Multichannel Marketing Hubs. Patch-Status Zusammenfassung - Atera just updated their branding. Atera (FREE TRIAL) This RMM and PSA package for managed service providers includes AnyDesk and Splashtop for remote access and remote desktop functions. Technischer Direktorin bei Jetty IT Solutions. Alle Tools, die Sie bentigen, fr einen rundum Service zusammengefasst, Intelligente Backup-Plattform, die alle Workloads schtzt und unbegrenzt skalierbar ist. Take your network monitoring to the next level with Domotz powerful and affordable network-monitoring platform. sub2 PSA Helpdesk, billing, and reporting. No more manually figuring out system requirements! "Ateras all-in-one RMM software is very easy to use, not just for me, but even for people who have claimed, "I'm not very good at IT." You already know that todays office environment is constantly reinventing itself, and rarely stays within a traditional four-walled setting. Donald H, Prsident/CTO von "My IT Company". License management. Atera enables app-based 2FA, (two-factor authentication) on ALL licenses. Reboot If Needed How do I set it up in Atera? Ateras Network Discovery provides a comprehensive security scan and complete view of all of your end-user networks and devices, automatically updating to ensure you always see the full picture. It is only $99/user with Atera. Well keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. Even though we are multi-tenant we have specific database instance separation between customers thus further insuring the security and integrity of our users data. Next-generation patch management means youll no longer have hundreds of valuable hours wasted each cycle. Sparen Sie Zeit, indem Sie Patches fr Windows, Mac und jede Art von Software auf den Gerten Ihrer Endbenutzer automatisieren, und behalten Sie den berblick ber jedes Netzwerk. Atera includes everything you need in one integrated solution: remote monitoring and management (RMM), PSA, remote access, patch management, billing, reports, network discovery and so much more! Youll never have the hassle of awkward conversations about raising prices, and instead youll garner customer loyalty. 6. Optimieren Sie den tglichen Geschftsbetrieb, um den besten Kundenservice zu bieten. All of your personal information, including email address, name, and IP address will be deleted from this site. Sie erhalten jede Funktion, jedes Tool einfach alles, was Sie brauchen um Ihre Arbeitsablufe zu optimieren und sich wieder auf den Montagmorgen freuen zu knnen. Chris D, President/CEO of Intelligent IT. And others see the new software added and remove it because they don't like control, "Big Brother" . All in one place: PSA, RMM, Remote Access, Patch Management, Reporting, Community Scripts, 3rd Party Integrations with Webroot, Bitdefender, Acronis, Azure, and so much more. Ledgible. The remote desktop feature will allow you to connect with a computer effortlessly. Tight integrations with popular patch management and vulnerability scanners, including Qualys, Crowdstrike, and Rapid7, enable Tuxcare to fit seamlessly into existing infrastructure. ManageEngine Service Desk for A support system that includes incident management, project management, and change management software. Become one of Ateras exclusive affiliates earn up to $1,300 for each conversion. The most efficient documentation platform available for IT pros today. Take a step back to get a real sense, as well as a complete overview of all the assets youre responsible for, including who has governance and control, where documentation is kept, and your whole strategy from easy onboarding until the final frontier of your IT ecosystem. Dark mode for the atera interface would be great, makes it easy on the eyes. RMM Software, Remote Access, IT Automations, Patch Management, Scripting, Ticketing, and Reporting. Add threshold for last reboot time so we can filter wich clients got high uptime. Would you like to see any communication integrations added to Atera? Network Discovery Security scan and 360 view. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies, but opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Add the new BitLocker feature to the Auditor report so we can report on which devices have BitLocker turned on/off. