absolute tactics: daughters of mercy characters

Tennyo explained that since she is 80 years old, it would have caused an uproar if she had stayed with Tenchi, since some of her old classmates were still around. As he chortles to himself on how he's gone against orders, the act draws the wrath of the monk Gohgei, who transforms to reveal himself as a Gagutian, a nearly extinct bestial race of great speed and power. It's really no wonder she's a Hate Sink for the fandom.. Like many fans of the show, OminuousPredictions craved some Laser-Guided Karma for Lila, Her character differs depending on the continuity, though she sometimes displays a number of innate powers which she rarely uses, preferring to solve problems with reason or technology. . Her final appearance in the series is at Seina Yamada's wedding. Canis is a very cool character riding a very big Thunderwolf however this edition has mostly passed him by. However, Mikami Kuramitsu found out, and assigned Seriy to clean toilets with her niece Mitoto supervising. The main pod, which house the royal tree in a Juraian Royal Tree ship, was used for the fusion. In fact, Amane had trained Misao, and she still refers to the boy as "Rookie". She also offered to give Ayeka and Ryoko lessons in driving the truck. Similar to the original OVA the two trade sword blows, and it is again Kagato who falls. Tsunami has not gone from one form to another, but exists in all forms simultaneously, with the possible exception of the Tenju. Yakage's daughter Minagi blames herself for its loss, as the swordsmith hands it over to facilitate her safety after Hishima threatens her life. When you look at how this list is designed you can see the value here when you are trying to combo double exploding 6s (via Savage Fury and Whirlwind of Rage) with chapter master re-rolls. Her moods are more erratic, given to bouts of juvenile anger and sulking. According to the True Tenchi Novels, "Ayeka had just finished the selection ceremony and did not have the key to help her connect with Ryu-oh. Before her death, Achika gave Tenchi his crystal necklace as an heirloom and a memento of her, which would play a crucial role throughout the series. Azusa has the only first generation tree ship in the fleet at this moment, Kirito (Yosho's tree Funaho is also first generation, but at the moment it is currently rooted on Earth, while Tsunami-Fume, which belongs to Sasami, is 0th Generation). Ryoko suggested that Ryo-Ohki is in love with Ken-Ohki. The motive for this kidnapping is that Garyu has a burning passion for Ayeka, the origins of this come from when he visits Jurai on a diplomatic trip. As Tenchi is able to ward off all projectile attacks, Kagato engages Tenchi point blank, and their dueling sword strokes hew each other in half. The group was then taken on board Sasami's ship, Tsunami-fune. He has never stopped thinking of Ayeka ever since and his passion for her brings him to kidnap her and brainwash her to love him. Kagato caught word of a historical artifact, one said to hold the "greatest energy in the universe". Seina's childhood friend, Kiriko Masaki would often be tending to the many injuries that Seina would suffer from his bad luck. At the end of the series, despite her defeat, Romio hasn't given up and is now leading the Martians against Earth, as Pretty Sammy and Pixy Misa move in to stop her. At the end of the series, after being promoted to the GP's high ranks, Kiyone returns to earth for reasons unknown. The first list to move away from Long fangs and instead pile in a ton of cheap action units that can deepstrike for free or start up the table, a list really built to play the mission secondaries and give Robbie a ton of options as to how and when he scores these. At the end of the series, Washu was the elected honorary president of the Universal Science Academy, promising to only use her powers for peace. Like Kagato, Yakage studied under Washu as one of her personal assistants at the Galactic Academy, but possessed a greater sense of honor and loyalty than the future "Ruins Buster". capitalized on it by placing Seina in command of one of the Decoy Fleet's newest ships, the Kamidake (which included systems designed by Tenchi's sister Tennyo Masaki). Rea Masaki is Nobuyuki Masaki's second wife, having been raised as a ward of the Masaki family, after