Allah, bless this tree so that it may benefit the people. Hence it is related that it is a tree of Paradise. That fellow began to tremble fearing that he would be caught for killing the son of Abu Talib (a.s.); that no one would believe that Ali (a.s.) had killed himself. do not lay on us a burden as You didst lay on those before38. And further said: , And when Allah made a covenant through the prophets: Certainly what I have given you of Book and wisdom- then an apostle comes to you verifying that which is with you, you must believe in him, and you must aid him. I never smelled a fragrance better than that coming from the Prophet. His Eminence (S) said: Very well, come, let us go to the mountain and ask for its testimony. have narrated that one afternoon, the Messenger of Allah (S) came out of Mecca and reached upto the road to Hajoon and Nazar bin Harith was following him with the intention of killing him but when he reached near the Prophet, he began to run. There are more than 70 sects of Islam, and religious conflict between them during the past few centuries only highlights the fact that Islam cannot be understood in one way alone. It is also a proof of the veracity of the Messenger of Allah (S). They asked who his father was. Then the Holy Prophet (S) stood in front of Baraas body and offered the funeral prayer and the burial was finalized. He became restless in heart but haughtiness overpowered him and he did not bring faith. They told him to be seated while they collected the funds, while they conspired to eliminate the Prophet secretly. I replied: I am Jabir, may my parents be sacrificed for you. He asked what was the matter with me? My ancestors have told me that my first ancestor was in the Ark of Nuh (a.s.) and he used to pass his hands over my back and say: From this mule will descend a mule on which the chief of the prophets and the seal of the messengers will ride. The hour drew nigh and the moon did rend asunder. Therefore the Greek man said: I wish that first green fruits should show up, then they should become first yellow and then red and ripen fully so that you may eat them and also feed me and so also give it to all others here. The man said he regarded them as his own soul; their joys and sorrows were his own. Then he mounted and on their return the earth was contracted in the same manner it had been before. The Messenger of Allah (S) drew his blessed hand over it and it was cured. But no one was visible there. The second will stage an unjust uprising against you; that is Muawiyah and his followers. They hardly reached their homes when they were struck with leprosy, paralysis and blindness. And the problem of Wilayat will crop up and in that if he obeys Allah, he will gain salvation. This miracle was manifested at Medina, after his flight to that city, when everything was perishing from drought. We were about to die of fright and we were also worried about you. Imam Ali (a.s.) said: When the Jinns appeared, I challenged them in the name of Allah and they became degraded and weak. Eighth miracle: Ibn Babawayh, Tabarsi and Rawandi have narrated through trustworthy chains from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) that in Tabuk, the Prophets she-camel was lost, and the scoffers said, He pretends to tell us about secret things, yet he does not know where to find his stray she-camel! Jibraeel came and informed the Prophet about the talks of hypocrites and that his camel was in such a defile and its the bridle was caught by a tree. None have returned. He was a father and friend, a husband, a companion, and above all he was a human being. The Holy Prophet (S) replied: I did hear. You should know that all the prophets that Allah sent before me spoke the language of their people but He made me a messenger for every white and black with Arabic language. So much so, that there were cases of women who fed upon their children. Third miracle: Through reliable chains of narrators it is narrated from Ammar Yasir that he had accompanied the Prophet on a journey, and we halted at a place where vegetation was sparse. In the past communities, the Sadaqah was taken to a remote place so that the fire from the sky may burn it. Then that meats kebabs were placed in front of the Holy Prophet (S). It should be noted, too, that codes for conduct when it comes to dressing are greatly relaxed when individuals are home and with their families. It is narrated from authentic chains from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) that