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Ateras Network Discovery provides a comprehensive security scan and complete view of all of your end-user networks and devices, automatically updating to ensure you always see the full picture. Protection against advanced online threats, from ransomware to spyware. Endet am 29. For further clarification, Ensure software, hardware, and OS are up to date, Configure preferences for Microsoft updates, Get notified about available patches for all your managed devices, Set schedules at a regular cadence for full flexibility and maintenance control, Separate out tasks for different device groups, Ensure critical third-party applications like Adobe are upto-date, Automate software installation using Chocolatey for Windows and HomeBrew for Mac, Automate maintenance tasks such as disk defrag, scheduled reset, and cleanups, See at a glance if a patch didnt update as planned, Create customized software bundles for different groups, Free up technicians to add more strategic value, Install new software across multiple endpoints, One-click install of patches across a software bundle, Exclude patches where necessary for full control, Automatically deploy existing bundles on new agents and devices. It would be nice to have a way of tracking all assets for a client. Neuesten Warnungen - Search for devices by name. - Setting custom field per device type Head over to Ateras Features Board, which is where you can make suggestions about integrations, add-ons, or new ideas for Atera. "If you have 1000 endpoints that you manage you would spend anywhere from $600 to $1000 per month for other Remote Monitoring and Management tools. Receive a ticket when an agent is uninstalled - as the agent does not have a password to uninstall, it would be good to know if the agent is accidentally removed by someone, deliberate or accidentally. Our robust script library has hundreds of scripts, all of which can be run directly from Atera using PowerShell, CMD files, and more. Explore Other Posts. WebAteras Network Discovery provides a comprehensive security scan and complete view of all of your end-user networks and devices, automatically updating to ensure you always see the full picture. Enter your idea and we'll search to see if someone has already suggested it. Disruptive IT automations put you back in the drivers seat as an IT professional. Install Java updates Ledgible. Mobile Workforce Management Software for Utilities. Remote Agent installs Start your free trial today! "Es ist nicht einfach, einen neuen MSP zu grnden. Patch Management Automated patching software. Price: System Center has two pricing editions, Datacenter Edition ($3607) and Standard Edition ($1323). The other differentiation is that we built our software as one RMM+PSA+Remote Access from the beginning and are not integrating two or three products. Speed up the way you work by using automations at scale. Patch Status Summary shows all up-to-date agents, and a complete list of missing patches. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies, but opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Patch Management is a major contributor to security and the efficient operations of the managed system. Earn up to $1,300 for each conversion. With complete visibility and control of your customer networks from any device, you can now provide instant, first-class remote IT support, wherever, whenever. Helpdesk. On the low side that is an annual savings of $6K.". We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Working smarter starts with working faster. Automatisierung von professionellen Dienstleistungen. Our pricing philosophy is to always be transparent and fair so we do not give discounts or make deals beyond the prices in our website. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Integrations Atera on facebook Atera on twitter Atera on youtube Atera on linkedin Atera on reddit. OID's are generally provided by the hardware manufacturers, or can be found in so-called OID repositories, where collections of MIB trees and the corresponding OIDs can be accessed. Patch management. Remote software installation has never been easier than with our Chocolatey API integration. Thankfully the post-pandemic remote working landscape has added another weapon to your arsenal, and triggered a real need for IT professionals to facilitate remote access from anywhere. Remote command access. Its not just about whats risky about stateful firewalls, either. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Wenn man sie einmal installiert und eingerichtet hat, funktioniert sie so gut wie von selbst.". Atera (FREE TRIAL) Atera is a package of services for monitoring and management tools for remote systems. Sparen Sie Zeit, indem Sie Patches fr jede Art von Software auf den Gerten Ihrer Endbenutzer automatisieren. sub2 PSA Helpdesk, Rechnungsstellung und Berichterstattung. Nutzen Sie die umfassenden Funktionen zur Verwaltung von Ticketing und Berichterstellung, um Ihre tglichen Geschftsablufe zu optimieren und mit der PSA-Lsung von Atera den besten Kundenservice zu bieten. Ich habe eine Testversion gestartet und sofort mit dem Onboarding meiner Kunden begonnen.". Three powerful reports provide granular information on patching posture, and you can even install missing patches from within the reports. E-Mail-Schutz zur Erkennung von Phishing-E-Mails, die durch herkmmliche Abwehrmechanismen schlpfen. ThreatLockers endpoint security platform protects your business from malicious and misused software. Ledgible. Remote Monitoring and Management, Remote Access, Helpdesk, Billing, and Reporting. By automating patching for your IT environment, you can radically reduce the risk of cyberattacks. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. RMM Software, Remote-Zugriff, IT-Automatisierung, Patch-Management, Skripterstellung, Ticketing und Berichterstattung. You also need to ensure you have a tight patch management schedule for your firewall, as a gap can cause vulnerabilities that can be taken advantage of by hackers. Learn more. Atera lets you manage your environment with the tools you know and love, as well as adopt software add-ons as your IT needs evolve. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. However, there is nothing we love more than working with our users to make sure their onboarding process is smooth and fast. Since you already have data stored on this site, please select one of the following: Please note that if you do not select an option, we will be required to delete your feedback profile and personal information . Wir verwenden Cookies, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie die. Thomas C, Information Technology Assistant. Thank you for being a partner in our process! We are now required to have consent to store personal data. Added benefits include increasing devices lifespan, reducing downtime, and ensuring business continuity. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Nice! Unsere Integrationen mit Splashtop und AnyDesk ermglichen einen sofortigen, bedarfsgerechten Remote-Zugriff und -Support ohne rgerliche versteckte Kosten. Additionally, Microsoft implements the most advanced quality and security methodologies. Ab sofort haben Sie vollstndigen berblick ber alle IT-Netzwerke Ihrer Kunden. Atera's disruptive pricing model helps IT professionals scale their business while providing continued best-in-class service. We are adding more add-ons and integrations all the time, at the same time as working to improve our depth of integrations from inside Atera. This is incredible savings over having to hire somebody to do all the tasks that Atera performs for us.". Resources. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies, but opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Supercharge your written business records with Ateras powerful IT documentation capabilities. Ledgible. Sparen Sie Zeit, indem Sie Patches fr Windows, Mac und jede Art von Software auf den Gerten Ihrer Endbenutzer automatisieren, und behalten Sie den berblick ber jedes Netzwerk. Patch Management Automated patching software. Nun sind Sie in der Lage, jedes Gert zu jeder Zeit und von jedem Ort aus mit den sichersten und besten Tools fr den Remote-Zugriff zu untersttzen. Installs on Windows Server and Linux and is also available as a cloud service. Review them all at your convenience, and at any time with total traceability so you can really keep a 360 view of whats going on inside your IT systems. sub2 PSA Helpdesk, billing, and reporting. Passen Sie Ihre Software zur Fernberwachung und Verwaltung in nur wenigen Minuten an. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Tasks that are included in desktop management include on-boarding, software management, patch management, security protection, and access rights 30-day free trial management. Support any device anywhere, anytime with the most secure, best-in-class remote access tools. Atera is a cloud-based, Remote IT Management platform that provides a powerful and integrated solution, for MSPs, IT consultants, and IT departments. Kein manuelles Herausfinden der Systemanforderungen mehr! A proven business continuity and disaster recovery solution for IT professionals. Network Discovery Security scan and 360 view. Smart virus and malware protection with unobtrusive, dual-engine security. We developed a SaaS solution for MSPs that on one hand combines three products into one: RMM, PSA and Remote Access but is very simple to use (our design philosophy). Kimberly Bassett, Technischer Direktorin bei Jetty IT Solutions. Logiciel de patch management automatis "Le logiciel RMM tout-en-un d'Atera est trs facile utiliser, pas seulement pour moi, mais mme pour les personnes qui pensent ne pas tre trs doues en informatique". SolarWinds Patch Manager FREE TRIAL Automates patch installation and provides compliance reporting. Fernberwachung- und Verwaltung, Remote-Zugriff, Helpdesk, Rechnungsstellung und Berichterstattung. See Software. ", "Monitoring networks and IT projects is easy and its all SaaS-based. The Ticket Dashboard in Atera is equivalent to a Prioritized To-Do list. Gratis Testversion ausprobieren. Wir betrachten Atera als einen zustzlichen Mitarbeiter, den wir nur etwa 300 Dollar pro Monat bezahlen. Atera is a completely different technological approach. Atera manages all OS patches for Windows and Mac, and also integrates with Chocolatey and Homebrew to automate software installation, patching and updates for a wide range of software. Unlimited devices, fixed price. Endet am 29. Installs on Windows Server. Patch Management. Erhalten Sie einen vollstndigen berblick ber Kundennetzwerke von jedem Gert und berall einen. 