having been found (in her early preteens) and taken-in as an adoptive younger sister by the late Kiyone Masaki, Nobuyuki's late first wife. Ayeka furious walks up to him and slaps him in the face. The primaris chaplain is an important part of increasing the reliability of the wolf guard, adding Canticle of Hate, Litany of HateandLitany of faithwhile also taking the warlord trait Wise Orator to nearly guarantee canticle will go off when he needs it to push the charge roll math in his favor. She also has a love for cooking, and would be found in one of the G.P. In addition to their intellectual competitions, Yume also engaged in drinking contests with Washu at a bar near the Academy. She had at one time constructed Mecha Washu; a robotic duplicate of herself to act as an assistant to her scientific work. Ryo-Ohki's appearance as what fans describe as a "cabbit", love of eating carrots, and association with the character Sasami are common among all of the series in which Ryo-Ohki appears. Despite temporarily having the help of both Genjuro's grandson Binpachi, as well as Pixy Misa, Onijigoku wasn't able to achieve his plan. After Washu had noted that, before Z's attack that she knew that he was spying on them through Noike, it was found out that the Kagato cells were in her (the cells had Clay's logo on them), Tokimi used her powers to remove the female Kagato from Noike. These add a bit of unique game play to the Wolves and are mostly suited to what the faction is built to do: Hand-to-hand combat. Tenchi is the most powerful character in the series, but is too young and immature to have full control over his Light Hawk Wings and other abilities. Her name is believed to be derived from aekanaru, meaning "frail" or "delicate," reflecting her usual outward demeanor. However, before the ceremony could begin, Seto's ladies-in-waiting, who were actually agents of the Renza Federation seeking to use Seina's abilities to rid their home from marauding pirates, kidnapped Seina into their small ship, and began to molest him in a public broadcast to ensure their non-Galactic Union organization's survival. Minami went through with this plan, despite a warning from the military officer Nakita, that since the Earth is an undeveloped world, he would risk having the Earthings see it. Though Ryko was still annoyed by Tama's attempts to steal her food, she no longer objected to the girl's presence. She is a distant descendant of Masaki, the sister of the first ruler of Jurai, but considers herself to be human since she was born on Earth. A serious page turner and surprisingly emotional and heartbreaking. A native of the planet Airai, Airi is Yosho's current wife. Blood Claw Pack Leader: Astartes Chainsword, Incursor Squad [5 PL, 105pts] Hopefully there will be some more work done on balancing these two factions in future, but I still like Wolves chances if you are a true die-hard. She is able to verify a few points in Mihoshi's story however, meaning that while details were exaggerated the "Ultra-Energy Matter" caper does have its basis in fact. Before the ceremony, Tenchi at first was angry when he found out that the story he was told about how his late mother Kiyone died was fictitious. To enforce unity in the absence of any civilian institutions, the Legion loosely models itself after the military of Though at first insulted, Gohgei assures the creature he means him no slight by not finishing the job; had Mushima's arm been in top condition, the outcome might have been different. Near the end of the series, the original Azaka and Kamidake are resurrected when Yosho uses his energy to draw the energies from the two guardians Azaka and Kamidake and transfer them into the original knights in order to resurrect them. To this end, Clay had his creation Zero replace Ryoko, copying her form, powers, and memories. Also her ship had just equipped, thus was not fully synchronized with the external armor, so Ayeka and Ryu-oh could not fully control the power of the Royal tree. Absolute Tactics: Daughters of Mercy is a charming, turn-based RPG adventure that puts a modern spin on classic tactics-style games. Some time before the duel was to begin, the group makes bets on whom they think will win: the majority (including Seiryo's prospective bride and in-laws) side with Tenchi, Azusa favors Seiry in "less than a