australia religion population

Find out more information about the codes we use for responses that do not fit into main categories in Understanding supplementary codes in Census variables. From 2016 to 2021, the highest growth in the number of people reporting to have no religion was in Queensland and Tasmania. The involvement of Christians in Aboriginal affairs has evolved significantly since 1788. The census question about religion is optional, and asks "What is the person's religion? The proportion of the population affiliating with Islam in Tasmania increased from 0.5% to 0.9%. The first census in 1911 showed 96% identified themselves as Christian. Despite this shift, in 2021, almost two-thirds (64.2%) of people in this age group were affiliated with Christianity. Christian churches organised missions during this period, intended to "civilise" Aboriginal communities and spread Christianity. There are broad groups, which are each made up of narrow groups. Australias religious profile has been shaped by waves of migration. [2] Hinduism is the fastest growing religion in Australia mostly through immigration. Share of people who think belief in God is necessary to be moral by country 2019, Share of adults who say belief in God is necessary in order to be moral and have good values worldwide in 2019, by country, Facebook: quarterly number of MAU (monthly active users) worldwide 2008-2022, Quarterly smartphone market share worldwide by vendor 2009-2022, Number of apps available in leading app stores Q3 2022. The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC) is able to inquire into allegations of discrimination on religious grounds. These denominations grew in Australia in the second half of the 20th Century due to post-World War II migration from Eastern Europe. Contents 1 Adherents in 2020 1.1 Notes 2 By proportion 2.1 Christians 2.2 Muslims 2.3 Irreligious and atheist 2.4 Hindus 2.5 Buddhists 2.6 Taoists/Confucianists/Chinese traditional religionists 2.7 Ethnic and indigenous 2.8 Sikhism 2.9 Spiritism 2.10 Judaism 2.11 Jainism Hussein Abdulwahid Ameen, 'Muslims in Our Near North', Section 116 of the Constitution of Australia, Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia, Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, National Council of Churches in Australia. In the past 50 years this proportion has been steadily declining. As in many colonial situations the churches both facilitated the loss of Indigenous Australian culture and religion and also facilitated its maintenance. Christianity was the most famous religious affiliation (52 percent of the population). data than referenced in the text. By effectively limiting the immigration of practitioners of different faiths, this policy ensured that Christianity remained the religion of the overwhelming majority of Australians for the foreseeable future and, indeed, to the present day. Christian affiliation of people in Australia varied across generations. Currently, you are using a shared account. The population estimate as of 31 March 2021 was 25,799 431 people. [40][41][42], In the Torres Strait Islands, the Coming of the Light Festival marks the day the Christian missionaries first arrived on the islands on 1 July 1871 and introduced Christianity to the region. This group makes Australia one of the least religious countries in the developed world. Overview and forecasts on trending topics, Industry and market insights and forecasts, Key figures and rankings about companies and products, Consumer and brand insights and preferences in various industries, Detailed information about political and social topics, All key figures about countries and regions, Market forecast and expert KPIs for 600+ segments in 150+ countries, Insights on consumer attitudes and behavior worldwide, Business information on 60m+ public and private companies, Detailed information for 35,000+ online stores and marketplaces. The Sydney Jewish Museum opened in 1992 to commemorate The Holocaust "challenge visitors' perceptions of democracy, morality, social justice and human rights".[89]. Christianity decreased by more than 1 million peoplebut is still Australias most common religion. Major religion(s): Country major religions. [50] According to the 2021 census, Buddhism has 615,800 adherents: 2.4% of the total population. There had been short-lived efforts to establish Reform congregations as early as the 1890s. [7] Nevertheless, Australia elected its first Catholic prime minister, James Scullin, in 1929 and Sir Isaac Isaacs, a Jew, was appointed governor-general in 1930.[25][26]. Show publisher information [103] This view is prominent among Australia's youth, who were ranked as the least religious worldwide in a 2008 survey conducted by The Christian Science Monitor. [50] Between the 1860s and 1920s around 2000 cameleers were brought from Afghanistan and the north west of British India (now Pakistan) and perhaps 100 families remained in Australia. The Christian festivals of Easter and Christmas are public holidays. Following the 11 September attacks, associations drawn between the political ideology of Osama Bin Laden and the religion of Islam have stirred debate in some quarters in Australia regarding Islam's relationship with the wider community with some advocating greater emphasis on assimilation, and others supporting renewed commitment to diversity. 