10,000+ Customers. Become an affiliate. Software bundles can be created once, and then used thereafter for critical repeatable tasks such as onboarding or setting up a new user in a specific department. sub2 PSA Helpdesk, billing, and reporting. Atera is an innovative remote monitoring and management system (RMM) that marries the functions of an RMM with professional services automation and remote control. Keep everything operating smoothly with Atera's intuitive design and clear interface. Our add-ons offer built-in business capabilities from inside Atera, while our Integrations allow for easy connectivity through rich technical APIs. We are born in the cloud, our software is a whole different experience both in terms of onboarding and daily ease of use. I'm from Atera team and I'm glad to share that we started working on this idea you voted for. Remote support for all users, including enabling of Atera Work From Home. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Automated Microsoft patch management. Patch Management Automated patching software. Smart virus and malware protection with unobtrusive, dual-engine security. The ability to install Agents on Linux devices and start to support and monitoring them, A dark mode option for Atera desktop and mobile app to keep things easy on the eyes Patch Search and Deploy allows you to search based on customer, knowledgebase, description, or agent. The ability to monitor mobile devices and tablets. Support any device anywhere, anytime, with the most secure remote access tools. Please be patient as the process can take a while or even stall to make way for other features. Free up your and/or your technicians time to add value better invested elsewhere. I wish to delete my feedback profile and all personal data from this site. Free 12 Reviews. Multicarrier Parcel Management Solutions. Simple, Ateras wide range of reports and analytics that allow you to set and keep track of data-driven goals, including: Every single action or command that you or any other user issued is automatically logged into the main database. Prevention, detection, and resolution of a wide range of cyberattacks. RMM Software, PSA and Remote Access that will change the way you run your MSP Business. Sie haben weder die Zeit noch das Geld, um es fr wenig lohnenswerte, sich stndig wiederholende Aufgaben zu vergeuden. Simplify your tasks and communication with intuitive helpdesk, billing, and reporting. Unbegrenzte Gerte, zum Festpreis. The feature you requested is currently being considered for development. Zugriff fr Remote-Endpunkte von Windows und Mac, direkt von Warnungen, Tickets oder Gerten aus. With Atera you can monitor unlimited devices and Networks for a flat low rate. Password protect Atera Agent from being uninstalled. Une fois que vous l'avez install et que vous l'avez configur, il fonctionne presque tout seul." Atera is a completely different technological approach. Subscribe to our newsletter. ScalePad (Warranty Master) keeps track of Warranty Expirations to show you instant revenue opportunities. "Der Anmeldeprozess fr die Atera RMM-Plattform war sehr einfach, und man kann sie vom ersten Tag an sofort nutzen. Are you struggling to keep track of your customers info (i.e., files, addresses, passwords)? Safeguard all data against any eventuality with Acronis, our fully hosted, fully integrated, award-winning online backup solution. Atera is a cloud-based managed IT services platform that provides a powerful and integrated solution, built for MSPs, IT consultants, and IT departments. Das ist eine unglaubliche Ersparnis gegenber der Einstellung eines neuen Mitarbeiters, der all die Aufgaben erledigt, die Atera fr uns erledigt. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies, but opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Patch management is an area of systems management that involves acquiring, testing, and installing multiple patch es (code changes) to an administered computer system. We are in MS Azure, that in itself has an up-time commitment of 99.95% per instance and we have implemented load balancing and fail-over between two geographical regions so the probability that both will go down at the same time is almost null. We monitor OS X with SNMP and have collaborated with Citrix (GoToAssist) so we have remote access using GTA for OS X. sub2 but after that you can make changes from your switch management console on the web, including adding or changing the networking requirements for the VLAN in real-time. Automation cookbook. Helpdesk Tailored to IT departments. Built for professionals who need something to help them work smarter and faster. Multicountry Payroll Solutions. 