In such a case, policy makers must regulate manufacturers to put environmental effect on their products labels for consumers consideration. Plastic is killing more than 1.1 million seabirds and animals every year and causing harm to an astronomical number of animals. Sign up for our Global Newsletter to stay up today on our cross regional work. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. The report covers a variety of intervention strategies across the lifecycle of plastics from source through use and waste management. Government is the one who must provide enough financial resources to fund the research Tort ten material to replace ten role AT plastic In letter production or dally life context. Step 1: The Overview of the Issue and Academic Evidence. Yet the ultimate goal of a zero waste system is not just to responsibly manage waste rather, it is to understand our waste streams, identify problematic materials, and eliminate those products which do not fit into this system. With plastic production predicted to double in the next 10 years, we should not be steering investors toward spending billions of much-needed dollars on non-functioning waste management schemes. Bookshelf Feed-in tariffs, a type of energy subsidy designed to support renewable energy sources, are ultimately paid for by the public through higher electricity costs or contributions from the national budget. The problem of plastic pollution affects biodiversity and human wellness. Microbial cell factories for bio-based biodegradable plastics production. Sea turtles are the most effected species due to plastic pollution in the oceans. Rapid population growth and poor waste management practice are among the main drivers of plastic pollution in modern times, thus making Africa a hotspot for plastic pollution both now and in the future. Globally, more than eight billion metric tons of plastic have been produced since its first large-scale use in the 1950s. While many studies have been conducted in marine environments, studies in freshwater ecosystems are scarce and insufficient. Plastic waste inputs from land into the ocean. Its consequences affect the whole planet and its inhabitants: it threatens ocean health, the health of marine species, food safety and quality, human health, coastal tourism, and contributes to climate change. Combination of professional development courses. As can be seen in the plot below, the coastal population has a positive correlation with mismanaged plastic waste across counties, which might because the waste generated in the coastal region has a higher risk of entering the ocean and producing severe environmental damage. Encourage Capital, an impact investment firm, also released a report this month titledA Sea of Opportunity, which identifies investment opportunities to reduce marine plastic pollution. Developing solutions for plastic pollution becomes more and more urgent with each new ton of plastics produced. Since the majority of bioplastics are made from sugar and starch materials, to expand their use significantly raises the prospect of competition between growing crops to supply food or plastics, similarly to the diversion of food crops for the manufacture of primary biofuels. Most of the plastic we find in the ocean comes from land: it flows downstream through rivers all the way to the sea. We simply cannot be constantly searching for new ways to manage an ever-increasing amount of waste if we do, we will never be able to truly protect our communities and our oceans. The result is that y developed countries have a small amount of mismanaged plastic waste combined with a significant amount of plastic waste. The study, "Predicted growth in plastic waste exceeds efforts to mitigate plastic pollution," published in the Sept. 18 issue of the journal Science, evaluated the level of effort needed to achieve a targeted global reduction in plastic pollution. Before learning about Plastic Pollution in India it is highly recommended that you watch Ankit Sir's lecture about Plastic Pollution crisis and then come back to this write up. Redesigning and phasing out the cheap, non-recyclable plastic entering the system is absolutely the best thing we can do to protect our oceans. 2:52 PM Analysis: FEC . Count density (pieces km 2 ; see colour bar) of marine plastic debris measured at 1571 stations from 680 net tows and 891 visual survey transects for each of four plastic size classes (0.33-1. . This is because it is written from an ocean perspective, and we need fast action to keep plastic waste out of the ocean. For the bulk of the remainder of the report, there is a principal focus on waste management strategies, and the core financial model of the report is based on investment in waste management technologies. This is not to say that dealing with waste already in the system isnt critically important, but it must be done in a way that encourages redesign and reduction efforts. First is the impact on environment. As we can easily see a large number of plastic bags or other short-lived product discard permanently every day, it is best to conclude that consumers and retailers are identified as the target users of plastic bags/materials. Plastic bag bans and tariffs, as well as expanded polystyrene and other material and product bans, have also shown to be particularly effective in some countries and cities. To solve the problem, you need to understand . In 1950 the world produced only 2 million tonnes per year. As demonstrated from the plot below, I engineered an economic growth variable by the average per capita GPD growing rate of the country. New Yorkers alone use 23 billion plastic bags every year (from NYCDEC). Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Government can encourage individuals/organizations to clean up the plastic waste by absconding such actions. The biggest is the Great Pacific garbage patch, located between Hawaii and California. Plastic Pollution Research Proposal. Both types can end up polluting rivers and oceans. Fifth is the impact on ecosystem. We will write a custom Case Study on Plastic Pollution from a Sociological Standpoint specifically for you. According to the United Nations, at least 800 species worldwide are affected by marine debris, and as much as 80 percent of that litter is plastic. Finally, the report states that incinerators and landfills are rarely the solution, and emphasizes inclusion of waste pickers as well as other solutions models that organizers in the Asia Pacific region have successfully implemented. Developing countries have a significantly higher share of inadequately managed plastic waste, which has the highest risk of pollution. This document aims to contribute to an ongoing policy discussion and debate about the primary focus of efforts to reduce plastic pollution. In contrast, two of the three waste treatment models highlighted inThe Next Wave both of which are based on gasification technology aim to create systems that would give marketplace value to cheap, non-recyclable plastics. vividly portrays the problem. Burning or heating plastics for energy is the equivalent of burning a fossil fuel, and the opposite of renewable energy. [1]Morris, Jeffrey, Comparative LCAs for Curbside Recycling Versus Either Landfilling or Incineration with Energy Recovery, The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, July 2005. Because the discards with highest potential to leak into the oceans are flimsy and without value in recycling markets, there are virtually no responsible management options for them. Alongside, PESTEL Analysis of Patagonia Gold Plc will equip the business for taking advantage of potential growth opportunities through identifying market trends and behaviours. The manufacturers may be forced to consider the use of re-use plastics as raw material as much as possible or even shift to substitute materials that are more environmental friendly. I will take a closer look at it in future work. Data on the presence and amounts of plastic pollution are required to help design effective plastic reduction and mitigation strategies. Clearly, that long-term strategy is an economy designed to eliminate waste and pollution. We also believe that working with cities on immediate solutions to plastic pollution is critically important, although we believe that this needs to go beyond waste management to zero waste systems that send messages up the supply chain, reduce plastics production, and encourage responsible design. Land-based inland pollution contributes 0.5 million tons, at-sea sources contribute 1.75 million tons, and microplastics (<5 mm) contribute 0.95 million tons ( Eunomia 2016 ). The pollutants released in the air affect the ozone layer and cause global warming. Since we have discovered the threat of plastic pollution, we are able to see that we need a strong will to change the current behavior. Another health hazard is given by toxic contaminants that often accumulate on plastics surface, and are then transferred to humans through the consumption of seafood. What could we do to change this behavior of wasting plastics? However, we believe it is the government that is the most effective in persuading the consumer to reduce their plastic consumption. Moreover, where does all the plastic in the ocean come from? An estimated 8.3 billion tons of plastic have been produced since the 1950s thats equivalent to the weight of more than 800,000 Eiffel Towers. According to a report in the scientific journal Nature, about 11 million tons of plastic enter the oceans each year and create wildlife. At the same time, the increasing global spotlight on marine plastic pollution in particular has spurred growing interest in strategy development for the Asia Pacific region. Plastic Pollution in India Plastic Pollution is an important problem in India. Plastic in our oceans can arise from both land-based or marine sources. Plastic generally takes between 500-1000 years to degrade. Yet, not all-plastic waste in the ocean is an effect of littering: many plastics and microplastics are the product of improper manufacturing processes and about 20% of the oceans plastic pollution comes from industrial fishing. Plastic pollution is at crisis level. Some retailers also offer a nominal discount (3 or 4 cents per bag) for the customer who bring the CEO-bag. I measured the per capita mismanaged plastic waste against it. Molecular Modeling Approaches Can Reveal the Molecular Interactions Established between a Biofilm and the Bioactive Compounds of the Essential Oil of. 2015 ). . There are more than 2 million tons of discarded water bottles in landfills across the U.S. 9. The report outlines the problem of plastic pollution in strong terms, and emphasizes the urgent need for solutions that reduce plastic pollution through improved waste management. Burning of plastics introduces pollutants into air and cause air pollution. There is often intense debate about the relative importance of marine and land sources for ocean pollution. While there is a growing emphasis toward the substitution of petrochemically derived plastics by bioplastics, controversy has arisen in regard to how biodegradable the latter actually are in the open environment, and they presently only account for 0.5% of the total mass of plastics manufactured globally. En el litmo captulo, se presentan estudios de casos que exponen los beneficios de las estrategias de basura cero en ocho ciudades diferentes, demostrando que este sistema no solo es muy eficiente, sino tambin fcilmente adaptable a diferentes necesidades y circunstancias. Here are some examples: Sylvia Earle, marine biologist, said: It is the worst of times but it is the best of times because we still have a chance. So, let us make the best of this chance; we can all make choices to protect our planet, it is not