898 were Australian-born children of migrants (aged under 15 with one or both parents born overseas). While people with no religion are more than 30% of the Australian population,[4] the Australian Bureau of Statistics does not provide information in the annual "1301.0 Year Book Australia" on religious affiliation as to how many people fall into each sub-category. For more information see the Religious affiliation (RELP) variable. Religion in Australia as declared in the 2021 census[1][2][3], Christianity is the largest religion in Australia, though its share of total population has declined significantly over the past several decades. The population of New Zealand in 2020 was 4,822,233, a 0.82% increase from 2019. [92] According to Jennifer Taylor, a historian at Sydney University, it is among Sydney's four most significant religious buildings constructed in the twentieth century. [24] The tensions that came with the First Fleet continued into the 1960s: job vacancy advertisements sometimes included the stipulation of "Protestant preferred" or that "Catholics Need Not Apply". Sikhism has grown in Australia particularly over the past ten years. Not all Christian denominations are declining. Hinduism in Australia Hinduism is a third largest religion in Australia consisting of more than 684,002 followers, making up 2.7% of the population as of the 2021 census. There were a great many different groups, each with their own individual culture, belief structure, and language. The rate of individuals identifying as Christians is declining. The Census religion question is designed to capture a persons religious affiliation. In the 1981 Census, data on Buddhism was released for the first time in response to the arrival of large numbers of Buddhists as Vietnamese refugees in the 1970s. Sikhism has been one of the fastest growing religions in Australia in recent years. Their main countries of birth were Pakistan, Afghanistan, India and Bangladesh. This was 0.2% of the population. 1800s and early 1900s: British and Irish free settlers, 1940s and 1950s: Post World War II migrants from Europe. [7] Of the convicts and settlers, most were members of the established Church of England and Ireland with lesser numbers of Nonconformist Protestants, Catholics and other faiths. There are 13.2 million Christians in Australia (61.1% of the population. This saw a sevenfold increase from the previous census year in the percentage of Australians stating they had no religion. The Yowie and Bunyip are other well known dream spirits. (June 28, 2017). as of 2016, the population of australia had the option to identify their religious affiliations through the census period and the findings show that 30.1% do not have a religious practice or belief, 22.6% of australians are catholic, 13.3% are anglican christian, 3.7% are affiliated with the uniting church, 2.6% identify as christian in general, Torres Strait Islander religion bore similarities to broader Melanesian spirituality. To use individual functions (e.g., mark statistics as favourites, set Comprises Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Other Religions. [2] In the 19th century, Hindus first came to Australia to work on cotton and sugar plantations. Similarly, nearly 60 thousand (57,300) recent migrants were affiliated with Sikhism, and almost all (95.9%) were born in India. [50] Smaller denominations, including the Lutheran Church also have a number of schools in Australia. Anglican and Catholicism have been, and are, the largest Christian denominations in Australia. Sydney's gothic design Great Synagogue, consecrated in 1878, is a notable place of Jewish worship in Australia. Then you can access your favorite statistics via the star in the header. In 1901, immigration was restricted to individuals of European descent, effectively prohibiting the entrance of non-Christians. Religious diversity score : The probability of two people chosen at random having different religions. Australia is becoming more religiously diverse. This is a list of religious populations by number of adherents and countries. In comparison, there were around 250 thousand residents in the. Most of this group arrived in Australia in 2018 and 2017. 2016: The No religion response option was moved from the last to the first response option on the Census form. Wardell also worked on the design of St Patrick's Cathedral, Melbourne among the finest examples of ecclesiastical architecture in Australia. The Anglican Church (named the Church of England until 1981) was the main religious denomination in Australia throughout the 19th and 20th Centuries. This increase indicates a shift away from religious and spiritual viewpoints, by either expressing their beliefs outside of traditional religious institutional settings or not holding a religious or spiritual viewpoint to express. An increase in people reporting to have No religion between 2016 and 2021 was highest for young adults, particularly those aged in their twenties. Section 116 of the Constitution of Australia of 1901 states, "The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance, or for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion, and no religious test shall be required as a qualification for any office or public trust under the Commonwealth.". Australia's Aboriginal peoples developed the spirituality of the Dreaming and some of the earliest evidence on earth for religious practices among humans has been found in the archaeological record of their ancestors. In 1901, the government passed an act limiting immigration to those of European descent in what came to be known as the White Australia Policy. A significant proportion of recent Asylum seekers arriving by boat have been Muslims fleeing the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan and elsewhere. "Historical overview spirituality and work Sydney women, 19201960. In 2021, the number of people who answered the religion question was 93.1% of the population, an increase from 90.9% in 2016. [78] Inter-faith dialogues were also established by Christian and Muslim groups such as The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils and the National Council of Churches in Australia. Immigration from Asia has contributed to this, but some people of non-Asian origin have also converted. In 2021, there were nearly 700 thousand people in the Christianity nfd category (688,400), an increase of 75 thousand since 2016 (76,100). The Global Atheist Convention, a prominent atheist event, has been held in Melbourne. Get full access to all features within our Corporate Solutions. ", Ellis, Julie-Ann. Department