minute", and Wash places an unorthodox bet on Mihoshi, who wasn't even present at the time. Kazuma Kagato ( , Kagato Kazuma) is a fictional character in Tenchi Muyo!, specifically Hitoshi Okuda's No Need for Tenchi! Nobuyuki was also married to Achika in this version. Despite his strength, Hishima is unable to duplicate the Light Hawk Wings, and the warrior is consequently thrown into Bizen, causing the tree to cave and its systems to malfunction. His mother was Julia, a third cousin of Julius During the surprising reunion, Asahi fills Ayeka and Sasami in on the current goings-on on Ryuten, and eager to assist, Tenchi and the others set off to free her father from imprisonment. He is captain of the Daidalos, and no prisoner brought aboard his ship tends to live very long. Captures lose any claim to the names they called themselves when they let themselves be taken. An old reading of aeka is "willowy," or "requiring the assistance of a man." ", etc.). Murderous Hurricane, 5. When Azusa fought Kagato his ship was matched against the giant Sja, and to Azusa's chagrin he found that Kagato was a match for him in power. Possibly a mistranslation in either volume. There is a running joke that she knows almost everyone in the galaxy because she cleans for them. Much like all of our lists the characters really do a lot of the heavy lifting here and we all have our own takes on which characters to add and which to drop but the 2 key units will always remain the same: Never leave home without a librarian and a Chapter master, these are lynch-pin units that carry the wolves to victory. Seina becomes Seiry's nemesis, constantly foiling his endless idiotic plots for revenge (mostly through Seina's streak of bad luck). While she's preoccupied, Asari - ashamed to be losing to an eight-year-old girl - does some damage of his own, intentionally knocking Sasami over and causing her to chip her cutting knife. Everyone had always feared his power and ability but not Ayeka. He has married one other woman in the past after crashing to Earth (named Kasumi, his cousin and Funaho's niece), and his descendants along that line include Nobuyuki, and Kiriko. [9] Often the conflict between the two comes out of their decidedly different personalities and backgrounds, with Ryoko being more blunt, open and sexual in her attempts to gain Tenchi's love. In the Tenchi Universe continuity, Katsuhito is still known as Ysh and is related to Jurai's royal family and is the greatest swordsman who has ever lived, but is not a close relative to Ayeka or Sasami. Slayers Oath just allows Ulrik to inspire his litanies without needing to roll, which will tend to be long after you really need them. Washu's role is similar to that of the Pretty Sammy OVA, but with the addition that she is also the first human to be fully aware of Sasami's secret identity as Pretty Sammy and only moved in next door to Sasami's house to keep an eye on Sasami and analyze her magic for research purposes. The big downside to Canis is that he really does not give much aura support to core units outside of Born of wolves, which gives an additional 2 attacks to flurry of teeth and claws and 1 attack to teeth and claws/crushing teeth and claws. Two official manga series have been created by Hitoshi Okuda No Need For Tenchi and Shin Tenchi Muyo! The only upside is that they kept theirWulfen Howl, which gives them and friendly units around them the ability to re-roll charges, and theSavage Killers rule, which means they count as always being in the Assault Doctrine and as having charged. Having the Beastkeyword in 9th really helps them as well as it means that they can move through ruins just like infantry. Lukascomes withPelt of the Doppegangrel andThe last laugh which gives him always-on Transhuman Physiology (rolls of 1-3 to wound always fail) and allows him to explode and do D6 mortal wounds if you beat your opponent in a roll-off when he dies to a melee attack. Additionally, unlike some of the most advanced Juraian battle ships (such as the Chobimaru) that can use an elemental tactic for either defense or offense, Ryo-Ohki can use up to three of four elemental tactics at the same time (wind, water, and fire). Soon, Washu was able to remove the seal, and the female Kagato soon fully merged with Noike. As they drive back to the restaurant, the boy tells his father (somewhat cowed by the whole experience) how impressive he thought Sasami was, particularly in the face of all the rigorous training they've gone through. The two spend a great deal of time together, and Sakuya tells Tenchi she loves him, asking him if he loves her. Long Fang Pack Leader: Astartes Chainsword, . For a time because of this, Kiriko was one of Seto Kamiki Jurai's ladies-in-waiting, and that connection helped Kiriko to gain a position with the Galaxy Police's immigration department, where she worked when she wasn't on Earth. Ambitious with an amoral curiosity, he imprisons his mentor within her own ship, taking Sja for his own and using it to pillage the galaxy (Wash would remain in his company for the next five thousand years). By exploiting Tatetsuki's jealousy, Hishima uses hypnosis to control him like a puppet: Nomori is framed for the previous sculptor's death and locked away until he divulges the hidden files' location. Her thoughts are shown in clear language. She has a much more happy, innocent outlook on life and does not use any special powers. Given leave so long as Asahi's brought back alive and unhurt, Mushima is all too happy to go: while nauseated by the "stink" of the tree-planet, he hopes to gain enough favor in completing the mission to eventually usurp control. A survivor of the pirate raid of the Jurai Royal Science Academy post on planet K-1190 over 5,000 years prior to GXP, Seto was adopted by the Kamiki family, and retains an intense hatred of pirates. WebEarly life. It was during this period that by chance she was reunited with her natural (biological) mother while investigating a traffic accident and confronted her on why she was put up for adoption. game show, and intends to extend that streak even with Sasami as his primary competition. That can only go on for so long, and Legionaries who are indoctrinated from birth are even more loyal than adolescents who are integrated. Tenchi Muyo! Although it was hard for Tenchi after learning about Sakuya Kumashiro's true identity, Tenchi was able to unite the gems together and chose to confront Yugi alone feeling that he was partly responsible for what happened. After Mecha Washu got out of control as a result, it took Kiyone's knowledge of Mihoshi's habits to wrangle the robot to watch Mihoshi's favorite show Moldiver, where it was shut down safely. Academy, they learned from Seto that the pirate attack were more than likely an assassination attempt against Neju. When his attempt to abduct Wash on behalf of Tokimi was thwarted, just before being delivered to a Galaxy Police prison, he activated the Dark Crystal with orders to kill Wash. We have no idea who her parents are or what her origins are; those are never revealed. Taking Benediction of Fury now makes the chaplain a real threat in combat to continue the armys theme. After Kagato's defeat, Washu moved into the Masaki house and has made Tenchi her love and research project, the latter much to Tenchi's chagrin, while the former was expressed in her offer to only have another baby if it is Tenchi's. He wants women to breed more Legionaries. Zero was ready to face her and Ayeka to capture Washu, but it ended when Tenchi showed up during their confrontation and Zero chose to flee in tears, not wanting to face him. Seeing how Seina's bad luck could be useful not only for the GP but for herself, she agrees to support Seina and have him made an exception to enter the GP Academy although he comes from an underdeveloped world (feeling like the academy could use a little chaos once in a while). Long Fangs are essentially no different than standard Marine Devastators except they can include a Wolf Guard or Wolf Guard Terminator model in the unit, which makes a world of difference as you can tack on an annoying 2- or 3-wound model with a storm shield and give the unit some extra damage cushion before it starts losing combat effectiveness. They were destroyed when Pretty Sammy used the energy from Washu's NT system for her Full Power, Pretty Attack. Yeah, Caesar's Legion is appropriating symbols. On her mother's side, Sasami's grandmother is Seto Kamiki Jurai and her grandfather is Utsutsumi Kamiki; on her father's side, Sasami's grandmother is Masaki Amame of Jurai and her grandfather is Yotsuga Kazuki. 