too late! The fate of untreated recyclable and non-recyclable plastic wastes lies in open dumping along with other solid waste, and improper management leads to environmental externalities such as pollution . Read more about how emissions can be cut in the three top emitting sectors: energy, agriculture, and waste . . Likely this happens because these countries' waste management infrastructure cannot to keep pace with their rapid industrial and manufacturing growth. Because gasification systems would need this feedstock to function, investments in this technology could create perverse incentives for the continued production and use of materials that would better be redesigned or phased out. 350 5th Ave, New York, NY 10118, USA. 8600 Rockville Pike Abstract: Plastic pollution is one of the fastest growing environmental challenges of our time. 2022 Sep 25;20(10):601. doi: 10.3390/md20100601. The plastic waste per capita in developed countries is significantly higher than in developing countries, as shown below. However, we believe it is necessary to expand the policy throughout the country, to make changes quickly and dynamic. During the nearly 20-year analysis period, national governments instituted some type of policy addressing plastic bags in more than 40 countriesincluding China and Indiacovering a cumulative population of 3.7 billion people. Plastic is one of the most enduring materials man has created. With scaled up investment in these systems and in city-level zero waste programs, we could dramatically reduce plastic pollution at a fraction of the cost of building gasification facilities across Asia, with major benefits for public health, the environment, and our oceans. Sci Prog., Data published by Jambeck, J. R., Geyer, R., Wilcox, C., Siegler, T. R., Perryman, M., Andrady, A., & Law, K. L. (2015). After merging the datasets and doing some feature engineering, the variables in the dataset, shown as below, include country, population, coastal population, economic development, etc. Research quantifying plastic pollution in Indonesia has picked up in recent years. Although quoted values vary, packaging probably accounts for around one third of all plastics used, of which approximately 40% goes to landfill, while 32% escapes the collection system. 20 March 2015. for only $16.05 $11/page. The Next Waves models do count value from materials collected by waste pickers for recycling, a step that is already happening in many places. At first, it may stay in coastal waters, but it can soon be picked up by rotating ocean currents, called gyres, and transported literally anywhere in the world. 2008 Oct;108(2):131-9. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2008.07.025. Since 6% of the current global oil (including natural gas liquids, NGLs) production is used to manufacture plastic commodities - predicted to rise to 20% by 2050 - the current approaches for the manufacture and use of plastics (including their end-use) demand immediate revision. The novel coronavirus epidemic has raised the issue of environmental contamination caused by large-scale improper disposal of medical waste such as disposable masks (DMs). The Programme for the Assessment and Control of Marine Pollution in the Mediterranean (MEDPOL) of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is responsible for the implementation of the Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme (IMAP) for the Pollution and Litter and Noise clusters. The marine life is to the utmost threat with such kind of chemical pollutants. Usually, marine plastic debris groups up in what we call garbage patches, plastic accumulation areas, in the center of the oceans gyres. Last but not least, government can support the research on materials derived from renewable resources. A life cycle study performed by Franklin Associates for the National Association for PET Container Resources (NAPCOR) indicates that the use of recycled PET (RPET) resins can reduce greenhouse gas generation vs. the use of virgin resin by 60 percent (Plastics Recycling . Globally, we produce around 300 million tons of plastic on a yearly basis of which most will become single-use products. Rural areas are exposed to severe environmental pollution issues fed by industrial and agricultural activities combined with poor waste and sanitation management practices, struggling to achieve the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in line with Agenda 2030. Here are several facts about plastic pollution: Plastic Ocean vividly portrays the problem. Recycled Plastic. [Plastic] has a wider and harder to quantify economic impact on lost marine life or reduced beach and water quality These damages, estimated at US$1.25 billion annually, imply that recovering marine plastics is worthwhile. Government is policy makers. As shown below, coastal countries have much higher mismanaged plastic waste per person than landlocked countries. Here, at, we deliver professionally written papers, and the best grades for you from your professors are guaranteed! All Rights Reserved.Privacy Policy | Nonprofit Websites by Elevation. Its consequences affect the whole planet and its inhabitants: it threatens ocean health, the health of marine species, food safety and quality, human health, coastal tourism, and contributes to climate change. I have decided to do my research paper on the effects of synthetic plastics & the amount of pollution it is causing in the Pacific Ocean. How can we deal with plastic-dependency? However, the amount of plastics actually measured in the oceans represents less than 1% of the (at least) 150 Mt reckoned to have been released into the oceans over time. Synthetic plastics are less than a century old but, since the mass expansion of plastic production in the '50s, a staggering 5800 million tonnes of the plastic produced has been disposed of. Epub 2019 Jul 4. iScience. Share your initiative and inspire others with your examples! 