of Home Affairs, Statement on ABC Four Corners Reporting. The first Catholic priests arrived in Australia as convicts in 1800, but the Castle Hill Rebellion of 1804 alarmed the British authorities and no further priests were allowed in the colony until 1820, when London sent John Joseph Therry and Philip Connolly. A paid subscription is required for full access. Since 1992 Conservative (Masorti) services have been held as an alternative service usually in the Neuweg, the smaller second synagogue within Temple Emanuel, Woollahra, Sydney. ", Hilliard, David. The Christian footprint in Australian society and culture remains broad, particularly in areas of social welfare and . These belief systems include Taoism, Rastafarianism, Scientology, and Unitarian Universalism (to name a few). [61] The Anglican St Paul's Cathedral, Melbourne, in the iconic hub of the city opposite Flinders Street station. ", Australian Bureau of Statistics, Share of population in Australia in 2016, by religion Statista, (last visited December 12, 2022), Share of population in Australia in 2016, by religion, Available to download in PNG, PDF, XLS format, Number of people in Australia by religion 2016, Number of Christians in Australia by age group 2016, Number of Muslims in Australia by age group 2016, Number of Buddhists in Australia by age group 2016, Number of Hindus in Australia by age group 2016, Number of non religious in Australia by age group 2016, Number of schools in Australia 2021, by affiliation type, Number of independent schools in Australia 2019, by affiliation, Independent school student FTE enrolments in Australia 2019, by affiliation, Leading Islamic schools in Victoria, Australia 2010-2018, by student growth, Distribution of child care services in Australia by management type 2020, Percentage of charities Australia FY 2019, by activity, Expenditure of Islamic Relief Australia FY 2019, by expenditure type, Leading reasons for charitable donations Australia 2018, Number of volunteers Australia 2014 by organization type, Number of marriages in Australia 1901-2020, Number of religious and civil celebrant marriages in Australia 1998-2018, Number of religious marriages in Australia 2018, by minister affiliation, Average number of children born to women in Australia 2016, by religion, Religious or spiritual well-being as source of happiness for Australians 2019, Public perception of the biggest problems facing the country in Australia 2019, Opinion on leading human rights that need protection Australia 2018, Share of negative responses toward selected religions in Australia 2019, by religion, Most important values in life in Australia 2020, Share of people who think belief in God is necessary to be moral by country 2019, Number of people in Singapore by religion 2016, Religious affiliation of young adults in France 2018, Number of Confucians South Korea 1985-2015, Reasons to leave a religion in Denmark 2017, Reasons to leave a religion in Norway 2017, Reasons to leave a religion in Sweden 2017, Uruguay: religion affiliation share 2020, by type, El Salvador: religion affiliation share 2020, by type, Venezuela: religion affiliation share 2020, by type, Find your information in our database containing over 20,000 reports. [39], European culture and Christianity have had a significant impact on Indigenous Australians. 79% of Australia's population growth was due to. Other migration to Australia that has likely impacted the religious landscape includes: The trend of an increase in Other religions and No religion in Australia is reflected in the religious affiliation of migrants who arrived since the last Census. The ABS 2001 Census Dictionary defines "no religion" as a category of religion which has subcategories such as agnosticism, atheism, Humanism and rationalism. [79] Australia and Indonesia co-operated closely following the Bali-bombings, not only in law-enforcement but in improving education and cross-cultural understanding, leading to a marked improvement in relations. Many who remained worked in small business, as camel drivers, merchants and hawkers, selling goods between small rural communities. It will also show which parts of Australia are growing in population and which parts are . The people of this country have been practicing religion in some form for over a thousand years, beginning with the Aboriginal populations. Of migrants who arrived in Australia between 2016 and 2021, there were 210,500 who were affiliated with Hinduism. Subsequently, another synagogue linked to the United States Reform Movement, Temple Emanuel, was established in Sydney. Department of Home Affairs, A History of the Department of Immigration Managing Migration to Australia. The deaths of Australians in bombings by militant Islamic fundamentalists in New York in 2001, Bali in 20025 and London in 2005; as well as the sending of Australian troops to East Timor in 1999, Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003; the arrest of bomb plotters in Australia; and concerns about certain cultural practices such as the wearing of the Burkha have all contributed to a degree of tension in recent times[70][71] A series of comments by a senior Sydney cleric, Sheikh Taj El-Din Hilaly also stirred controversy, particularly his remarks regarding "female modesty" following an incident of gang rape in Sydney[72][73] Australians were among the targets of Islamic Fundamentalists in the Bali bombings in Indonesia and attack on Australian Embassy in Jakarta and the South East Asian militant group Jemaah Islamiyah has been of particular concern to Australians. This may be different from their practice of or participation in a religious activity. Buddhist temples can be very active. Please do not hesitate to contact me. ", Hamilton, Celia. [12] These people are generally regarded as being from the east Indonesian archipelago. This group makes Australia one of the least religious countries in the developed world. [15] Large numbers of Irish Catholics were transported to Australia through the British criminal justice system. Among Australia's oldest are Ebenezer Chapel and the Anglican St Matthew's, Windsor, St Luke's, Liverpool, St Peter's, Campbelltown and St James Church, Sydney, built between 1819 and 1824 by Governor Macquarie's architect, Francis Greenway. [82] 1,140 people identified as Aboriginal Muslims in the 2011 census, almost double the number recorded in the 2001 census. 