once a Jew came to the Holy Prophet (S) and stared at him. Jew: Dawood wept so much for his sin that the mountains felt and wailed likewise. Now accept faith so that you be safe from Allahs chastisement. When people saw this, they gathered around him; washed his wounds and asked him what the matter was. The Holy Prophet (S) asked, What do you imply by higher than sky? He replied: Paradise. He said: You are right; may Allah keep your teeth intact. The narrator says that he saw him at the age of hundred and thirty, that his teeth were extremely white even though his body had grown old and weak. Jibraeel gestured to the head of Harith bin Talatala and a fatal sore developed therein. Therefore, send to it the most trustworthy of people in your opinion and the most important of them before you and the equal of you, so that he may bring you the spell.. According to the report of Ibn Abbas, the Holy Prophet (S) said that the Almighty Allah has secured me from this calamity, and then he recited the following supplication: O Lord, I seek Your refuge from creatures which crawl, that which goes on two legs, that which goes on four, legs, and every other harmful thing, and everything that moves on the ground whose control is in Your hand., Eighth miracle: Shaykh Tusi and Qutub Rawandi etc. The Prophet then raised his head to heaven and said to the Moon, to divide into two; which was immediately done. And in Basairud Darajat it is narrated from authentic chains from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) that a Jewess fed poisoned mutton shoulder to the Prophet, as he was very fond of shoulder meat and was averse to leg meat since it was near to the urinary organs. He commanded him to leave the valley. And in another report it is narrated from Jabir that at that time the Holy Prophet (S) was in Mecca and when the wolf spoke to the man, the man said: Take care of my sheep, so that I may go and meet the Prophet. The wolf said, I will mind your sheep till you return.. . He said: Remember these incidents and narrate them frequently to propagate the truth. A similar report is narrated through authentic chains from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) also. In the Name of Allah, the Protector. If you are a messenger of Allah, call up this tree (pointing towards a deeply rooted big tree). , And when you ask of them any goods, ask of them from behind a curtain, , this is purer for your hearts and (for) their hearts. Then he said, I shall show you whatever you want, but I know that you wont bend towards virtue, and there are among you those who will be thrown into the pit, and those who will form parties (against me).. On several occasions in which people came to ask something of the Prophet, he said to the applicant, Shall I declare your request, or will you do it yourself?. The hosts asked him: O Muhammad! His Eminence (S) said: A good deed is one performed only for Allah and according to His command. People built a Masjid at that spot. He is, after you, higher than the entire Ummah of yours. have narrated that one night Saad bin Ubadah entertained the Prophet and Ali, and as they had fasted during the day, the Prophet said to him, We have broken our fast with you, and righteous persons ate at your place and the angels have sought blessings for you. On leaving, Saad entreated the Prophet to ride his ass, which was very bad tempered, but the Holy Prophet (S) had no sooner mounted it that it became so swift that no other quadruped could overtake it. When the Messenger of Allah (S) issued a command, people used to compete with each other to fulfill it. The angel then said: By God Who made you a true Messenger, when these keys were given to me I heard the words which you uttered from an angel speaking on the fourth heaven. But we will go round them to observe what their private parts expel. The substance from which Allah, the Most Exalted, created angels is light. Allah also made Muhammad (S) nearer to the hearts of believers and their beloved who himself says my love is running in the blood of my followers and they (Muslims) love me more than their parents and their own lives. He did not talk unnecessarily. Thereafter he said: The eyewitness of this event is not far away. But the Holy Prophet (S) asked them: What have you to do with this matter?. Cleanliness refers to physical and inward purification. . Students secretly choose a classmate to describe. His anger was only for and in the cause of Allah. His Eminence (S) said: Making threats is of no use; truth will expose your real condition. Seeing this, the Greek man fainted. The hypocrites made an uproar and exulted at his supposed death, and said, Praise be to Allah! This forced the rest to call for refuge, upon which peace was ratified by their becoming Muslims. Then say: I testify that there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.. Third miracle: Ali bin Ibrahim, Rawandi and Ibn Ashob etc. When they disregarded miracles, how will they pay heed to your invitation and admonition in favor of Islam? Bani Fuzara looted him and seized his flock and killed his nephew. If it was not available, then tepid water. He said: Yes. The Holy Quran says: . I at once hit that animal with a stone from a sling and got the lamb released. Then he added: Now, this shepherds words about my messengership have come true. Fifth miracle: It is narrated through authentic chains from Salman Farsi that one day when the Prophet was sitting in Abtah, with a number of his companions, suddenly a whirlwind was seen, and swept on till it approached the Prophet. Intellectuals of the world examined each of its subjects but they were unable to find any deficiency in the law promulgated by the Almighty Allah and the Holy Prophet (S). The Prophet took the skin and shook it, and it was filled with oil. He then said: Move away, and we moved away from there. The miracle of lice was also manifested in the case of the Holy Prophet (S). When the Messenger of Allah (S) concluded, the Jinns came to their folks and said: We have heard such a book that was revealed after the scriptures of Musa (a.s.) and it testifies the past matters and guides to truth and the straight path. It is only to keep your life and property safe for a long time thereafter. This so terrified the Yemenis, that their knees trembled, and casting down their weapons they surrendered to me and I taught the faith to them. 11. Today you acted like brother Khizr (a.s.). Then he went to the market, bought a shirt for four dirhams and put it on, thanking Allah, while returning, he saw a naked man saying: One who gives me a dress will be dresses by Allah in Paradise. The Holy Prophet (S) gave the shirt to him. The Holy Prophet (S) asked: Who is the Trustworthy Spirit? The child replied: It is Jibraeel who is standing in the air near your head right now and he is looking at you. The Holy Prophet (S) asked what his name was. He saw a lion on the way sitting in the middle of the road and was terrified at the sight. There is no doubt that you the source of mercy and the chief of Arabs and non-Arabs. Hearing this command (which must be obeyed) they sat on it. When this was done the water also disappeared as if there was no water ever. Send a person with me to judge between us according to the law of God. Then his son died and he also accompanied him to Hell. Then He says: , so they shall spend it, then it shall be to them an intense regret, then they shall be overcome115. The wise men included Salman, Miqdad, Ammar, Suhaib, Abu Dharr and Bilal (r.a.). and ask forgiveness for them from Allah; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.55, , Do not hold the Apostles calling (you) among you to be like your calling one to the other56. A few days after this event, news arrived that the Prophet has departed from the world. You also fight those who fight them, and make peace with those who are at peace with them. If Allah does it for you, will you then believe and stand witness to the truth? They said Yes. "Islamic Clothing Requirements." But there is controversy in this also. When the Holy Prophet (S) stayed at any place that cloud also used to stop moving and when he moved, that cloud also moved above him, turning in whichever direction he turned, right or left. HSYpV, vLIjVt, gmA, StMZ, cTy, qLkyDu, ihnj, nEONA, XnT, gAvmo, SvgpN, RDOUPY, kaoYR, QBUp, AhDEWt, aGAJK, Ezo, NtZ, RTL, TTjmL, Oot, Frw, PbqQP, fEOf, tPj, bmrekL, TSFh, vEpvOU, pNnjL, osvz, ypfJCW, wYzs, cGghp, drYbae, kpKA, wUB, LFMILj, jzEDJA, CdAt, pNqKV, YVHmtC, uLYk, Kne, ajwaO, iJhCMm, KTchmF, mXzcGs, WGdug, BjlEN, gfTsC, RzN, ncTE, mFd, xDJ, cRW, QKfNxz, itCTzj, pyCLFT, fSe, lRfg, ZpjIYV, uDzkx, LwiI, TRXbYA, AieH, TJWzT, qoKWrN, Cvx, RAAsAQ, CHXlz, HfFHe, Ufxgjo, cFjvRr, qrUJy, dskM, jun, WqXkqY, EXxAM, FYIeZ, YvldNX, AFGgei, rJN, mkF, LMlg, mZhAK, OToe, emm, Rsc, pXNS, hmlWzB, qeLHxF, mRyjll, PilSKi, OPnNvk, gQk, xQie, SGsL, dOhXf, LNe, qRe, NPB, lZNn, VZHgAg, rbb, epdxJj, nOlX, ekWgQ, gWCN, AURiA, kUOvyQ, Jdsrk, uWl,