105+ Countries. The new logo looks great but now my custom white label options are ruined because nothing matching hot pink and I have no way of changing that. To implement automated Patch Management is a Ticketaktivitt - "Atera has saved our organization money. I'm creating this thread to raise awareness on the potential chaos that's about to be unleashed this upcoming Patch Tuesday, especially onto the poor souls who run Remote Desktop Services (RDS) on-prem. Ateras reporting suite for Patch Management ensures youre always two steps ahead. Automate patches for Windows, Mac, and other software and OS on your end-users' devices. Alles, was Sie brauchen, um dorthin zu gelangen, wo Sie sein wollen. Atera is a cloud-based, Remote IT Management platform that provides a powerful and integrated solution, for MSPs, IT consultants, and IT departments. Network Discovery Security scan and 360 view. For further clarification. Ateras Network Discovery provides a comprehensive security scan and complete view of all of your end-user networks and devices, automatically updating to ensure you always see the full picture. Start a session directly from an alert, ticket, or device via AnyDesk or Splashtop, or integrate with TeamViewer or ScreenConnect for bring your own license. Prevention, detection, and resolution of a wide range of cyberattacks. "The sign up process for the Atera RMM platform was super simple and you can start using it out of the box on day one. This is a cloud-based service. We do not recommend it because it can create a lot of noise in the ticket dashboard. Customize your Remote Monitoring and Management software within minutes. Better feature parity between the mobile and web applications. Patch management feature is available for Windows and 3rd party applications. Atera integrates with the tools you know and love to help get your efficiency to the next level. Network Discovery Rundum Sicherheitsscans. So you dont pay more when you grow or add more monitored devices and you can give really great service because you can put a monitoring agent on all devices in the network without extra cost. What would your perfect Office 365 integration look like? Optimiertes Asset-Management ganz nach Wunsch. SUBMIT. "Ateras RMM and PSA allows more and better service to existing customers, the ability to expand my customer base and not compromise on level of service at a price that is affordable. Dave Long, Entwicklungsleiter bei Cage Data, "Die All-in-One-RMM-Software von Atera ist sehr einfach zu bedienen, und zwar nicht nur fr mich, sondern auch fr Leute, die behauptet haben: "Ich bin nicht sehr gut in IT." Atera: Redwood RunMyJobs: SysAid Anti-Virus Automation Backup Automation Granular Control Workload Automation Process Modelling it has a robust set of features and the best solution for Patch Management. Remote Software, PSA und Remote-Zugriff werden Ihre IT-Welt verndern. If the password feature is under development, an option to receive an alert upon commencement of removal would be tremendous! Nov. Steigern Sie Ihr Geschft am Black Friday mit dem Wachstumspaket im Wert von ber 200. On the low side, thats under $1,000 annually! Erhalten Sie eine umfassende Bestandsaufnahme und vollstndigen berblick ber die IT-Netzwerke Ihrer Kunden. Free 12 Reviews. Faster remote access. Get a complete view of your clients IT networks with a comprehensive inventory. With unlimited devices, you now have the freedom to say yes. However, we heard that some of you would like their own software package repository and install software only from there. Bei Atera sind es nur 99 /Benutzer. The agent itself is brandless, has nothing to identify it with Atera. We'll scan any given network and asses the security focus on: Open ports (both workstations/servers and SNMP devices). you now have the capacity to monitor all of your printers, RAIDs, routers, and other SNMP devices, out-of-the-box. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Well update you once its been implemented and released! Atera's IT service management software features remote monitoring and management(RMM), PSA, remote access, patch management, helpdesk, billing, and so much more! Automate policies for flexible patch management covering the entire Microsoft environment, keeping every device compliant and secure. Simplify your tasks and communication with intuitive helpdesk, billing, and reporting. Specifically tailored to the way IT departments accomplish their day-to-day tasks, Ateras helpdesk solution and ticketing system are intuitive and user-friendly, enabling you to communicate with end users using a live chat, in addition to managing tickets like a boss. Atera offers threshold profiles, which can automatically take action based on a trigger. This is very significant in terms of daily work efficiency. You get every feature, every tool everything you need to streamline your workflow and start looking forward to Monday mornings again. Simply create a comprehensive inventory of all assets and you're done. IT automation rules, shared script library, and exclusive patch management software take care of all the busywork so you can step up and shape the future of IT. The all-in-one Remote Monitoring and Management software (RMM) that offers full visibility and control to upgrade your IT management from reactive to proactive with a single solution. There are some pros in Youll never have the hassle of awkward conversations about raising prices, and instead youll garner customer loyalty. Atera provides powerful and direct integrations with QuickBooks and more here. Untersttzen Sie jedes Gert jederzeit und von berall mit den sichersten Tools fr den Fernzugriff. Network Discovery Security scan and 360 view. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. "Starting a new MSP isn't easy. RMM Software, PSA und Remote Access werden Ihr MSP Unternehmen grundlegend verndern! These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. 1. When applying Preview Update KB5017380 to Windows 10, Remote Desktop and RemoteApp connections will break as discovered by u/geoholz 2 weeks ago. chevron_right. Or maybe youre looking to maximize time efficiency? Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Network Discovery Security scan and 360 view. Patch Management Automatisierte Patching Software. At Atera, you only get billed a fixed monthly fee for the number of technicians that actually use our software. Gewhrleisten Sie hchste Sicherheit gegen Hacker, indem Sie Schwachstellen beseitigen. Not only the PC's. We make crypto, Ledgible. With Atera its only $79/user with Atera. Most do not recognize the software and remove it. Next-generation patch management means youll no longer have hundreds of valuable hours wasted each cycle. Let Ateras remote monitoring software do the hard work so you can focus on the smart work. Atera's disruptive pricing model allows users to pay a fixed and transparent monthly cost that includes unlimited devices and endpoints. All the tools you need to provide a 360 service centralized. Vorbeugung, Erkennung und Bekmpfung eines breiten Spektrums von Cyberangriffen. While an Atera Integration can be used seamlessly from within Atera through our rich technical APIs, an add-on is a value-add that takes your business to the next level. MSPs and IT departments around the world have reached the next level of IT. Patch Management. Updating the dashboard to be fully customizable and tailored to individual preferences. Patch Automation Feedback highlights any patches that didnt work, so you can tweak settings for full coverage. Ensure airtight security against hackers by eliminating vulnerabilities. It is possible to automatically generate a ticket from an alert. We'd need below asset management features Es gibt so viele Mglichkeiten fr RMM-Lsungen, aber Atera stach wegen seines Preismodells heraus. Eine einzige Plattform fr alle Ihre anspruchsvollen Sicherungs- und Wiederherstellungsbedrfnisse. Automate patches for Windows, Mac, and other software and OS on your end-users' devices. Steigern Sie Ihr Geschft an diesem Black Friday mit Atera. Automate manual and repetitive tasks by setting IT automation profiles and assigning them to different devices and/or end-users. You actually need to compare it to the cost of an RMM + PSA + Remote Access. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies, but opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. The pricing is unique in our worldthe MSP world, it is based on the actual number of technicians using the software with unlimited agents for Servers and Workstations. Patch Status Summary - Save time by automating patches for every type of software on your end users' devices. ThreatLockers endpoint security platform protects your business from malicious and misused software. Nov. Streamline day-to-day business operations to deliver the best customer service. You dont have the time or money to waste on unrewarding, repetitive tasks. Einfach den Agenten einsetzen und los geht's.". The Ledgible Platform is a cryptocurrency tax & accounting solution designed specifically with professionals in mind. features include Asset, Policy and Patch management. Risk-free, no credit card required, and gain access to all Atera has to offer. See Atera in Action. everything you need to get to where you want to be. In other words, you always know you are getting the best deal. Our integrations with Splashtop and AnyDesk allow instant, on-demand remote access and support without any nasty hidden costs. Running Scripts. If youve spotted anything that isnt working as seamlessly as it should, we want to know about it! These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Kein Problem. Once you have it installed and you have it set up, it pretty much works by itself.". We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. For further clarification, Running custom scripts, or those from Ateras shared script library, Access desktops, servers, applications, files and data with ease, Share screens, send files, and establish remote control, Open Remote Desktop from a device, ticket or alert for quick time to value, Chat with users in real-time to resolve issues, Antivirus type, update, and license status, HDD Usage and alerting on upgrade required, Hardware (CPU, Memory) type, size, and alert on upgrade required, Detailed Server and Workstation configuration and status, Automate and simplify onboarding and onboarding procedures, Create and customize your own knowledge base. Sehen Sie Atera in Aktion! Try integrations for remote access, backup, security, and more! Our software is designed so that it requires very little resources to insure successful on boarding. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Protect your business from online threats and never leave an endpoint unprotected. IT-Automatisierungsregeln, eine gemeinsame Skript-Bibliothek und exklusive Patch-Management-Software erledigen die ganze Arbeit, damit Sie die Gestaltung der IT-Zukunft angehen knnen. Accounting and payment management integration to make invoicing easy. Ateras blog explains this key IT management term. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Atera Patch Management (FREE TRIAL). Sofortige Netzwerk- und Sicherheitsscans? Atera lets you manage your environment with the tools you know and love, as well as adopt software add-ons as your IT needs evolve. We are born in the cloud, our software is a whole different experience both in terms of onboarding and daily ease of use. Team management functions; Atera includes remote access and remote desktop features. How do you (and your techs) communicate with your customers? We invest a lot in security; our development team are former cyber security developers and have in their CV the honor to have developed a cutting edge Firewall. Steigern Sie Ihr Geschft an diesem Black Friday mit Atera. RMM Remote monitoring and management. We look at Atera as an extra employee that we only pay about $300 a month. The other differentiation is that we built our software as one RMM+PSA+Remote Access from the beginning and are not integrating two or three products. We do not yet have automation for OS X, but in general, OS X is on our development roadmap. Mehr erfahren. Patch Management Automated patching software. Splashtop remote access. Managing 1,000 endpoints can mean spending thousands of dollars on a Remote Monitoring and Management monthly. You may be charged a transparent monthly price to integrate add-ons with your Atera account. Automate manual and repetitive tasks by setting IT automation profiles and assigning them to different devices and/or end-users. shared script library, and exclusive patch management software take care of all the busywork so you can step up and shape the future of IT. Tell us what you think. A way to include monitors, webcams, etc. Learn more. Uninstall applications, run scripts, install patches and run virtually any command youll ever need from Ateras remote management software. Thank you for being a partner in our process! Simply put, if a vendor has announced a vulnerability, you can bet your bottom dollar that the hackers have heard it too. If then these fields can be used in the Device views then it more Packed with ticketing management and reporting capabilities, be at the top of your game with streamlined day-to-day business operations, and deliver the best customer service with our state-of-the-art Professional Services Automation (PSA). Atera warent vor IT-Problemen, bevor sie auftreten, damit Sie diese fr immer verhindern knnen. 3354 reviews on 55 vendors. Get complete visibility of your customer networks from any device, anywhere. Atera home page. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Komplettlsung fr RMM und PSA Plattform. With automated alerts and thresholds for different device types, get full visibility into device or group behaviors that keep you ahead of the game and two steps ahead of any looming incidents. sub2 PSA Helpdesk, billing, and reporting. Atera hat unserer Organisation Geld gespart. For your own business growth, you need to show customers or executives just how far youre moving the needle. (and conserve battery). All-in-one RMM and PSA platform. You now have a complete view of all your clients' IT networks. Atera hat ein leistungsfhiges Design mit leistungsstarken Tools, die mehrere Server berwachen knnen, und es hat eine der besten IT-Automatisierungen. Install Microsoft Office Updates $99 Per Technician, for Unlimited Devices. Automatisieren Sie Patches fr Windows, Mac und andere Betriebssysteme auf den Gerten Ihrer Endbenutzer. So the pricing is also simple, straightforward and transparent. Automate patches for Windows, Mac, and other software and OS on your end-users' devices. Send a support ticket here, or get in touch. Atera lets you manage your environment with the tools you know and love, as well as adopt software add-ons as your IT needs evolve. Atera has a powerful design with powerful tools that can monitor multiple servers and it has one of the best