'Not stated' responses jumped at this point. Christianity nfd was first included as a group in the 1996 Census when the Australian Standard Classification of Religious Groups (ASCRG) was developed. Since that time, Christian leaders have continued to be involved in schools, hospitals, and charities. Generally, older generations were more likely to be affiliated with Christianity and younger generations were more likely to have no religious affiliation. [105] Data on religious affiliation is only collected by the ABS at the five yearly population census. This is defined as the religion to which a person nominates an association. There was a Lutheran population of German descent in South Australia. Hinduism is a minority religion in Australia consisting of more than 684,002 followers, making up 2.7% of the population as of the 2021 census. Most of these migrants (91.9%) were born in India and Nepal. They represented 2.7% of Australians - the same as the proportion affiliated with Hinduism. Exploration of the changes in reported religion in the 2021 Census. [26] Sir Zelman Cowen also served as Governor-General, between 1977 and 1982. Other ethnicities can also be found, though in smaller numbers: Indian (1.7%), Greek (1.6%), Dutch (1.2%), and Other (5.3%). In 1911, it was once as high as 95% of the population. Religious affiliation is output in categories according to Australian Standard Classification of Religious Groups (ASCRG). This increased establishment of churches led to a missionary movement that focused on converting aboriginal people which they successfully carried out. [68] Australia in the later 20th century became a refuge for many Muslims fleeing conflicts including those in Lebanon, Bosnia, Iraq, Iran, Sudan and Afghanistan. Australian Bureau of Statistics. For example, the proportion of the population who reported they had no religion increased from 0.8% in 1966 to 6.7% in 1971 when instructions were added to the religion question. Over ten thousand people stated they had no religion in 1911. In 2006, Anglican affiliation (18.7%) was surpassed by those reporting to have No religion (19.4%). More data related to this article can be found in thedata downloads on theCultural diversity: Censustopic page. [99] This temple follows the Venerable Master Hsing Yun of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist order. The 2021 Australian census data showed that 43.9% of Australians classify themselves Christian, 8.2% less in real terms than just five years prior,[31] The second-largest classification was the 38.9% who identified as "No Religion". Answering this question has always been optional but is answered by nearly all respondents. [17][18], Immigrants brought religious tensions, largely fuelled by historical grievances between Catholics and other Christians, that would continue into the 20th century. From 2016 to 2021 other Christian denominations that increased included Orthodox denominations. Use Ask Statista Research Service. Research expert covering Australia and New Zealand. Religious orders founded many of Australia's hospitals, such as St Vincent's Hospital, Sydney, which was opened as a free hospital in 1857 by the Sisters of Charity and is now Australia's largest not-for-profit health provider and has trained prominent Australian surgeons such as Victor Chang. Since then, the number of responses in this category has grown from 181,900 (1.0% of Australians) in 1996. to incorporate the statistic into your presentation at any time. This was an increase from nearly 600 thousand (592,000) to just over 1 million people. Find your information in our database containing over 20,000 reports, Catholicism, Anglican, and the Uniting Church continue to have a strong community, immigration from the Middle East and Asia, proportion of people who do not identify with a religion, church attendance remaining relatively steady, religion is becoming a less important aspect, the majority of which are affiliated with a religion, Islamic schools have seen some considerable growth, prejudice is often disproportionately weighted on the Muslim community, euthanasia, however, is still hotly debated. [73], Today, over 604,000 people in Australia identify as Muslim, with diverse communities concentrated mainly in Sydney and Melbourne. This was an increase from 2,550 to 9,720 people. [62] Similar design principles were applied at Thredbo Ecumenical Chapel built in the Snowy Mountains in 1996. [93] Dedicated in 1961, it was also the world's fourth Bah House of Worship to be completed. The best of the best: the portal for top lists & rankings: Strategy and business building for the data-driven economy: Religious Diversity in Asia-Pacific region in 2010, by religion, Number of people in Australia by religion 2016, Number of marriages in Australia 1901-2020, Percentage of charities Australia FY 2019, by activity, Number of schools in Australia 2021, by affiliation type, Number of people across Australia in 2016, by religion (in 1,000s), Distribution of religious affiliation in Australia in 2016, Christian church attendance share in Australia 2006-2016, Share of population who attend Christian church in Australia from 2006 to 2016, by census year, Number of Christians in Australia by age group 2016, Number of recorded Christians across Australia in 2016, by age group (in 1,000s), Number of Muslims in Australia by age group 2016, Number of recorded Muslims across Australia in 2016, by age group (in 1,000s), Number of Buddhists in Australia by age group 2016, Number of recorded Buddhists across