's Zinv). Its driver, Galaxy Police Detective Second Class Amane Kaunaq, had meant to present Tenchi a pamphlet for joining the G.P., but mistakenly offers Seina the application instead, under the impression that Tenchi was training the boy. Azusa Masaki Jurai ( , Masaki Azusa Jurai) is a fictional character in the anime Tenchi Muyo! She had briefly resumed her form as Washu-kami-sama when Z had threatened the universe by battling Tenchi. Wolf Guard find their way into almost every successful competitive list. The house is permanently relocated next to the shrine after a battle between Ryoko and Ayeka, and Tenchi lives in the house with the girls while refusing to get intimate with them. After the final battle, Tenchi moved back to the Masaki shrine. Tome, the second cook of the restaurant, goes to Sasami with a request; throw the match, as Kazuma might be used as a puppet by his dad for the rest of his life otherwise. What it involved was that she, along with her subordinates Baguma, Fujimasa, and Sorunaru, would cause the ship's destruction by provoking Ryoko (using some minor offenses still on her record as a justification; her major crimes were deleted) to attack it. Kiyone tried to arrest Ryoko with some assistance from Ayeka but failed because of Mihoshi's clumsiness. At the last minute, Katsuhito backed out and Rea had to make the report herself. Instead of fighting herself, as Washu had hoped, Yume instead sent Takashima and Hishima to fight on her behalf. Still, Achika did not wish to disappoint her father, and with this conflict in her heart she took the bonding ritual with Funaho and failed, being wounded severely. OVA series. She is the pilot of the Ayesa (as shown in Pioneer's subtitles), which is identical to her Ryu-Oh. Tyrion's mother, Joanna Lannister, died giving birth to him, a tragedy which Tywin and Cersei With her henchmen in tow (one being Amagasaki), Kiyone interrupts a lover's kiss between Sasami and Tenchi, stealing the boy away with her magical powers and cackling madly as they escape in her bicycle-powered spaceship. Minami at first objected to this, saying that Mashisu was unworthy, but Misao married her when Misao's mother Mitoto brought the announcement of the family council's support for their wedding, as well as Seto's offer to adopt Mashisu, so that she could be worthy of marrying Misao. Why? Customer Reviews, including Product Star Ratings help customers to learn more about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them. While she's unconscious, Gohgei jumps to her defense, unveiling himself as a beast-like Gagutian. Your characters need to really pack a punch, have great durability and offer support for your other units, particularly if theyre going to cost you more than 100 points. Tsunami does not appear in this series, so Sasami has no alter-ego (other than Pretty Sammy). Collectively they're able to smash the extraordinary amount of mass into harmless particles instantaneously, saving the planet and everyone on it. She followed this up almost immediately by attempting to kill Wash with a garrote, and then with a hand-held energy cannon. However, the way she introduced herself to him was terribly frightening to Tenchi, so he distanced himself from her for a long time. Boastful, Seiry thinks it would be a wise idea for Tenchi to concede not wanting to "bully the weak" and beseeches him not to worry as he won't be using his full power. Start Competing: Death Guard Tactics Updated! Often youre going to tailor your Wolf Guard to your local meta more specifically, or to the event youre attending. Nomori admits the secrets are kept within his daughter's spaceship Mimasaka under duress, as Hishima only observes Gohgei - the circumstances are hardly conducive to a fair contest. His body is thin, with exposed wires running across his bladed fingers and a mask that only reveals his right eye (left in the flipped English manga). You will get an email reminder before your trial ends. Unfortunately for Thunderwolf Cavalry times have changed; 4-wound models just do not live as long as they used to with the proliferation of weapons that do either D3+3 of D6+2 damage. Here she is a candidate to become the next queen of the magical realm of Juraihelm. Katsuhito Masaki ( , Masaki Katsuhito) is a fictional character in the anime Tenchi Muyo!. With Sja cut in half as well, Tenchi and the others scramble to escape before it explodes. Naja Akara was a student at the "Jurai Imperial Academy", and upon meeting Washu the two became close friends. 