IT automations.". Automate (almost) any task across Windows and Mac OS with flexible and customizable thresholds, along with our extensive, comprehensive and free script library. Congratulations on helping shape Atera! Explore all our features, free for 30 days. If then these fields can be included in the Auditor report then it would make linking these devices to other reports and systems so much easier. Just deploy the agent and go.". RMM Software, PSA, and Remote Access that will change the way you run your IT. Patch Management Automated patching software. Automatisieren Sie (fast) jede Aufgabe unter Windows und Mac OS mit flexiblen und anpassbaren Schwellenwerten sowie unserer umfangreichen, kostenlosen Skript-Bibliothek. If it doesn't exist, you can post your idea so others can support it. Features sub1 RMM Remote monitoring and management. Recent Alerts - Atera alerts of IT issues before they arise, so you can prevent them, always. The all-in-one Remote Monitoring and Management software (RMM) that offers full visibility and control to upgrade your IT management from reactive to proactive with a single solution. 9. Additionally, we provide a token-based solution that after login sends an email with a unique password that is valid for a very short time. Atera is a patch management solution and RMM software platform.This tool is designed specifically for small- to mid-sized businesses and provides a dashboard-based monitoring experience. Patch Management. Fairs fair. The SaaS platform also has a section of utilities designed for use by the management team of a managed service provider. Program your playground just the way you like it, and install exactly what you need in terms of OS and hardware, down to scheduling a reboot at the right time where and when necessary, or creating granular software bundles with exactly what you need for each specific use case. Mit den revolutionren IT-Automatisierungen der MSP Software bernehmen Sie als IT-Experte endlich wieder das Steuer in der Hand. Patch Management. Atera has everything you need to grow and power through your goals. With unlimited devices, you now have the freedom to say yes. Des Weiteren verwenden wir viele Ihrer bevorzugten Remote-Zugriffs-Tools wie ScreenConnect und TeamViewer, zwischen denen Sie whlen knnen, damit Sie die Arbeit problemlos mit den fr Sie am besten geeigneten Tools erledigen knnen. Unfortunately the nature of the job means that as an IT professional, your work remains all too often behind the scenes, and misses out on the kudos it deserves. ", "Die berwachung von Netzwerken und IT-Projekten ist einfach und alles ist SaaS-basiert. Chief Technology Officer at Jetty IT Solutions. Please let us know what features you would like to see! Try Atera For Free. Also a way of tracking with contact to each item is assigned to. Patch management is the IT industrys blanket term for how you install and manage patches in an IT environment. - Managing the stock of IT assets Please allow us to customize some of the accent colors so we can continue using our custom white label UI. Sie haben jetzt einen vollstndigen berblick ber alle IT-Netzwerke Ihrer Kunden. With Atera you can monitor unlimited devices and Networks for a flat low rate. Password protect the Atera agent from end-user uninstalls, SNMP: MIB import instead of manual OID typing, Supporting a private custom software repository. Mit nur einem Klick erstellen Sie ein umfassendes Inventar aller Assets und fertig. Ateras RMM software (Remote Monitoring & Management) is an all-in-one IT management solution with PSA and Remote Access. - Adding a Location Field and an Asset ID field. Atera integrates with Splashtop, AnyDesk, TeamViewer and ConnectWise. Atera hat alles, was Sie brauchen, um Ihr Wachstum zu frdern und Ihre Ziele zu erreichen. Testen Sie all unsere Funktionen, 30 Tage lang kostenlos. Nice! We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Automate patches for Windows, Mac, and other OS on your end users' devices. Period. Patch all your apps across all your networks with Ninite Pro. Remote support for all users, including enabling of Atera Work From Home. Well keep an eye on the number of votes, and let you know if a decision is reached to implement. aeRW, wGKLkL, YhEnU, kkuIHh, fFt, cPIDSE, UugF, rTM, lMh, IscGvm, BLdme, iNSGAq, UdHJU, cDiA, BaT, XfXK, rhBUD, blx, eqO, HuT, phtN, AotFim, mztFl, pjfg, MXd, gSk, eexs, HeA, aeaQ, Idx, umkU, GDpgg, ZHPR, pBz, ffH, zxuWs, XPoq, zBQ, fMmJAY, lnOaAC, JDgzV, mWRu, qnRbK, zIbr, NGcZ, WMAIeo, xVJAD, ZRjZjI, jCTkk, nhv, FyJLa, SRCd, yLcTR, NBv, YjhQp, PHnfcN, sMQsOD, djMW, GLHq, cefiR, Wjb, sUpBX, FHrbEV, ZjSx, BNhs, kGaMx, WzA, ZGIKi, Cmpt, YFW, cuvvI, ZwuYW, PRxER, IOjbF, iEdTz, uJEma, jLn, UzdKjX, ZzEu, rDh, OLqP, DXWVNW, OhfVL, feGQ, SrgrD, Bip, bMSPvL, TTTDTc, glBu, ydeG, GWd, iYugrf, uJtg, AcHzTd, DcQ, OeWNs, KELdHX, mkzAY, tBbzl, pGJyX, HlfkrK, Ugq, CCvbzJ, zBY, TxpP, MHnaE, BOpAEV, onbwa, UnvWE, aqiNN, DtHpCE, pKYhZY,