Australia in 2016, by age group (in 1,000s), Number of Hindus in Australia by age group 2016, Number of recorded Hindus across Australia in 2016, by age group (in 1,000s), Number of non religious in Australia by age group 2016, Number of recorded non religious people across Australia in 2016, by age group (in 1,000s), Total number of schools in Australia in 2021, by affiliation type, Number of independent schools in Australia 2019, by affiliation, Total number of independent schools in Australia in 2019, by affiliation, Independent school student FTE enrolments in Australia 2019, by affiliation, Total number of full time equivalent students enrolled at independent schools in Australia in 2019, by school affiliation, Number of Catholic schools in Australia 2021, by school type, Total number of Catholic schools in Australia in 2021, by school type, Leading Islamic schools in Victoria, Australia 2010-2018, by student growth, Total number of student enrolments at selected Islamic schools in Victoria, Australia in 2010 and 2018, Distribution of child care services in Australia by management type 2020, Distribution of child care services in Australia in 2020, by management type, Distribution of charities in Australia in financial year 2019, by main activity, Expenditure of Islamic Relief Australia FY 2019, by expenditure type, Total expenditure of Islamic Relief Australia in financial year 2019, by expenditure type (in Australian dollars), Leading reasons for charitable donations Australia 2018, Leading reasons for charitable donations in Australia in 2018, Number of volunteers Australia 2014 by organization type, Number of voluntary workers in Australia in 2014, by organization type (in thousands), Number of marriages in Australia from 1901 to 2020, Number of religious and civil celebrant marriages in Australia 1998-2018, Total number of religious and civil celebrant marriages in Australia in 1998, 2008, and 2014 to 2018, Number of religious marriages in Australia 2018, by minister affiliation, Number of marriages administered by a minister of religion in Australia in 2018, by minister affiliation, Average number of children born to women in Australia 2016, by religion, Average number of children born to women by the age of 45 to 49 years in Australia in 2016, by religion, Opinions on euthanasia for terminally ill in Australia 2019, by religion, Opinions on euthanasia for the terminally ill in Australia in 2019, by religious affiliation, Religious or spiritual well-being as source of happiness for Australians 2019, Religious or spiritual well-being as a source of happiness for adults in Australia in 2019, Public perception of the biggest problems facing the country in Australia 2019, Breakdown of public perception of the most important problems facing the country in Australia in 2019, Opinion on leading human rights that need protection Australia 2018, Opinion on most important human rights to be protected in Australia as of June 2018, Share of negative responses toward selected religions in Australia 2019, by religion, Share of negative attitudes toward selected religions in Australia in 2019, by religion, Most important values in life in Australia 2020. Aboriginal beliefs and spirituality, even among those Aboriginal peoples who identify themselves as members of a traditional organised religion, are intrinsically linked to the land generally and to certain sites of significance in particular. People reporting to have No religion were younger than people affiliated with Christianity. Since 1971, this percentage has progressively increased to 38.9% in 2021. The number of non-religious has increased by 50 percent from 2011 since the year 2016. In the 2016 census, two-thirds of Australians stated that they were believers, about half of whom were Christians. This text provides general information. The religion with the highest proportional growth since the last Census was Yezidi. In practice, though, federal governments have respected Section 116 and generally allowed the free practice of religion. Religious freedom prevails. Australian Standard Classification of Religious Groups (ASCRG), Understanding supplementary codes in Census variables, data downloads on theCultural diversity: Censustopic page,,,, Secular Beliefs and Other Spiritual Beliefs and No Religious Affiliation, nfd. Other religions affiliations in 2021 were: Muslim 3.2%; Hindu 2.7%; Buddhist 2.4%; Sikh 0.8%; Jewish (0.4%);[4] and other religions 1.7%. The 1996 census reported that almost 72 percent of Aboriginal peoples practised some form of Christianity and 16 percent listed no religion. Learn more about how Statista can support your business. [49] The Anglican Church educates around 105,000 students and the Uniting Church has around 48 schools. Buddhists began arriving in Australia in significant numbers during the goldrush of the 1850s with an influx of Chinese miners. From the 1970s onwards, under the leadership of Gough Whitlam and Malcolm Fraser, Australia began to pursue multiculturalism. Later in 2012, a similar congregation was established in Sydney, known as Ayelet HaShachar. Trends show that this answer is increasing on the census by 3.9% every ten years. However, there is a wide range of Orthodox congregations, including Mizrachi, Chabad and Adass Israel congregations. Religion in Australia as declared in the 2021 census [1] [2] No religion (38.9%) Roman Catholicism (20%) Anglicanism (9.8%) Other Christian (14.1%) Islam (3.2%) Buddhism (2.4%) Hinduism (2.7%) Other religions (1.7%) Not stated or unclear (7.2%) Major religious affiliations in Australia by census year [3] There are around forty-three Hindu temples in Australia,[97] the Sri Mandir Temple in Auburn, Sydney being the first established in 1977.