6 Effective Content Marketing Strategies You May Have Overlooked, Market Analysis Definition (With Explanation and Examples). , which might because the waste generated in the coastal region has a higher risk of entering the ocean and producing severe environmental damage. The producing of plastic product is predicted to continue growing in the next few years; therefore it is critical o get involvement of the younger generation, in order to make the differences in the future. Although fears that such microparticles and their toxins may be passed via food webs to humans are not as yet substantiated, the direct ingestion of microplastics by humans via drinking water is a distinct possibility - since 92% of samples taken in the USA and 72% in Europe showed their presence - although any consequent health effects are as yet unclear. As plastics are not totally degradable, the small particles are eaten by the water animals. 2012;220:1-44. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-3414-6_1. By continuing well assume you board with our, A Satirical Solution for: Plastic Pollution in the Ocean, How to secure financing as a small business owner, How to Make a Business Plan for Any Business, 7 Crucial Macro Environment Factors to Include in Your Analysis, Macro Environment Examples in the Real World. In summary, our hypothesis-generating data indicate that the plastic-degrading bacteria Bacillus pseudofirmus and Stenotrophomonas rhizophila are over-represented within the endometrial lavage microbiota of women with EC/EH living in Taiwan. Fourth is effect on scenery. Avoid buying and using cosmetics that contain. Thus, the problem of plastic pollution is evident. In this article, we will look at ocean plastic pollution and lay out the data and statistics you need to understand the daunting issue we are facing. Accessibility Much of the plastic pollution enters the ocean from land, and the rest is thought to enter via maritime activities (e.g., fishing vessels, cruise ships). A world drowning in plastic pollution. A review is presented of the manufacture and use of different types of plastic, and the effects of pollution by these materials on animal, human and environmental health, insofar as this is known. The use of plastic bags provides lots of advantages to consumers because of their eightieth, durability and price. Waste is the third largest source of methane emissions, a greenhouse gas over 80 times as potent as CO2. To keep warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius, methane emissions must be cut by 45% this decade. The .gov means its official. As a network of leading zero waste implementers and advocates for pollution prevention, we believe that effective strategies to combat plastic pollution must be about more than waste management. : Mismanaged waste from material that is either littered or inadequately disposed of could eventually enter the ocean via inland waterways, wastewater outflows and transport by wind or tides. This paper discusses how diverting organic waste from landfill is one of the fastest and most affordable ways to lower methane emissions. Revalorization of Microalgae Biomass for Synergistic Interaction and Sustainable Applications: Bioplastic Generation. Polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) float in water due to low density of plastics, while polystyrene (PS), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyamide (PA), and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) with higher density do not float in water, but deposit by inclination through the water column (Guo and Wang, 2019a). When government issues policy to ban or put tax on the SE of plastics in productions, it creates immediate pressure to manufacturers to reconsider manufacturing decision. Younger generation are familiar with social marketing, it is a great chance for the government to collaborate with the private sector to create an influential campaign using the SANS. Plastic pollution is defined as the accumulation of the different types of plastic material on land, as well as in water bodies like rivers, oceans, canals, lakes, etc. Plastics are inexpensive and durable, making them very adaptable for different uses; as a result . Plastic pollution can alter habitats and natural processes, reducing ecosystems' ability to adapt to climate change, directly affecting millions of people's livelihoods, food production capabilities and social well-being. The PESTEL Analysis of Plastic Pollution A Rising Global Threat will take into account the most important aspects of the external environment that impact the business. Several studies have suggested Indonesia to be among the top plastic polluting countries globally. What Is the Macro Environment in Business Analysis? Taxing on the use of plastic bags when shopping helps consumer to shift away from plastic bags to CEO- bags. The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has stated that basically 100% of all plastics human beings have ever created are still in existence. A new analysis from Duke University's Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions suggests efforts to address plastic pollution have slowed worldwide during the COVID-19 pandemic.. Similarly, in this case, government can lead the fight against plastic pollution in various ways. On 27 August 2019 at the World Water Week in Sweden, IUCN launched a report that identified numerous gaps and opportunities for developing a standard methodology to measure the extent of the plastic pollution crisis. Everyday tons of plastic waste is generated in various cities across the world. The Study: Researchers analyzed the impacts of plastic Continued Plastic recycling. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted Plastic pollution is now a "hot" topic and seems to be part of everyday public discourse. 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