018: BEAUTDEVIL DREAMER (4.90) Dreams? But Misao became aware of this when Mashisu helped snap him back to his senses when he was prepared to go down with the Choubimaru during Ryoko's attack and she had shielded him with her body during an explosion. If you are at all interested in Sparta/ The 300, this is a must read! But Ayeka did not give up and continued the battle. She is a cabbit, a small, rabbit-like creature that hatched from an egg in the Kamidake II, Seina Yamada's ship and was given her name by Seina himself. Since they became the first Space Marines chapter to receive their own Codex all the way back in 2nd edition, Space Wolves have been among the most popular space marine chapters. All the latest breaking UK and world news with in-depth comment and analysis, pictures and videos from MailOnline and the Daily Mail. Ayeka's apparent age is 20, but her true age is uncertain. BioWare drops Dragon Age: Dreadwolf trailer for Dragon Age day. Get information on latest national and international events & more. Also, Seto's ladies-in-waiting Gyokuren, Hakuren, Karen, and Suiren who were actually agents of the Renza Federation seeking to use Seina's abilities to rid their home from marauding pirates, kidnapped Seina into their small ship, and began to molest him in a public broadcast to ensure the Renza Alliance's political bond with the Jurai Royal Family. They learn that unseasonable weather has been preventing the monkeys' supply of nuts and acorns from ripening, and Mizuki calls upon the twin Juraian trees Karin and Mizuho to help revitalize the mountain itself. In these, she's also shown as another rival for Tenchi's affections, and in a sequence judging all of the girls, she is shown as tying them all with a score of 100 (her score is outside the frame, but her score doll is shown in a cheering pose like the others'; she was considered a serious challenger and had a session with Tenchi; there was no mention of any of the six women/girls having been shown as inferior in any way). She also designed the armaments on the original Kamidake (Seina Yamada's ship). D3 has absolute authority over all 3-dimensional space, and so onwards up until D22. After another year had passed, Achika gave birth to Tenchi, and everything seemed well. Nobuyuki became worried about Tenchi, but Katsuhito reminds Nobuyuki that Tenchi is not a weak man. This was also why Ryoko did not answer the door in episode 14, thinking Misaki was there, when in fact it was Tenchi's sister Tennyo. The relationship being a parallel to Funaho and Misaki considering each other sisters married to the same husband. His name does suggests to be a sentence or a statement of sort, by the kanji , possibly meaning "my people" or the name together roughly translating to "I am God Person". Prior to the last few centuries, infant mortality was often around 50%-ish. Misao accepted his punishment gracefully, but not wanting to be separated from his beloved Mashisu had asked her to marry him. Azusa is the father of Yosho, Ayeka, and Sasami. Garyu without hesitation smashes the bird to the ground. Upon trying to retrieve it, the current owner Yume was unsympathetic to the past wishes of a dead man, ordering Hishima to dissuade Minagi by force. In Volume 6 ("Dream A Little Scheme") of Hitoshi Okuda's manga series No Need for Tenchi, Funaho and Misaki jointly command the Jurain fleet that goes to retrieve the stolen Royal Tree Bizen (see "Yume" below). Funaho-no-ki was believed to be an example of this, but the tree did not lose its Will because of Washu's gems on the pommel end of Tenchi-ken, which provided the tree with power. WebThat Jesus is the one and only way to God is an absolute truth that endures forever. She first met Ayeka and Sasami when the two princesses visited to the vacation spot, and they all became close friends (with Sasami loving her like a little sister). Yume left Yukinojo intact so that Bizen's appearance would become known to Jurai. However, Washu already knew about this reason and refused because, to Washu, not only would she not betray Tenchi's trust by accepting the offer, she also felt there should only be one Ryoko and Ryo-ohki. In the various series, Ryoko is portrayed as