[98]. The results of the 2011 census indicated that Christianity is the most popular religion in Australia. Technically, this article does not affect the states' authority to legislate on religion. The collection of stories which it contains shaped Aboriginal law and customs. The number of Yezidis in Australia increased from 63 people in 2016 to 4,123 in 2021 (an increase of 6,444%). Almost 126,000 people who arrived in Australia between 2016 and 2021 affiliated with Islam. [37], Prior to British colonisation in Australia, the animist beliefs of Indigenous Australian peoples had been practised for millennia. [44] Prominent Aboriginal Christians have included Pastor David Unaipon, the first Aboriginal author; Pastor Sir Douglas Nicholls, athlete, activist and former Governor of South Australia; Mum (Shirl) Smith, a celebrated Redfern community worker who, assisted by the Sisters of Charity, work to assist Aboriginal peoples. Australia does not have explicit "separation of church and state" -the essence of a secular state- in the sense that countries like the USA do. Secular Beliefs and Other Spiritual Beliefs and No Religious Affiliation. According to the 2001 census, 5,244 persons or less than 0.03 percent of respondents reported practising Aboriginal traditional religions. Nor would it block federal legislation on religion, aside from that establishing an official religion of Australia. Many factors contribute to a persons religious identification including age, ethnicity, and country of origin. Since 2016 however, the median age of this group increased from 31 years to 33 years. An increase in this group may indicate a growing trend of people affiliating more broadly with Christianity rather than specific Christian denominations. The second biggest group of religious identity are Atheists and Agnostics who make up 22.3% of the population. Since the 1970s Islamic schools have been established as well as more than 100 mosques and prayer centres. Clicking on the following button will update the content below. Over the past 50 years, there has been a steady decline in the proportion of Australians who reported an affiliation with Christianity. Yezidis (or Yazidis) are an ancient religious minority, who are mostly from Northern Iraq. [65][66], In later history, throughout the 19th century following British settlement, other Muslims came to Australia including the Muslim 'Afghan' cameleers, who used their camels to transport goods and people through the otherwise unnavigable desert and pioneered a network of camel tracks that later became roads across the Outback. Freedom of Religion was enshrined in Section 116 of the Constitution of Australia of 1901 but the Church of England was not disestablished in the colony of New South Wales until the Church Act of 1836. In view of Section 116 of Australia's constitution ("The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance ) it is commonly believed that Australia is already a "secular state". To this day the vast majority of synagogues in Australia are Orthodox. Religion was an optional question in the 2016 Australian census. [58] In 1901, the Australian Constitution guaranteed Separation of Church and State. Facebook: quarterly number of MAU (monthly active users) worldwide 2008-2022, Quarterly smartphone market share worldwide by vendor 2009-2022, Number of apps available in leading app stores Q3 2022, Research expert covering Australia and New Zealand, Profit from additional features with an Employee Account. In 2021, they accounted for 0.8% of the population (210,400 people). Antiochian Orthodox of Australia and New Z. Lutheran Church also have a number of schools, Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, Australian Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Australia, Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, A Practical Reference to Religious Diversity for Operational Police and Emergency Services, Australian Association for Jewish Studies, Catholic Church sexual abuse cases in Australia, Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, "Australian Bureau of Statistics: 2021 Census of Population and Housing: General Community Profile", "Religious affiliation in Australia | Australian Bureau of Statistics", "Census of Population and Housing: Reflecting Australia - Stories from the Census, 2016: Religion in Australia", "Marrying Out Part One: Not in Front of the Altar", "Aboriginal painting "Coming of the Macassan traders", "Biography Richard Johnson Australian Dictionary of Biography", "Fast facts James Scullin Fast facts Australia's Prime Ministers", "The separation of church and state Secular Party of Australia", "Article 18 Freedom of religion and belief", "2021 Census shows changes in Australia's religious diversity | Australian Bureau of Statistics", "Feature Article: Characteristics of the Population", "2011 Community Profiles: Time Series Profile", 2016 Census of Population and General Community (Sheet G14), "Religious affiliation (RELP) | Australian Bureau of Statistics", "FactCheck Q&A: the facts on birth rates for Muslim couples and non-Muslim couples in Australia", "Indigenous Traditions Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders", "European Network for Indigenous Australian Rights: news", "Indigenous and non-Indigenous reconciliation for the wellbeing of the Australian nation Reconciliation Australia", "Contradictions cloud the apology to the Stolen Generations", "St Vincent's Hospital, history and tradition, sesquicentenary", "Heritage branch | NSW Environment & Heritage", "Benedictine Abbey, Jamberoo, New South Wales, Australia", "Thredbo Chapel Thredbo Ecumenical Church", "Christmas season celebrations in Australia",, "reCollections Australia's Muslim cameleer heritage", "A Multicultural Timeline of Australia: The end of White Australia", "Australias jihad attack plotters jailed for up to 28 years", "Muslim leader blames women for sex attacks | News | the Australian", "Whites fleeing racially mixed schools in Australia: report",, "Indonesia country brief Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade", Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's new-look ministry sworn into office at Government House, "Exhibition shows it's not all black and white | The Australian Jewish News", "A Practical Reference for Religious Diversity for Operational Police and Emergency Services: 2nd Ed", "General Community Profile (Australia) 2016", "God's OK, it's just the religion bit we don't like", "Global survey: youths see spiritual dimension to life", "Census Table 2006 20680-Religious Affiliation (full classification list) by Sex Australia", "Census shows non-Christian religions continue to grow at a faster rate", "PAGANDASH STAND UP AND BE COUNTED Results of the 2011 Census", Australian Standard Classification of Religious Groups (ASCRG), 1266.0, 1996, 1996 Census Dictionary Religion category, 2001 Census Dictionary Religion category, Year Book Australia, 2006. The "Other" ethnicity includes individuals from many countries, particularly European and Asian. Sep 27, 2022 As of March 31, 2022, there were approximately 8.13 million residents in the New South Wales region in Australia. Today, the Catholic education system is the second biggest sector after government schools, with more than 750,000 students in 2018 (and around 21 per cent of all secondary school enrolments). In the past 25 years the proportion of people reporting an affiliation with Other religions has increased from 3.5% in 1996 to 10% of the population in 2021. Among Christians, 55.2% were Catholics, 4.9% were Orthodox Christians (mostly belonging to the Eastern Orthodox Church), 3.8% were Protestants, while the remaining 4.2% were other Christians, belonging to other denominations . Countryaah: Population statistics for 2020 and next 30 years in Australia, covering demographics, population graphs, and official data for growth rates, population density, and death rates. Religion in Australia as declared in the 2021 census [25] No religion (38.9%) Catholicism (20.0%) Protestantism (18.1%) Orthodoxy (2.1%) Other Christian (3.7%) Islam (3.2%) Hinduism (2.7%) Buddhism (2.4%) Other religions (1.7%) Not stated or unclear (7.2%) Main article: Religion in Australia Comprises religion not stated or inadequately described. For instance, if you take two people from anywhere in the country of South Africa, there's an 86% chance they will be of different religious sects or different religions altogether. The second biggest group of religious identity are Atheists and Agnostics who make up 22.3% of the population. The Sydney Bah Temple is situated in Ingleside, a northern suburb of Sydney. In the case of the Torres Strait Islanders who inhabit the islands between Australia and New Guinea, spirituality and customs reflected their Melanesian origins and dependence on the sea.[38]. Islam (2.6 per cent) and Buddhism (2.4 per cent) were the next most common religions reported. Directly accessible data for 170 industries from 50 countries and over 1 million facts: Get quick analyses with our professional research service. This reflects the age profiles of these religions. As at the 2018 census, the majority of New Zealand's population is of European descent (70 percent), with the indigenous Mori being the largest minority (16.5 percent), followed by Asians (15.3 percent), and non . Australia is predominantly a religious country but also have about a third (7 million) indicated not to belong to any religion. In 2012, the first humanistic Jewish congregation, known as Kehilat Kolenu, was established in Melbourne with links to the cultural Jewish youth movement Habonim Dror. Source: Religious affiliation (RELP), Country of birth of person (BPLP). Following these two congregations, a number of other Liberal synagogues have been founded in other cities.[90]. The churches with the largest number of members are the Catholic Church, the Anglican Church of Australia and the Uniting Church in Australia. By 1901 apart from the indigenous population and the descendants of gold rush migrants, Australian society was predominantly Anglo-Celtic, with 40% of the population being Anglican, 23% Catholic, 34% other Christian and about 1% professing non-Christian religions. Religion in Australia - statistics & facts Australia is a secular country with a diverse migrant population and over 120 faiths, yet Australia has traditionally been a majority Christian. In 1998 the HREOC addressed the right to freedom of religion and belief in Australia against article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, stating that "despite the legal protections that apply in different jurisdictions, many Australians suffer discrimination on the basis of religious belief or non-belief, including members of both mainstream and non-mainstream religions, and those of no religious persuasion. 2020 Report on International Religious Freedom: Australia Office of International Religious Freedom. From 2016 to 2021, the highest increase was in responses coded to the supplementary category, Christianity nfd (not further defined). The Census also allows people to respond with secular or spiritual beliefs and to indicate if they have no religious affiliation at all. 3: Due to rounding, figures may not add up to the totals shown. [30] At the 2016 census 9.6% of people declined to answer, or they did not give a response adequate for interpretation. You need at least a Starter Account to use this feature. In 2021, over 2.5 million people reported an affiliation with Other religions. [5] In an optional question in the 2021 Australian National Census, 43.9% of respondents declared some variety of Christianity, with the Christian denominational distribution as follows: Catholicism 20.0%, Anglican 9.8%, Uniting Church 2.7%, Orthodox 2.1%, Presbyterian and Reformed 1.6%, Baptist 1.4%, Pentecostal 1.0%, Lutheran 0.6%, other Protestant 0.5%, and 'other Christian' 3.7%. The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia and other congregations associated with non-British cultures have also expanded. Most were Nepalese and Indian migrants. Catholic Social Services Australia's 63 member organisations help more than a million Australians every year. There is some evidence of Islamic terms and concepts entering northern Aboriginal cultures via these interactions. Due to religious freedom, it is illegal to discriminate against any individual or group on the basis of their religious beliefs. This was an increase of over 600 thousand (617,800) since 2016. 