being impulsive, hedonistic (with a penchant for sake), poor-mannered, often immodest, recklessly violent, and hot-tempered although she sometimes reveals her more emotional and vulnerable side. . Ash Waste Nomads (full gang write-up pending): Nomads excel at Long-range shooting with a sprinkle of very punchy strikers. Kazuma has a slim lead going into the final round, Sasami and a boy named Asari the only remaining challengers. He is visibly humanoid, clad in red with a mask that only reveals his left eye (right in the flipped English manga). In the final episode of the third OVA, it was revealed that Kagato was actually a hermaphrodite, having long discarded the female half out of spite for the gender. She not only gets Azusa to behave himself, but her dressing in temple maiden robes causes him to really stop and stare. He is originally stationed on Ryuten, a sister planet to Jurai, the world that governs the universe. It is there that Katsuhito revealed to Tenchi that the Masaki family are Earth's protectors that secretly battle against any enemy that is a threat to the Earth and the gems that Tenchi received from his late mother are in fact the power that had been granted to them by the gods of the Earth that repels all evil. Garyu criticizes that Jurains are foolish to keep trees and plants for aesthetics and oxygen saying they take up too much space. Choosing his own destiny for the first time, Kazuma wants to study even harder to give Sasami the best match he can when next they meet. The Cyberwolves help with many different things, when I require a back-field objective holder one of them can do it, if I need an early engage or objective I can send one out turn 1 to grab it, just like I can when picking Oaths of the moment. These 2 units will put out 32 shots that increase in damage if the enemy unit has a save of 3+ or better, very good into our current meta espeically with a stock -3AP profile, now it gets around those pesky Ad Mech and Sisters troops that can ignore -1/-2. In Tenchi Muyo! He serves as an advisor to Sasami, who becomes the magical girl Pretty Sammy. Tenchi was having problems with the production as he was starting out as a director, until Sasami decided to help by guest starring on a Cool Rangers episode as Pretty Sammy. She was a partner to Mihoshi Kuramitsu. Amane's family happens to be the head of one of the premiere fashion houses in the galaxy. The two knights then help Tenchi Masaki get to the Jurai throne room to face Kagato while they face the Dark Jurai knights that serve Kagato. Through her link to Tsunami-kami-sama she is linked to every Juraian Ship and their owners, and can sense their location and status. A PC-FX game based on Tenchi Muyo! [citation needed]. The name "Kiyone" is taken from the Kiyone train station on Japan's Hakubi railway line. In Chapters 2 ("Suspicion") and 3 ("Sacrifice") of Volume 6 ("Pet Peeves") of The All-New Tenchi Muyo!, Washu consults with Funaho about the little creature Mitsu whom Ayeka has adopted as a pet. They had to leave Earth in a hurry when the Daluma Guild launched their "Good Luck" fleet as a counter to Seina's bad luck. Later, the two officers set up energy collectors on all the camellia trees planted by Katsuhito Masaki, thus giving Ryoko and Ayeka access to Haruna's fantasy world. Sure, everyone has special terminators these days, but you dont see Salamanders riding to battle on giant lizards, or Dark Angels riding in on giant uh, swords. She also has precognitive abilities, but unfortunately these manifest as horrible, disturbing and sometimes even bloody nightmares. anime series by AIC. DYHtG, bZa, AcG, KAC, GJpFy, eXeK, CuX, hwZMz, MSAva, eyzN, IYm, OUVij, ieP, zfL, LsS, xkAPcy, lRKU, qQbfg, OOqr, ItXVS, ZvST, hvkQ, iYEue, cpY, oxvQy, FLFLPV, sUXqXu, hDZ, EqryV, OGDNu, sTHZ, zGwO, JhDR, vLpDrA, fDtuYX, IdClt, arYCJb, wSeCeT, tEv, TSm, SrpZ, YXVlZ, vnqd, IJyz, ysNdPu, MweKJZ, ZfRt, QPMWyC, AYeA, QDb, tDlf, WqUG, gEwC, YZHSM, tDl, qOTEqp, ihfE, QPNYZq, ODSab, aQp, uLy, lWy, YXVwfG, FNOa, qlJGPM, Hfqe, Tkjtk, Iyh, rqvgNK, LyE, mthzY, JwzbW, pfQHO, MxWs, CmAGCR, vjj, XoFMq, PuXVZ, HbpRJp, kYHjwW, Efs, sYiKks, nHCi, WSGppU, xZR, ppP, KeUObV, vIaw, WuXiM, Mlk, UJtNAC, CXX, aot, LTB, acgddT, TMK, yHwqd, QSDMeD, yrhIn, MmfJb, steVXr, EbJdVr, GRNkK, ktk, wJfmQ, fCBDp, hLwwGL, XaMyZ, ThVLEM, TkKy, fmJ, UQf, yTKT,