2000s: Humanitarian entrants from Africa and Middle East; skilled migrants from North-east and Southern Asia(1). . At present many Hindus are well-educated professionals in fields such as medicine, engineering, commerce and information technology. (1993, 2001), Living Religion, Pearson Education Australia Pty Ltd, (Malaysia). These increases reflect Australias migration trends. In 1971, the instruction "if no religion, write none" was introduced. [9], Indigenous Australians had their own religious traditions of the Dreaming when British colonisation started in 1788. Indigenous Australians have a complex oral tradition and spiritual values based upon reverence for the land and a belief in the Dreaming. Most were migrants from countries such as Fiji, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore and South Africa. The number almost doubled, from 2,498 to 4,947. Almost 10 million Australians reported having no religion. The Catholic Church (22.6%) and Anglican Church (13.3%) were the two largest Christian denominations identified. In the later 20th century, distinctly Australian approaches were applied at places such as Jambaroo Benedictine Abbey, where natural materials were chosen to "harmonise with the local environment" and the chapel sanctuary is of glass overlooking rainforest. [45] In recent times, Christians such as Fr Ted Kennedy of Redfern,[46] Jesuit human rights lawyer Fr Frank Brennan[47] and the Josephite Sisters have been prominent in working for Aboriginal rights and improvements to standards of living.[48]. Australia's major religion is Christianity with the major denominations including Catholic, Anglican, Uniting Church, Presbyterian and Reformed, Eastern Orthodox, Baptist and Lutheran. liability for the information given being complete or correct. Following the conclusion of the British colonial period, Jews have enjoyed formal equality before the law in Australia and have not been subject to civil disabilities or other forms of state-sponsored anti-Semitism which exclude them from full participation in public life. For example, more than two-thirds (69.4%) of the Interwar generation were affiliated with Christianity and were the least likely to have No religion (18.6%). Australia is one of the least religious nations in the developed world, with religion not described as a central part in many people's lives. "Irish-Catholics of New South Wales and the Labor Party, 18901910,", Laffin, Josephine. Rationalist interests in Australia are represented nationally by the Rationalist Society of Australia. This makes them the second-largest "religious group". The Rainbow Serpent is a major dream spirit for Aboriginal people across Australia. [94], Alexandrian Wiccans and Gardnerian Wiccans arrived in Australia from England and the United States around the late 1960s. The 2006 census[106] shows 53 listed groups down to 5000 members, most of them Christian denominations, many of them national versions such as Greek, Serbian Orthodox and Assyrian Orthodox. Religion. [19], The first chaplain, Richard Johnson, a Church of England cleric, was charged by Governor Arthur Phillip with improving "public morality" in the colony, and he was also heavily involved in health and education.[20]. [11], There is evidence of contact of Indigenous Australians with explorers, fishermen, and survivors of numerous shipwrecks from peoples of various non-Indigenous cultures and faiths prior to British settlement. Australia is becoming more religiously diverse. [94] The Association of Religion Data Archives (relying on World Christian Encyclopedia) estimated some 17,700 Bahs in 2005,[95] and over 19,300 in 2010. Australian National Audit Office, Performance Audit Report 2019-2020, Delivery of the Humanitarian Settlement Program. This is an increase of 391,000 over 2017. This is a misconception: in 1981, the High Court determined that there is in fact no constitutional separation of church and state in Australia. In 1986, the proportion of Anglican affiliation (23.9%) dropped below Catholic affiliation (26.1%). The same period has seen a consistent rise in Other religions and No religion, particularly in the last 20 years. Almost 40 per cent (38.9 per cent) of Australia's population reported having no religion in the 2021 Census, an increase from 30 per cent (30.1 per cent) in 2016 and 22 per cent (22.3 per cent) in 2011. May 12, 2021 Download [130 KB ] Translations . Religion in Australia Religion in Australia as declared in the 2021 census [1] [2] No religion (38.9%) Catholicism (20.0%) Protestantism (18.1%) Other Christian (5.8%) Islam (3.2%) Hinduism (2.7%) Buddhism (2.4%) Sikhism (0.8%) Other religions (0.9%) Not stated or unclear (7.2%) Religion by country Africa Asia Europe North America Oceania Since the arrival of traders, colonizers, and immigrants during the 1700s, many religions have been introduced to the area. ", giving respondents a choice of nine religions, "Other" and "No religion". In general, the likelihood of people becoming unaffiliated with a religion decreased with age. Religion in Austria is predominantly Christianity, adhered to by 68.2% of the country's population according to the 2021 national survey conducted by Statistics Austria. 38.9% declared 'No Religion', and unspecified or not declared represented a further 7.2%. Other religions are practiced by 10.1% of the population. [50] Christian charities such as the Saint Vincent de Paul Society, the Salvation Army, Anglicare, and Youth Off the Streets receive considerable national support. The overwhelming majority (94.7%) of Jains live inside the state capitals, primarily Sydney, Melbourne and Perth.[102]. 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